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Limitation Periods The PEOPIL proposal

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Presentation on theme: "Limitation Periods The PEOPIL proposal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Limitation Periods The PEOPIL proposal

2 The problem - Length of limitation periods
- Commencement of running time - Concept of the ‘date of knowledge’ of the person injured - Discretionary power of the courts to extend the commencement of the limitation - Period byond the date on which accident happened - Commencement of running time for disabled and minors - Ability and way to stop or interrupt the running of limitation burden of proof and evidence governing the expiry of limitation defense

3 Practical dimension of the problem
Negative effects on victims delay & unnecessary distress Need to issue court proceedings Delay in obtaining interim payments for re Right to compensation denied to victim

4 Practical dimension of the problem
Negative effects on insurance companies Increase in litigation costs

5 PEOPIL Proposal 2004 clear set of rules for limitation periods in:
cross border cases primary and secundary victims

6 PEOPIL proposal general limitation period: 4 years
longer limitation period: if proper law has longer period

7 PEOPIL proposal beginning of limitation period (art 8-12)
suspension (art 13-15) interruption (art 16-17) minors and disabled persons (art 20-21)

8 What happened with the proposal
European Parliament initiative 2006 Stockholm program Consultation paper EC cross border RTA 2009 Response PEOPIL: proposal limitation period in cross border accidents 2012

9 What problem? Emperical evidence that limitation periode cause problems? Financial and commercial interest?

10 The road ahead

11 Thank you for your attention


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