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Tissue Structure and Function

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1 Tissue Structure and Function
BIOL2101 Lab 4A

2 Tissue An aggregation of cells and cell products of similar structure and embryonic origin that perform a common function

3 The study of tissues, especially their structure and arrangement
Histology The study of tissues, especially their structure and arrangement

4 Basic Tissue Types Epithelial Connective Muscle Nervous

5 An aggregation of tissues organized into a functional unit

6 Organs working together as functional units
System Organs working together as functional units

7 Epithelial Tissue Sheet-like layer of cells
Cover surfaces or line cavities Often has glandular cells for fluid secretion Endothelium Epithelium that lines heart, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels

8 Epithelial Types Simple Epithelium
Simple squamous – inside blood vessels Simple cuboidal – lines ducts, ex. Kidney tubules, mucous glands Simple columnar – lining of small intestine Pseudostratified Columnar – trachea, bronchi

9 Figure 09.9a

10 Figure 09.9b


12 Pseudostratified Columnar

13 Epithelial Types Stratified Epithelium Stratified squamous - skin
Transitional – urinary tract and bladder


15 Connective Tissue Tissue that connects Loose connective tissue
adipose (fat) Dense connective tissue cartilage Bone Vascular tissue Erythrocytes: Red Blood Cells – carry oxygen Leucocytes: White Blood Cells – part of the immune system Platelets - clotting


17 Adipose

18 Figure 09.11c

19 Figure 09.11d

20 Fluid Connective Tissue

21 Erythrocytes: Red Blood Cells

22 Leucocytes: White Blood Cells

23 Platelets

24 End of 4A

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