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Correlated Environment Representation for the JLVC

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1 Correlated Environment Representation for the JLVC
John Holdzkom, Steve Lowe Modeling & Simulation Division Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. Suffolk, VA Mark Webb ASNE Liaison to JFCOM Dynamics Research Corp. Suffolk, VA Usual introduction. 2009 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop

2 EDCSS Program Environmental Data Cube Support System
Tri-MSEA (Air & Space, Ocean, Terrain) initiative to ensure consistent and coupled environment representations available to DoD M&S Focus is on ensuring support to large programs that will benefit the most JFCOM Training Exercises and Experimentation Events Navy FST/NCTE, CAF DMO, Army FCS simulation programs Existing capabilities are the result of OSD / Service investment via the M&S CO ( All technology is US DoD owned and delivered open-source for maximum reuse

3 Technology Overview Environmental Scenario Generator (ESG)
Identifies historical scenarios that provide relevant conditions Provides DATA (Integrated Environment Representation) Environmental Data Cube Support System (EDCSS) Generate suite of PRODUCTS from I.E.R. Efficient runtime DISTRIBUTION and INJECT of data and effects Common Open Services for Integrated Natural Environment (COSINE) Framework, common to ESG and EDCSS

4 Outline JLVC Overview Environment Representation in JLVC
Consumers (Federates) and Products Environmental Data Cube Support System (EDCSS) Overview / Architecture / Components Requirements Model EDCSS Support of 2009 COCOM training events Summary

5 Joint Live Virtual Constructive (JLVC) Federation
Service Combat Simulations JCATS USA, USMC, SOCOM Linkages to Live Systems/ Forces AWSIM USAF JSAF Navy, IADS Intelligence JLOD Wrap-around Non-Kinetic Effects ASTi Radios Voice Comms NWARS-NG ACE-IOS TACSIM MDST Sensors including National Assets SIMPLE USA BFTT Navy Range Integration JIDPS USA JDLM LOGSIM SNN JSAF: Joint Semi Automated Forces – Navy entity-based simulation JCATS: Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation – USMC and SOF entity-based simulation DBST/JCATS: Digital Battlestaff Sustainment Trainer – Army suite of simulations based around JCATS as the maneuver simulation EADSIM: Extended Air Defense Simulation FIRESIM: TUAV: AWSIM: Air Warfare Simulation – Air Force aggregate level simulation JQUAD: A suite of intelligence models. MC02 is using two of the components JOISIM: Joint Operations Information Simulation JCAS: Joint Command and Control Attack Simulation DICE: Distributed Interactive Constructive Environment – Models Red IADS CATT: Command and Control Analysis and Targeting Tool – Models Red IADS C2 infrastructure and links JSIMS CE: Civil Environment – National infrastructure effects analysis model VSTARS: Virtual JSTARS NWARS: National Wargaming System – national intelligence sensors playing at the collateral level SLAMEM: Simulation of the Location and Attack of Mobile Enemy Missiles – national sensors JDAARS TUAV UAV AAR & Federation Tools HLA Results V B-52 USAF V JSTARS JSTARS DVTE USMC Logistics V MH-53 SOCOM TENCAP MUSE USA BCST USA SSE SOCOM V AC-130U SOCOM EP-3 MAST Navy Virtual Simulators

6 Simulated Operational Products
EDCSS Event Support Simulated Operational Products (C4ISR) EDCSS Event Support Training Audience White Cell Simulation Domain Situational Awareness GoogleEarth NWARS-NG Targeting Mobility CBRNE Acoustic Detection IR Targeting MISREP Reports Base Weather ISR Collections

7 Environment in JCATS JCATS (Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation; Army) Weather CSV populates JCATS environment scenario object; weather icon displayed at each cell Influences mobility, visual and sensor acquisition Effects CBRNE plumes (direction and shape) Default weather: globally uniform; operator-adjustable

8 Environment in JSAF JSAF (Joint Semi-Automated Forces; Navy)
Takes ocean and atmosphere data from HLA JBUS (EDC plugin) reads GRIB, publishes to HLA Ocean 2D, 3D and Atmospheric 2D fields Utilized for ATLOS sound speed calculations Default weather: globally uniform, operator-adjustable

9 Environment in AFMSTT AFMSTT (Air Force Modeling and Simulation Training Toolkit) Weather effects Air-to-Ground Targeting AWSIM IR Hypercube to determine Probability of Detection Weather CSV provides weather at simulated air bases GIAC displays weather overlay (KML) in Google Earth ACE-IOS participates through AWSIM (impacts MISREPs) Default weather: none GIAC: Graphical Interface Aggregate Control ACE-IOS: Air and Space Collaborative Environment Information Operations Suite

10 Environment in NWARS NWARS-NG (National War-gaming Simulation – Next Generation; Intel community) Weather CSV data impacts satellite collection Cloud cover influences targeting priority Cloud cover degrades collection success Default: no cloud cover

11 Environment Products JLVC Weather CSV files GRIB Data files
Common meteorological parameters on 1x1o grid, 6-hourly Content (parameters & levels) agreed-upon standard for JLVC Includes “present weather” code that encapsulates current conditions (e.g., sunny, cloudy, thunderstorms) Consumers: AWSIM, JCATS, NWARS-NG GRIB Data files Binary data encoded to WMO standard “Styles” to mimic operational forecast products (AFWA, JSAF, GFS) Consumers: JSAF

