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The Start of Third Quarter

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1 The Start of Third Quarter
Thursday, January 21st The Start of Third Quarter Today you will need: A vocabulary worksheet Your journal A writing utensil

2 Journal 1/21/16 Would you want to know your future? Why or why not?
½ page minimum! Use full sentences with proper grammar.

3 Let’s Discuss! Agenda: -Journal (Attendance) -Discuss Journal
-Classroom odds and ends (bathroom passes) You only have until Tuesday. -Graphic Novel pass out. (to bring back and forth) -Attack plan -Vocabulary explanations/understanding/new method.

4 Classroom Odds and Ends
Bathroom Passes: If you do not have one by next Tuesday, then you are not getting one. If you get to 4 passes you are no longer eligible for ANY extra credit in the entire class. If you have a medical condition– I need to see that pass for when you go to the restroom. Because you are allowed to drink in here, you are not permitted to get a drink without a punch in your bathroom card.

5 Graphic Novel Pass Out/Attack Plan
Rules: You do not get another graphic novel. If you need another copy you can come in with a flash drive and I will allow you to print another. You must bring this back and forth to class every day—it must always be in your possession. Because it is yours, you must have your name on it. Because it is yours you may take notes on it/color it/study it/whatever. There will occasionally be questions/journals about it. 

6 Vocab List 13 As you can see, the format and method has changed.
From now on, you’ll be receiving 10 vocab words at a time. (5 will be old 5 will be new) Yes, you must: Write down a sentence using your word Define it Write down at LEAST two Synonyms Write down at LEAST two Antonyms Visual Either draw a picture that represents the word, or describe an item in full detail that represents the word. *This worksheet will be due EVERY Friday*

7 Stout Fat, chubby

8 Misfortune Bad Luck

9 Obstruct To block

10 Zany Wild and Crazy

11 Scorn To Look Down On

12 Your Graphic Novel packet
Friday 1/22/16 You’re going to need: A writing utensil Your journal Your Graphic Novel packet

13 What do you think it means? Use complete sentences
Journal 1/22/16 “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” No, this quote doesn’t have anything to do with baseball. But it IS a line from the first pages of Macbeth. What do you think it means? If you were to translate it so that you and your friends understand—what would it say? 1/2 page MINIMUM Use complete sentences

14 Macbeth

15 Macbeth: An Introduction
Macbeth is among the best-known of William Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy. Believed to have been written between 1603 and 1606.

16 Macbeth: An Introduction
It is frequently performed at both amateur and professional levels, and has been adapted for opera, film, books, stage and screen. Often regarded as archetypal, the play tells of the dangers of the lust for power and the betrayal of friends.

17 The Real Macbeth King of Scotland (1040–57).
He succeeded his father as governor of the province of Moray c.1031 was a military commander for Duncan I. (Right: portrait of Macbeth)

18 In 1040, Macbeth killed Duncan in battle and seized the throne.
The Real Macbeth In 1040, Macbeth killed Duncan in battle and seized the throne. Possibly of royal descent himself, he acquired a direct claim to the throne through his wife, Gruoch; she was a granddaughter of Kenneth III, who had been overthrown by Duncan's ancestor Malcolm II. (Right: portrait of Duncan I)

19 The Real Macbeth Macbeth represented northern elements in the population who were opposed to the ties with the Saxons advocated by Duncan. Macbeth was defeated in 1054 by Siward, earl of Northumbria, who regained the southern part of Scotland on behalf of Malcolm Canmore, Duncan's son. Malcolm himself regained the rest of the kingdom after defeating and killing Macbeth in the battle of Lumphanan. He then succeeded to the throne as Malcolm III.

20 The Real Macbeth William Shakespeare's version of the story comes from the accounts of Raphael Holinshed and Hector Boece.

21 Holinshed’s Chronicles
Raphael Holinshed (d. 1580) was an English chronicler. He was given the ambitious project of chronicling British history from the time of the Great Flood (approx BC) to Queen Elizabeth (reigning ).

22 Hector Boece Lived 1465-1536 A Scottish philosopher
Wrote Historia Gentis Scotorum (1527) Shakespeare used this text as a basis for the character of Macbeth

23 “The Scottish Play” There are many superstitions centred on the belief that the play is somehow “cursed”.

24 “The Scottish Play” Explanation #1
Shakespeare is said to have used the spells of real witches in his text, purportedly angering the witches and causing them to curse the play.

