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Colonic cancer recurrence after 15 years-

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1 Colonic cancer recurrence after 15 years-
Surgical Department of the General Hospital Aleksinac

2 Introduction Colon cancer is predominant in women and rectal cancer is frequently seen in men. Predisposition for cancer are people with following diseases:Familiar poliposis,Mb Crohn,Colitis ulcerosa Incidence of the colon and rectal carcinoma is greater in western countries,and is getting peak between the ages of 60 till 75 years of old

3 Case Report Patient aged 74 years is complaining for pain and has palpabile tumefact in the right lateral region of the abdomen,also anemia is present In 1994 She has segmental resection of the colon transversum because adenocarcinoma of the colon Ct scan-tumefact of the right colon dimension 120mmx99x80mm,pushing V.Cava and right kidney but no infiltration,Lymphadenopathia paraaortalis diametar 12mm,Hepatic cyst of the third segment of Liver,diametar 102mm

4 Right hemicolectomy with ileotransversoanastamosis T-L ,double layer suture

5 Finishing anastamosis

6 Cystectomia of the Liver cyst from the third segment of Liver

7 Ph Analysis-Adenocarcinoma colonis ascendentis invasivum,HGII,NGII
Staging:pTNM-PT3,pNo(o/8)Dukes b,Astler-Coller B2 Cystis hepatis simplex Line of ressection no evident tumor tissue

8 Results 10% of tumors are inoperabile at the time of operation,20% has local change and only derivation can be done 70% of tumors can be resected radically Survivour of the operated patients is 65% Our patient went home on the 12th day postoperatively

9 Discussion and Conclusion
10 months is the average time from beginning of the symptoms till definitive surgical therapy Early diagnostic is crucial Screening of the CEA serum level Colonoscopy in the risk factor group-Mb Crohn,Familiar Poliposis,Mb Crohn,Obscure rectorrhagia

10 Greetings from Serbia

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