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Anti-leprotics Chaulmoogra oil.

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1 Anti-leprotics Chaulmoogra oil

2 OBJECTIVES On completion of this period you would be able to learn about The monograph of the anti-leprotic Drug CHAULMOOGRA OIL

3 Fig.44.1 Hydnocarpus Anthelmintica

4 CHAULMOOGRA OIL Syn : Hydnocarpus oil, Gynocardia oil (English) Nirodi vittula nune (Telugu)
Biological Source : Fixed oil from seeds of Hydnocarpus anthelmintica Hydnocarpus heterophylla Family : Flacourtriaceae Geographical Sources : Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka Bangladesh, East India (Assam and Tripura) Fig.44.2 Hydnocarpus tree

5 PREPARATION Seeds (Sub-ovoid, obtuse and angular, 2cm length,
contain 40-45% fixed oil) Graded, machine decorticated, hydraulic pressed Oil Filter Yellow oil with characteristic odour and acrid taste

6 STANDARDS Acid Value : not less than 13 Saponification Value : 195-213
Iodine value :

Esters of unsaturated fatty acids of Chaulmoogric Acid (27%) Hydnocarpic Acid (48%) Glycerides of Palmitic Acid

8 USES The unsaturated fatty acids have strong
bactericidal effect against Mycobacterium leprae Mycobacterium tuberculosis Useful in the treatment of Tuberculosis Leprosy, Psoriasis and Rheumatism FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY Fig.44.4 Chaulmoogra oil

Stored in closed containers in cool place and protect from light Substitutes: Widely substituted by Hydnocarpus weightiana Hydnocarpus alpine

10 SUMMARY In this class we learnt about Chaulmoogra oil
Contains unsaturated fatty acids Effective against Leprosy Caused by Mycobacterium leprae

11 QUIZ 1. The active constituents of Chaulmoogra oil are a) Alkaloids
b) Unsaturated fatty acids c) Glycosides d) Tannins

12 QUIZ 2. Leprosy is caused by the organism a) Mycobacterium leprae
b) Plasmodium vivax c) Entamoeba hystolytica d) None of the above

1. Write the Botanical Source and Chemical Constituents of Chaulmoogra 2. Give example for an Anti-leprotic drug. Write the Botanical Source and the Chemical constituents

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