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Labs for week 2.

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1 Labs for week 2

2 First…Week2 lab1 Practice using the \ (integer mod) operator in a form. Provide a textbox for input and a textbox or label for output, and a button to start computation. In the button_clicked subroutine declare variables: Dim inputint, onesdigit as Integer Now, get input from textbox and convert into an integer. (Recall: use Integer.parse(..) Code for this step not shown but is in previous lab and powerpoints.) Next get the one’s place off the input value. Code to get the one’s place: Onesdigit=inputint mod 10 ‘ gives remainder on division by 10 (display onesdigit in textbox or label… code not shown)

3 Continue… Lab2 The digit extractor project needs to keep getting more digits, but if you execute Onesdigit=inputint mod 10 again, you get the same thing. Change inputint as follows: inputint=inputint \10 ‘integer division Now try Dim tensdigit as integer tensdigit=inputint mod 10 And then display tensdigit in a another label or textbox.

4 Lab3. Checking for data entry error
The payroll project requires input error checking. Build a form with a textbox for input, a label for output, and a button to initiate action. Use code from our first week lab in button click: Dim value as double Value=double.parse(txtinput.text) Lbloutput.text=value.tostring(“n3”)

5 Now add error-checking
Add the code to check for a numeric input error. Notes for this appear in the 2nd powerpoint for the course in the book-order form application as well as in the next slide.

6 Adding input error checking
Try ‘ put the get, parse and display code here Catch theexception As FormatException ‘put errorhandling code here…like… MessageBox.Show("Data entry error“) End Try

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