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Charlton Heston likes killing 6 year olds and high-schoolers

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1 Charlton Heston likes killing 6 year olds and high-schoolers
By The most amazing person in the world and Zach

2 How Mr. Moore Organizes Starts off with how easy it is to get guns EX. The first part is a bank that gives out guns for an account. Turns to how to get people to shoot people less EX. Chris Rock says all bullets should cost 5,000 dollars. Next it show how many people die from guns by showing what the death count is around the world.

3 Organization continued
People blaming celebrities for influence EX. Marilyn Manson. Trying to figure out what's wrong with America. FEAR is the problem and the media. Canada has almost no gun violence. Seeing if companies are willing to change giving Heston a hard time interview. Ends with bowling.

4 The Evidence Of It All They show a short film that has Wonderful World playing in the background and the video is of tons of people dying by guns. The Massacre at Columbine. 2 people of the Michigan Militia bombed a place. The T.V. show Cops, shows tons of violence and mostly against black people.

5 Evidence Continued Canada has tons of guns just like the U.S. but almost no gun violence because of how their media is. 6 year old Kayla dies by another 6 year old with a gun. Heston holds rallies after each major gun killing, but he is holding rallies for guns, not against. Mr. Moore and Columbine survivors get K-Mart to stop selling all ammunition.

6 Mr. Moore’s Tone Starts out funny with him being light-hearted and added Chris Rock in there. Then gets more serious with the Columbine shooting. After that, it becomes ridiculous with little kids getting in trouble for fake drawn or made guns. Then it’s ironic with a brief history of the U.S. Becomes funny again with a Coperate Cops skit. Then it’s ridiculous again with Canada and all of its unlocked doors. It becomes serious again with little Kayla, K-Mart, and Heston. Lastly an ironic ending with Mr. Moore bowling.

7 Bring it home This movie of Mr. Moore is about gun violence and how it is in America. Pulling a lot of evidence and a new kind of tone making this one of the more well put together. The End

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