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Time Reporting System (TRS)
Welcome to the UCI Time Reporting System (TRS) bi-weekly employee presentation. Presented by: Accounting and Fiscal Services, Human Resources and the Office of Information Technology
Agenda Payroll Main Menu and TRS Resources TRS user roles
Accessing and logging into the Time Reporting System Viewing timesheets Review past timesheets Timesheet workflow Timesheet actions: enter time, edit, save, submit, and recall timesheet TRS icons and status codes Agenda Payroll Main Menu and TRS Resources TRS user roles Accessing and logging into the Time Reporting System Viewing timesheets Review past timesheets Timesheet workflow Timesheet actions: enter time, edit, save, submit, and recall timesheet TRS icons and status codes
Payroll Main Menu The SNAP Payroll Main Menu contains information and materials related to payroll processes, a link to the TRS web site, and a resource page for all TRS users. Click on the TRS resource link to access helpful TRS information.
TRS Resources This is the SNAP TRS Resource page. It contains helpful information for all TRS users. Displayed in this screen are: 1. A direct link to the Time Reporting System (TRS) web page. 2. TRS introduction (power point). 3. TRS Implementation Phases and Timeline: Phase 1: non-represented and non-exempt bi-weekly employees (completed). Phase 2: non-represented monthly (exempt and non-exempt) employees (completed). Phase 3: enhancements, represented employees, and new department. 4. Training: a list of upcoming training dates for employees, supervisors and DTAs are displayed. 5. Getting Started in the Time Reporting System: contains a welcome packet for all TRS users. 6. Instructions for: provides detailed TRS instructions for employees, supervisors and DTAs. 7. TRS Deadlines : lists timesheet submission dates and deadlines for all bi-weekly and monthly paid employees, supervisors, and DTAs.
TRS Deadlines Displayed is the TRS timesheet submission deadlines calendar. It is extremely important that all employees be aware of their deadlines to ensure that all leave time (vacation, sick etc.) and payment is processed in a timely manner. The calendar displays the following information: 1. Pay Cycle: Mo: monthly. B1/B2: bi-weekly 1, bi-weekly 2. XX: supplemental pay cycle. 2. Pay Period Begin Date: the date the pay cycle will commence. 3. Pay Period End Date: date in which a pay cycle ends. 4. TRS Employee Deadline: last day to submit a timesheet on time. 5. Check Date: date in which payment is received.
TRS User Roles 4 Roles: Employee Supervisor (Primary and Secondary)
Save Edit Submit Recall Supervisor (Primary and Secondary) Review Return Departmental Time Administrator (DTA) Assign Primary and Backup Supervisors Submits Time to the IDTC roster via TRS Return Timesheet Central Time Reporting Office (Central Payroll Office) Training Troubleshooting Control access to TRS There are 4 identified user roles in the Time Reporting System: 1. Employee: all qualifying employees must complete a timesheet for all time worked. They have the option to save, edit, submit or recall a timesheet. 2. Supervisor (primary and secondary): charged to review, submit, return, or edit timesheets. 3. Departmental Time Administrator (DTA): responsibilities include: assigning primary and backup supervisors for all job assignments, submitting time to the IDTC roster via TRS, and lastly the responsibility of returning a timesheet (as applicable) back to a supervisor for correction or changes. 4. Central Time Reporting Office (Central Payroll Office): responsible for training, troubleshooting, and controlling access to TRS.
Accessing TRS There are several ways to access the Time Reporting System (TRS). The first way to access TRS is to type the URL The TRS web page has several sections available for review, they are: Access TRS: a. Select the link that best suites your role in TRS (employee, supervisor, DTA) and login using your UCI netID and password. b. TRS Resources: selecting this link will take you to the SNAP TRS resource web page that contains additional information, including instructions for all TRS users. TRS Implementation Phases and Timeline: lists the current campus implementation timeline. TRS Highlights (not displayed): contains new features and highlights in TRS.
Accessing TRS The second way to access TRS is by navigating to the “Personal Profile” section of the SNAP main page. Note: The Personal Profile section is only accessible after logging into to SNAP using your UCInetID and password.
Accessing TRS The third way to access TRS is via the UCI SNAP Application tab. Locate the “Application” tab in SNAP and then navigate to the section listed as “Administrative Applications – My Applications” and select the Time Reporting System (TRS) link.
Login After selecting your preferred method of accessing TRS you will be prompted to login using your UCInetID and password. Note: if you cannot login to TRS please contact your direct supervisor or Departmental Time Administrator (DTA) for further assistance.
User Home Page Upon successfully logging on, one tab “Manage My Time” will be available for an employee to select. In order to access timesheets click on the “Manage My Time” tab.
