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Main Characteristics of Fungi

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1 Main Characteristics of Fungi
They have thread-like bodies Their cell walls contain chitin Chitin is also found in the outer covering of insects They are heterotrophic They obtain energy by breaking down material in their environment

2 Structure of Fungi The threadlike strands that make up the body of a fungus are called hyphae The hyphae form a tangled mass called a mycelium Most of a fungus is underground – the parts we see are the reproductive structures The benefit of being made up of many strands is having a large surface area to absorb food

3 Structure of Fungi Hyphae Mycelium

4 Obtaining Nutrients Fungi release enzymes that break down matter in the environment into nutrients Saprobes are fungi that absorb nutrients from dead organisms

5 Reproduction Most fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually
The sexual reproductive structure of a fungus is called the fruiting body which is a tightly woven mycelium that we see above ground (mushroom) The benefit of sexual reproduction in fungi is genetic diversity which increases the chance of survival in a changing environment

6 Reproduction Fruiting Body Mycelium Hyphae

7 Reproduction When the environment is not stressful, fungi reproduce asexually The benefit of reproducing Asexually is it allows the fungus to spread rapidly

8 Club Fungi This group includes mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, rusts, & smuts They are characterized by their club-like sexual reproductive structure

9 Fungal Partnerships Fungi form mutualistic symbiotic relationships with other organisms where both members benefit Lichen Partnership between a fungus and photosynthetic partner Mycorrhiza Partnership between a fungus and roots of almost all plants

10 Fungi & Industry Fungi are used for Food Medicines Research
Pest Control

11 Fungi & the Ecosystem Fungi play HUGE ecological roles by decomposing organic matter and by breaking down and absorbing minerals from rocks and soil

12 Fungi & Disease Fungi can grow on or inside tissues of the body
Dermatophytes cause athlete’s foot, toenail fungus and ringworm Fungal infections can be difficult to cure because they grow within the tissues of the host

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