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C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
BigDAPHNE … take 2 October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
For next meeting @All please send feedback by Wednesday about the proposal of substituting SW Carpentry with the school at pg7 this school would become the “Esablishing the ground please reads the physics description part on the proposal next week I want to define a strategy to improve this part. More info in the slides where I have added comments from the meeting. October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Experiments ATLAS Euclid Virgo ok for Pisa Rosy: Jean Luc Saclay EUCLID ok to participate Stefania: EUCLID in Lecce, ok to keep INAF Chara: Virgo ok in AUTH contact other partners ok Nikos: EUCLID ok October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Confirmed participation
Clarify interaction Dropped: SoBigData Movie Confirmed participation Clarify interaction October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Partners CERN: Confirmed participation. Consult for school ? Change of division no possibility to participate Substitute with Greek company They agree to help for 2nd school on BigData with CERN ENEL dropped out 2 Secondments lost NET7 came in offer secondments in geographical or medical applications, small company based in Pisa offer 1 secondment I got in touch with CapGemini - we are discussing possibility for a secondment October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
More on secondments Stefania: contact with Unicredit willing to go on Nikos: NCC, TfL in contact ok; Semblent not responsive Rosy: contact with Bernardo needs to give information; also will start to search for other companies Chara: searching… October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Partners Make INFN Beneficiary ? Contact ?? Question: substitute SW Carpentry with more advanced school and drop teaching as instructor ? Possible school to establish common ground: October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Secondment projects Companies – (not real issues for the evaluation) some of the secondments not in companies no companies in Greece Stefania contact with bank … still possible ? October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Training events October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
SAS for school non in science ?
l October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
SAS academic program Certificates October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Excellence - weakness Need to be more specific in what aspects of the BigDATA we want to explore. Here we need help from experts; synergies with EU-INFN projects: Indico DataCloud ((H2020-einfrastructures) – Stefania contact with Salomoni EGI Engage: - ExaNeSt (H2020-FETHPC) EU Exascale System Interconnect and Storage HNSciCloud (H2020-ICT) Helix Nebula – The Science Cloud Stefania: development of SW infrastructure. Possible interest for a project CMCC that is a bigdataproject on metereology. October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Mail from A.D’Orazio …ho riletto il progetto e purtroppo ti devo dire che non ti stai facendo troppi problemi. E’ effettivamente un punto molto debole. Praticamente la risposta al il criterio di valutazione 'quality and innovative aspect of the research programme’ è quasi inesistente. L’originalità nel percorso di dottorato è ottima, ma il collante fra le aree fisiche del programma di ricerca non può essere solo BigData, il cui inserimento è valutato praticamente solo sotto il criterio 'quality and innovative aspect of the training programme’. In questo momento il progetto non spiega come ci sarà un knowledge transfer fra gli studenti di un area di fisica all’altra (LHC, VIRGO, etc..). Dovreste argomentare di più la parte di fisica e spiegare bene how PhD students can be involved in so diverse areas while benefitting from the program as a whole. I have also sent the Ev.Report to National Contact (D’Agostino) and to two collegaues of mine that are EU evaluators. October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
ETN vs EJD Success rate 2016: 9.5% per EJD e 6.6% per ETN Very similar rules – see pg. 26 of Guide for applicants But… pg42 October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
Work Packages Merge 3 and 4 ? October 17th 2016 ITN.EJD C.Roda Universita` e INFN Pisa
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