View Timesheets The “Manage My Time” tab is split into two sub tabs:
1. Enter Current Timesheet (default) 2. Review Past timesheets The “Enter Current Timesheet” sub tab layout is divided into 5 sections: Section 1: Timesheet Notification section: depicts timesheets that have been modified by a supervisor. All timesheets that have modified by a supervisor must be acknowledged by the employee by selecting the green icon. Section 2: Past Un-Submitted Timesheets: displays timesheets that have been created and are awaiting final submission from an employee. Alerts reminding employees timesheets are overdue are listed in a yellow text box Section 3: Open Timesheets: This section displays timesheets for the current pay period. If an employee has multiple appointments, TRS will display multiple timesheets. Section 2 and 3 displays: 1. View Timesheet icon: select this icon to access a timesheet 2. Recall Timesheet icon: this feature allows an employee to recall a timesheet that is in the “submitted to supervisor” status. 3. Pay period begin and end dates. 4. Basic appointment information (department/ title/ timesheet identifier*). 5. Timesheet status. Note: a full list of TRS statuses and their meaning will be provided at the end of this presentation. *Timesheet Identifier: this is a name or description a DTA assigns to help employees identify which timesheet to log hours to. In our example this employee has two appointments/timesheets, one working the front desk and the other as PC support. Section 4: Create past pay period timesheet: when a timesheet needs to be created for a past pay period, an employee can select a date range from the drop-down list or enter a pay period begin date or end date. Once a date has been selected click the word “Create” to generate a new timesheet for a past pay period. Section 5: Leave balances**: vacation, vacation max, sick and comp time are displayed. **Balances are pulled from the payroll system and do not reflect late time adjustments, usage or accumulation since the last pay period.
Review Past Timesheets
Page selection/results/sort The second sub tab available is “Review Past Timesheet”. Page selection/results/sort TRS has a feature that allows an employee to navigate from page to page (< , >) or skip to the very first or last timesheets (l< , l>). Results: TRS will automatically display the 25 most recent timesheets on this page. If desired an employee can display up to 100 results per page. Remove Sorting: this feature turns off all sorting in all columns in this page. This section displays 4 sortable columns: Action: displaying up to two icons, the first is the “view timesheet” icon. the second is the “view workflow” icon which we will take a look at on the next slide. Pay Period: pay period begin and end dates. Assignment name: department/title code name/timesheet identifier. Timesheet Status: identifies the current status of a timesheet. Note: Columns can be sorted by selecting the desired column header. One click sorts in ascending order, two clicks descending, and three turns off the sorting for that specific column. View Timesheet Workflow
Timesheet Workflow Displayed is an example of what will appear after selecting the workflow icon. The following information will be displayed: Status Code: location of timesheet. Completed By: individual that performed the action on the timesheet. Completion date: the date and time the action was performed. Comments: all comments will be listed for review. Total turnaround time: the time it took to process this timesheet from supervisor submission to completion status.
Accessing Timesheets To access a timesheet click on the “View Timesheet” icon. In our example this employee has two appointments assigned to them in TRS. The Time Reporting System will recognize employees with multiple appointments and automatically create timesheets for those jobs. In the event an employee has multiple appointments it is important for them to communicate with their supervisor and or DTA to understand which timesheet to log hours to.
Accessing Timesheets A timesheet will then be displayed.
Timesheet Layout: Reminder notification: a yellow alert located at the top of a timesheet reminding employees of the timehseet due date. Employee name and ID. Pay Period: begin and end dates. Basic appointment information: department/title code name/timesheet identifier. Status: current status of a timesheet. Calendar: for the current pay cycle. Work Schedule: located directly under the calendar and will be covered in the next few slides. Timesheet totals: displays productive (work hours) and non-productive hours (vacation and sick). Timesheet comments: comments can be entered and viewed by employees, supervisors and DTAs. Error/Warning: this area displays errors and warning messages to the user. Save/Submit to Supervisor buttons.
9/80 Employees on a 9/80 flexible work schedule will have addition information available below the calendar. This information helps them identify the 1st and 2nd week of their 9/80 work schedule.
4/40 Employees on a 4/40 will have their work schedule displayed below the calendar.
Fixed Schedule (EX employees only)
TRS will display an employees fixed work schedule below the calendar (EX employees only).
Variable Schedule (EX employees)
TRS will display an employees variable work schedule below the calendar (EX employees only).
Timesheet Actions – Enter Time
To enter time select a day and click on the “Add” button. A list of available entries will appear in a drop-down list. Select the desired type of hours to report and proceed to the next screen. In our example Work Hours is selected.
