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Standard III Faculty.

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1 Standard III Faculty

2 III.1 Faculty is capable of meeting program objectives
Not only this… But also this, for example… List of faculty with rank and areas of specialization Appendix providing current CVs of full-time and adjunct faculty Table that shows relationships between faculty, their expertise, and student learning outcomes III.1 Faculty is capable of meeting program objectives

3 III.2 High priority for teaching, research and service
Not only this… But also this, for example… Appendix with current CVs of faculty. Access to university policies for tenure and promotion Description of institutional resources to support teaching and research Descriptions of institutional incentives and/or rewards for teaching, research and service. Description of faculty review process related to teaching, research and service III.2 High priority for teaching, research and service

4 III.3 Polices support recruiting and retaining diverse faculty
Not only this… But also this, for example… List of faculty identifying racial and ethnic group representation Access to university policies for faculty recruitment Description of institutional resources for faculty retention Description of program initiatives to recruit and retain diverse faculty III.3 Polices support recruiting and retaining diverse faculty

5 Not only this… But also this , for example… List of institutional resources to support faculty expertise in pedagogy and technology List of faculty engagement in activities to enhance expertise in pedagogy and technology Table demonstrating faculty activities within relevant professional organizations Table showing faculty scores in student evaluation criteria related to relevant pedagogy and technology III.4 Faculty qualified in designated areas, technology, and pedagogy; active in relevant organizations.

6 III.5 Sustained records of scholarship/research
Not only this… But also this, for example… Appendix with current faculty CVs Table showing quantity of faculty scholarly/professional works classified as peer-review journals, book chapters, peer-review presentations, editorial works, reviews, etc. over the program review cycle. III.5 Sustained records of scholarship/research

7 Not only this… But also this, for example… Appendix of current faculty CVs Table showing institutions granting faculty degrees, type of terminal degree (e.g.., PhD, JD, EdD), area of study emphasis III.6 Advanced degrees from various institutions; diversity of backgrounds

8 III.7 Faculty assignments match program needs and competencies
Not only this… But also this, for example… List of faculty areas of expertise Matrix showing areas of faculty expertise aligned with teaching assignments III.7 Faculty assignments match program needs and competencies

9 III.8 Systematic faculty evaluation
Not only this… But also this, for example… Access to institutional policies regarding faculty review Description of program-level faculty including, who is reviewed (e.g., full-time/part-time, tenured/non-tenured, etc.) and by whom (e.g., students, peers, program head), and how often III.8 Systematic faculty evaluation

10 III.9 Data to substantiate evaluation of faculty
Not only this… But also this, for example… Reference to institutional policies and procedures Timeline showing faculty evaluation schedules indicating completion of formal faculty evaluations over the review cycle List of tenure/promotion decisions over review cycle III.9 Data to substantiate evaluation of faculty

11 III.10 Results of faculty evaluation used to improve program and plan
Not only this… But also this, for example… Summaries of faculty accomplishments in teaching, research and service List of program improvements supported through evaluation of faculty, e.g., additional support (time or funds) for research, changes to teaching assignments, decisions related to adjunct faculty assignments, etc. III.10 Results of faculty evaluation used to improve program and plan

12 Suggestions for Standard III documentation
Use graphics to represent process Give concrete examples Use tables to organize information Use timelines to illustrate process Suggestions for Standard III documentation

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