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Your new essential work tool

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1 Your new essential work tool
Microsoft OneNote Your new essential work tool

2 Brainstorm Create Picnic People Food Place

3 Organize Create Picnic Place People Food

4 Web Pages Capture

5 Capture

6 Procedures Share

7 Research Paper Guidelines
*You will write a research paper about a controversial issue in science. You should have chosen a topic already. Your final draft will be at least seven good paragraphs in length. It will include your works cited page at the end. In addition to the final draft, you will need to prepare an outline and your I-Chart. Let’s review the requirements: Audience: Teacher and others who do not know a lot about the topic. Purpose: To inform by answering popular questions about the topic and to persuade others to favor one side of the issue. Voice: Scholarly. This means mature language, limited first person (only in the case of relevant personal experience), and original thought supported by evidence. Length: At least seven good paragraphs. You may use only two long direct quotes; only one may exceed four lines of your paper, and none should exceed one paragraph. Type: Must be typed in a typeface font (Times New Roman, Courier, Arial, Calibri, etc.), double spaced, size Must also follow MLA conventions (see reverse). Sources: You must use at least seven sources. At least three of these must be print sources. This means from a book, magazine, newspaper, online journal, or encyclopedia. You must also use at least two electronic sources. You might want to use a video for one of those sources. *One easy (and fun!) way to organize your research paper is to use an “I-Chart.” We will each make an I-Chart in class together. An example of one is included in your research materials. Your I-Chart will help you organize your paper. *Please see the sheet labeled “Final Checklist” for important information about the organization and format of your research paper. When you have completed your paper, you should have a peer, a sibling, or a parent read your paper and initial this checklist. This will help you to improve the final draft. *We will spend a lot of time in class working on this paper between now and _______________, when it is due. However, you are going to want to work on it outside of class as well. The local public library may have resources that would help you that our library does not have; you may even want to interview experts in the subjects you are researching. If the information you want is highly technical, you may want to try the libraries at the University of Utah or Weber State. Lessons Share

8 Handouts Share

9 Archive Policies Davis School District Policy and Procedures
Subject: 4I-202 School Library Media Centers Index: Instructional Programs Adopted: October 1, 2013 PURPOSE AND PHILOSOPHY The school library media centers of the Davis School District (District) exist to provide informational resources for teachers and students, to assist students in developing literacy and research skills, and to provide recreational reading opportunities. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT School library collection development is the ongoing process of identifying strengths and weaknesses of the school library’s collection of print, non-print, electronic resources, and equipment in relation to student and staff needs. School library media centers shall provide a broad range of educational, informational, and recreational reading resources. Policies Archive

10 Purchase Orders Archive

11 Invoices Archive

12 Create Microsoft OneNote

13 Create Capture Microsoft OneNote

14 Create Capture Share Microsoft OneNote

15 Create Capture Share Archive Microsoft OneNote

16 Microsoft OneNote Create Capture Share Archive
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