25 “The Scottish Play” Explanation #2
Struggling theatres or companies would often put on this popular 'blockbuster' in an effort to save their flagging fortunes. However, it is a tall order for any single production to reverse a long-running trend of poor business. Therefore, the last play performed before a theatre shut down was often Macbeth, and thus the growth of the idea that it was an 'unlucky' play.

26 “The Scottish Play” Explanation #3
Theatre companies may have used Macbeth as a back-up play if they were to lose an actor and were not able to perform the production originally planned for the performance. Macbeth requires fewer actors (when doubling of characters for actors occurs) and has the least amount of text for the actors to memorize. Macbeth may have been the play kept in theatre companies' back pockets, just in case some bad luck were to occur prior to any planning of a performance.

27 “The Scottish Play” A large mythology has built up surrounding this superstition, with countless stories of accidents, misfortunes and even deaths, all mysteriously taking place during runs of Macbeth (or by actors who had uttered the name). Many actors will not mention the name of the play aloud, referring to it instead as "The Scottish play".

28 “The Scottish Play”: A Chronology of Misfortunes
Here are some of the gory particulars:

29 “The Scottish Play”: A Chronology of Misfortunes
During its 1849 performance at New York's Astor Place, a riot broke out in which 31 people were trampled to death.

30 “The Scottish Play”: A Chronology of Misfortunes
In 1934, British actor Malcolm Keen turned mute onstage, and his replacement, Alister Sim, like Hal Berridge before him, developed a high fever and had to be hospitalized.

31 “The Scottish Play”: A Chronology of Misfortunes
In the 1942 Macbeth production headed by John Gielgud, three actors -- Duncan and two witches -- died, and the costume and set designer committed suicide amidst his devilish Macbeth creations.

32 “The Scottish Play”: A Chronology of Misfortunes
The indestructible Charlton Heston, in an outdoor production in Bermuda in 1953, suffered severe burns in his groin and leg area from tights that were accidentally soaked in kerosene.

33 Several methods exist to dispel the curse, depending on the actor.
“The Scottish Play” Several methods exist to dispel the curse, depending on the actor. One is to immediately leave the building the stage is in with the person who uttered the name, walk around it three times, spit over their left shoulders, say an obscenity then wait to be invited back into the building. Another popular "ritual" is to leave the room, knock three times, be invited in, and then quote a line from Hamlet. Yet another is to recite one of Shylock's monologues from The Merchant of Venice.

34 Where did they perform the plays usually?
The Globe

35 Superstition of Characters’ Names
“The Scottish Play” Superstition of Characters’ Names MacBee Macker’s Mr. and Mrs. M. The Scottish King MacWhat’s-his-face

36 The Witches AKA the Weird Sisters
Painting by William Rimmer depicting the witches’ conjuration of an apparition (Act IV, scene i) Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches (Act I, scene iii) by Johann Heinrich Fussli Portrayal in the 2006 film version of Macbeth

37 The Witches They tell Macbeth that he is destined to be king, and urge him to do bloody things.

38 the name Urðr (Wyrd, Weird) means "fate" or simply "future",
The Witches Their character is modeled after Norse mythology- the Norns (three Fates) the name Urðr (Wyrd, Weird) means "fate" or simply "future", The norns- by Arthur Rackham

39 Three Fates of Greek and Roman mythology
The Witches The witches were also modeled after the Three Fates of Greek and Roman mythology They controlled the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal and immortal from birth to death . The names of the three Parcae (Roman Fates) were: Nona - spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle. Her Greek equivalent was Clotho; Decima - measured the thread of life with her rod. Her Greek equivalent was Lachesis; Morta - was the cutter of the thread of life. She chose the manner of a person's death. When she cut the thread with "her abhorrèd shears", someone on Earth died. Her Greek equivalent was Atropos.

40 The Witches Represent darkness, chaos and confusion.
“Fair is foul and foul is fair”- a contradiction. Evil is good, while good is evil.

41 The Witches “Double, double toil and trouble” – they cause more grief for the mortals around them. The witches never actually tell Macbeth to kill Duncan, but merely tempt him with the idea of becoming king. What theme of temptation might Shakespeare be representing here?

42 Journal 1/22/16 “Fair is foul and foul is fair.”
Take a moment to reflect on this quote again. Have you ever experienced a time in your life where someone acted one way and was actually completely the opposite? Explain that situation. If you have been fortunate enough to not have a situation like that– then tell me how you WOULD handle a situation like that. Would you de-friend said person? Would you let them know that you know about their secret ways? Explain.

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