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Published byMarlene Dickerson Modified over 6 years ago
1. When did Congress abrogate the laws prohibiting women from voting and owning property?
Abrogate - verb Parts: ab (apart, away); rog (ask); ate (cause, make) Educated Guess: Definition: To abolish or annum by authority as a law or custom. Synonyms: repeal, annul, abolish, cancel Antonyms: enact Variant forms: abrogation (noun) Context Phrase:
2. Political candidates must prepare to cope with animadversion of their opponents.
Animadversion - noun Parts:anim(life, soul,spirit); ad(very); vers(turn) ion(act of) Educated Guess: Definition: Strong criticism; a critical or censorious remark Synonyms: criticism, censure, condemnation Antonyms: praise, laudation, commendation, plaudits Variant forms: animadvert (verb) Context Phrase
3. Expecting the movie to be intellectually stimulating, we were disappointed by its bathos.
Bathos - noun Parts: bathy (deep) Educated Guess: Definition: A descent from the lofty to the commonplace in discourse, A lapse in mood from the sublime to the absurd or trivial, Insincere pity or sadness Synonyms: anticlimax, banality, triteness, sentimentality Antonyms: na Variant forms: Context Phrase:
4. He tried to circumvent answering his mother’s question by pretending he had not heard it.
Circumvent: verb Parts: circum ( around); vent (go come) Educated Guess: Definition: To surround as an enemy; to enclose or entrap; to get around by skillful maneuvering; to find a way around. Synonyms: encircle, surround, outwit, forestall, evade Antonyms: confront Variant forms: circumvention (n), circumventive (adj) Context Phrase:
5. Do most advertisements and commercials encourage continence or indulgence?
Continence - noun Parts: con (together, with) tin (hold, keep); ence (state of) Educated Guess: Definition: Self-restraint, especially in sexual passion, moderation, temperance; Voluntary control over body waste Synonyms: abstinence, chastity, self-restraint Antonyms: indulgence, promiscuity, incontinence Variant forms: continent (adj) Context Phrase:
6. The young prince learned that the royal family is expected to dissemble their emotions, even grief, and to appear strong. Dissemble- verb Parts: dis ( apart, away); sembl (appear, seem) Educated Guess: Definition: to conceal or disguise true intentions or feelings behind a false appearance, to pretend not to notice Synonyms: mask, feign, disguise, conceal, fake Antonyms: reveal, manifest Variant forms: dissemblance (n), dissembler (n) Context Phrase:
7. The counselor will disseminate the scholarship information to all students.
Disseminate (verb) Parts: dis (apart, away); semin (seed); ate (cause, make) Educated Guess: Definition: To scatter widely, as sowing seeds Synonyms:spread, scatter, distribute, disperse Antonyms: collect, hoard Variant forms: dissemination (noun) Context Phrase:
8. She had struggled with the math problem for hours, but the epiphany was worth the effort.
Epiphany - noun Parts: epi(upon); phan (show, reveal); y (result of) Educated Guess: Definition: The manifestation of Christ to the Magi, traditionally observed on Jan. 6; a moment of profound insight or understanding Synonyms: revelation, discovery Antonyms: na Variant forms: epiphanic (adj) Context Phrase:
9. Impatient with Gary’s feckless effort, his employer fired him at the end of the first week.
Feckless - adjective Parts: feck[fect] (make); less (without) Educated Guess: Definition: careless and irresponsible; having no effect Synonyms: feeble, ineffective, futile, irresponsible Antonyms: effective, responsible, useful Variant forms: fectlessness (noun) Context Phrase:
10. In reality, Jupiter is massive, but from here it appears infinitesimal.
Infinitesimal - adjective Parts: in(not)finis(end)esimus(hundredth)al(related to) Educated Guess: Definition: Immeasurable small; too small to be calculated Synonyms: insignificant, minute, miniscule, tiny Antonyms: gigantic, immense, colossal, titanic, huge Variant forms: infinitesimally (adv) Context Phrase:
11.The basketball player’s display of temper and invidious comments after his third personal foul resulted in a technical foul also. Invidious - adjective Parts: in(in, into) vid(see) ous (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Tending to cause ill will, animosity, or resentment; Containing or implying a discourtesy or a snub Synonyms: discriminatory, offensive, disrespectful Antonyms: complimentary, benevolent, kind, respectful Variant forms: invidiously (adv) invidiousness (n) Context Phrase:
12. The melancholy music established the mood of the play about life in the concentration camp.
Melancholy - adjective Parts: melan (dark) chol (bile) y (result of) Educated Guess: Definition: Morbidly gloomy, suggesting or promoting sadness, Somberly thoughtful, Low spirts, depression, serious reflection Synonyms: sad, dejected, pensive, depressing Antonyms: happy, joyful, felicitous, ecstatic Variant forms: melancholic (adj) Context Phrase:
13. Rather than being rehabilitated, many prisoners become more obdurate while confined.
Obdurate (adjective) Parts:ob(against)dur(hard, lasting)ate(having the state of) Educated Guess: Definition: Hardened in wrongdoing; Hardened against persuasion or influence; Unmoved by feeling of humanity or pity Synonyms: stubborn, intractable, inexorable, obstinate Antonyms: compromising, malleable, flexible Variant forms: obduracy (noun) Context Phrase:
14. Only a student with perspicacity will enjoy the intellectual challenge of this complex novel.
Perspicacity- noun Parts: per (through); spic (look, see); ity (state,condition) Educated Guess: Definition: Sharpness in perception or understanding; Power to see clearly and quickly through that which is difficult or involved Synonyms: sharpness, discernment, acumen, insight Antonyms: stupidity, dullness, obtuseness Variant forms: perspicacious (adj) Context Phrase:
15. The precocious child had graduated from high school years before he had his driver’s license.
Precocious - adjective Parts: pre (before); coquere (cook); ious (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Developing before the natural season; Prematurely developed; Unusually forward or advanced, especially mentally Synonyms: advanced, smart, bright, gifted, intelligent Antonyms: stupid, limited Variant forms: precociously (adv); precocity (n) Context Phrase:
16.Suffering from a protracted illness, she missed many days of class.
Protracted - adjective Parts: pro (forth, forward); tract (pull, draw) Educated Guess: Definition: Lasting for a long time; Lasting longer than expected or usual Synonyms: extended, prolonged, lengthened, drawn-out Antonyms: shortened, abbreviated, curtailed, reduced Variant forms: protract (v) Context Phrase:
17. We enjoyed the State Fair replete with games, rides, exhibits, food, and pyrotechnics.
Replete - adjective Parts: re (back); plet (fill, plenty) Educated Guess: Definition: Filled or well-supplied; abundantly supplied; Very full or sated by food Synonyms: gorged, stuffed, sated, teeming Antonyms: empty, deficient Variant forms: replenish (v) repletion (n) Context Phrase:
18. Sacrifice, practice, and commitment are the sine qua non for our band to excel in the international competition. Sine qua non - noun Parts: sine (without); qua (which); non (not) Educated Guess: Definition: An essential condition; Something that is absolutely necessary Synonyms: requisite, essential, requirement, stipulation Antonyms: bonus, extravagance, superfluity Variant forms: na Context Phrase:
19. It is probable that this policy will cause controversy; therefore, our decision must be tenable.
Tenable - adjective Parts: ten (hold, keep); able (capable of) Educated Guess: Definition: Capable of being defended or sustained against attack or objection Synonyms: supportable, justifiable, plausible, defensible Antonyms: unjustifiable, implausible, indefensible Variant forms: tenet (n), tenacious (adj) Context Phrase:
20. I must weigh the benefits vis-à-vis the disadvantages of a part-time job before graduation.
Vis-à-vis - preposition Parts: vis (see) --face to face Educated Guess: Definition: In relation to; with regard to; as compared with; as opposed to; One of two persons or things opposite or corresponding to the other Synonyms: facing, counterpoint (n), in front of (adv) Antonyms: behind Variant forms: na Context Phrase:
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