Timesheet Actions – Enter Time
A pop-up screen will appear requesting the following information: Clock In: time you arrived at work. Lunch Out: time you initiated a lunch break . Lunch In: time you returned to work from lunch break. Clock Out: time the shift ended. Note: when entering hours be sure to enter in the format hh:mm and change the am/pm text as applicable.
Timesheet Actions – Enter Time
Once hours have been entered click on the “Add to Time Sheet” button to confirm the entry. You may also click on the delete icon to remove any information that might have been entered in error. Delete
Timesheet Actions – New Shift
If an additional shift is needed, click on the “New Shift” button and enter additional shift information into the new display directly below the 1st shift. *Remember to review the hours and indicate the appropriate time (am/pm).
Timesheet Actions – Reporting Leave Hours
Eligible employees may enter leave hours (vacation, sick, comp time used, voting, jury). Select the desired leave type from the drop-down list.
Timesheet Actions – Non-Productive Hours
The leave will then be display on the selected date. Enter the number of hours you wish to report for the indicated leave type. A running total of all timesheet hours are provided to the right of the TRS calendar.
Timesheet Actions – Repeat Hours
TRS has a copy function that allows employees to report repeated hours for a selected date range (productive and non-productive hours). In order to perform this function select “Repeated Hours” from the drop-down list.
Timesheet Actions – Repeat Hours
A pop-up screen will then appear requesting an employee to select the type of hours to report. In this example work hours will be selected.
Timesheet Actions – Repeat Hours
Next TRS will prompt an employee to indicate the begin and end dates for repeat entry. Use the calendar to select the begin and end dates, or type in the dates using the text box provided. Be sure to use the format MM/DD/YYYY. Note: By default TRS will exclude weekends and holidays in the date range selected. To include weekends or holidays for the indicated date range, simply remove the check mark by clicking on it.
Timesheet Actions – Repeat Hours
Enter the clock in/out details for the hours you wish to repeat. Upon final review, select the “Add to Timesheet” button to add these hours to your calendar. Note: The “Hour” field to the right of the date range selection is used only to report leave hours (vacation, sick, etc).
Timesheet Actions – Repeat Hours
Work hours are then populated and the Timesheet In/Out details will be displayed at the bottom left corner of your calendar.
Timesheet Actions – Save/Submit
Once you have completed an entry on the timesheet you can perform one of the following actions: Timesheet Comments: enter comments in the “timesheet comments” section Save: this allows employees to save the entries. Employees can log back into TRS at a later time in order to update and or make edits to a timesheet. Submit to Supervisor: this function submits a completed timesheet to your supervisor for review and approval. Before submitting a timesheet: 1. Verify that the timesheet clock in/out details are accurate. 2. Provide comments, if needed, in the timesheet comments box.
Timesheet Actions – Submit
Once hours have been submitted to a supervisor all editing capabilities will be removed from the timesheet. If corrections or edits need to be made after a timesheet has been submitted, an employee will need to contact their supervisor and have them “return” it back to them or select the “Recall Timesheet” button. Note: timesheets are stored indefinitely in TRS.
TRS Icons Delete Function: Delete timesheet entry
Time Sheet Function: Access timesheet Tracking Function: Provide status information of a timesheet Recall Timesheet: Enables employees to recall timesheets that are in the submitted to supervisor status. TRS Icons
TRS Status Codes None: no action has been perform on this timesheet
SAVED: status is updated to SAVED when employee saves the timesheet Recalled by Employee: Employee has request a timesheet be returned RETURNED BY SUPERVISOR: supervisor returns the timesheet to the employee SUBMITTED TO SUPERVISOR: employee submits the timesheet to their supervisor SUBMITTED TO DTA : supervisor approves the timesheet SUBMITTED TO PPS: DTA reviews the timesheets and submits the information to PPS PPS ERROR : one or more of the entries submitted to TRS failed with an error response COMPLETED – A timesheet has been successfully processed Timesheet Status None – no action has been perform on this timesheet SAVED - Status is updated to SAVED when employee saves the timesheet RETURNED BY SUPERVISOR - Supervisor returns the timesheet to the employee SUBMITTED TO SUPERVISOR - employee submits the timesheet to their supervisor SUBMITTED TO DTA - supervisor approves the timesheet SUBMITTED TO PPS - DTA reviews the timesheets and submits the information to PPS PPS ERROR - One or more of the entries submitted to TRS web service failed with an error response COMPLETED – A timesheet has been successfully processed
Resources TRS Help Desk Office: TRS email TRS Resources 949-824-3292
TRS Resources For additional questions please contact your supervisor or DTA. If they cannot assist in resolving a TRS issue please have them contact the TRS Administrator.
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