12 Environment Products (2)
IR Effect Hypercubes Pre-computed sensor performance in given environment Pd = f (Sensor, Target, Background, Weather, Tactics) Packaged into n-dimensional hypercube; easy lookup (API) Consumers: AWSIM Graphics overlays “Forecaster” graphics mimic AF Operational Weather Squadron products PNG and KML formats Satellite and RADAR imagery Physics-based cloud and precipitation imagery PNG, KML, NITF, TIF formats “Present Weather” graphics TV-style weather icons (conditions/temp) overlay on map Consumers: White Cell, others (manual adjudication)

13 EDCSS Concept Definition Environmental Data Cube Support System
National Repositories DATA & MODELS Project Definition Scenario Search Simulation Integrated Environment Representation Production Terrain Ocean Atmos Space White Cell or Analyst Product Generation EDC is “consumer” oriented, in contrast to data providers Goal is common, consistent environment to all training event participants Distribution COP (C4ISR) Integration 13 13 13

14 EDC Production Site Manage Environment Requirements from Consumer perspective (not producer) Automate generation of products from Integrated Environment Representation

15 EDCSS Requirements Data Model
Project Where When Who * Components JCATS AWSIM White Cell JET AWSIM * Data Effects IR Hypercube Products Available Increments Spatial Resolution/Projection Generation Service JLVC CSV This is the EDCSS requirements model. At the lowest level Environment Representation Products are defined that have an application specific definition of content, representation, and format, and which are bound to a generating service for production. This mechanism allows the specification and generation of products to be encapsulated as a simple entry in the EDCSS production database, which can then be logically associated with components and projects. Components are a generic concept for defining users of one or more products. A component can be a specific application or user, or a group (or class) of users that desire to receive a specific set of products. For example, the Navy JSAF simulation uses three different GRIB data sets with specific content and the AF AWSIM simulation utilizes CSV weather data files and Hypercubes for pre-computed effects. At the top level is the concept of Projects. Note that there is no direct connection between Projects and Products. The idea is that an end-user with minimal or no knowledge about the intricacies of the underlying applications in their domain can easily define a Project by specifying a spatial domain and time range, and then selecting the components involved in their event. The EDCSS requirements model allows this simple specification to be transformed into a compete and detailed requirements specification at the Product level. JCATS – Joint Conflict And Tactical Simulation AWSIM – air warfare simulation model (US DoD) JET – Joint Expeditionary Tasking (US DoD) METAR – Meteorological Aviation Report TAF - Terminal Area Forecast (aviation/meteorology) JSAF GRIB Text METAR TAF Image Weather Graphics Synthetic Satellite

16 EDC Production Site

17 EDCSS Production JMB Data Standards SEIS Terrain Data WRF Output
AF Atmos EDCSS Production Site Satellite Imagery Data Hypercube COSINE (IER) Effects Product Generation JMB Data Standards Navy Atmos Imagery Graphics (KML) Messages Navy Ocean METAR/TAF System Impacts Mineable Databases Ad- Hoc Sources SEIS Terrain Data WRF Output NCOM Ouput Live

18 EDC Distributor Provide the right products to the right player at the right time Light-weight, forward Deployable to Event Network domain Hosts web site Offers web services

19 EDC Distributor Client and Runtime API
Product-Based Web Services Project Web Site EDC Runtime Integration Module SOAP / XML Java App Java App ZIP Files Product Cache Data Cache EDC Dist. Client EDC Runtime EDC RIM API Load product files (in requested format) getData(Parm, Level, Time, Lat, Lon) Simulation Application

20 Exercise Distributor Site
METAR LLHA Z 27004KT 10SM FEW016 21/20 Q0997 RMK SLP053 LAT328N LON0350E METAR LLJR Z 29007G19KT 10SM FEW016 17/17 Q0946 RMK SLP075 LAT319N LON0352E METAR LTAF Z 08004KT 10SM SCT015 22/21 Q0999 RMK SLP021 LAT370N LON0353E Event support site is auto-generated by EDC Production. Provides html pages for browsing and/or downloading products. Hosted on EDC Distributor, which also offers these same products via web services.

21 EDCSS for Training Event Support
EDCSS Production Site Consistent, Multi-Domain Environmental Scenario Data Event Planners Effects Project Conditions, Place/Time, Components Imagery Messages DMZ DMZ EDCSS Distributor HTTP Simulation Network C4I Domain RIM Simulation Control White Cell Trainees RIM Point out that runtime simulation is only part of the Training Event. RIM RIM RIM AWSIM JCATS NWARS JSAF JBUS HLA–to-C4I Bridge HLA Simulation Network RIM = Runtime Integration Module HLA = High-Level Architecture 21

22 EDCSS Product Portfolio
Satellite/Radar (Google Earth) Satellite Probability of Detection Radar

23 EDCSS Product Portfolio (Cont)
CSV FTUS80 KWBC EQBA TAF 1509/ KT 9999 SKC QNH2963INS BECMG 1513/ KT 9999 SKC QNH2963INS BECMG 1601/ KT 9999 SKC QNH2972INS BECMG 1613/ KT 9999 SKC QNH2961INS T35/1609Z T17/1521Z= GRIB TAF METAR EQBA Z 05007G18KT 10SM CLR 17/12 Q0944 RMK SLP112 METAR EQBF Z 09014KT 10SM CLR 00/M05 Q0799 RMK SLP189 METAR EQBI Z 11004KT 10SM CLR 09/05 Q0736 RMK SLP113 METAR

24 EDCSS Product Portfolio (Cont)
Soil moisture content Systems impact (stop light chart) Ocean wave dir/height “TV” weather graphics

25 EDCSS Support – TF09 TF-09 Support
Weather played major role in exercise script PACOM Senior METOC officer specified desired scenario Searched historical archives to find suitable dates Ran WRF model for scenario in higher fidelity Provided WRF output for Ocean model forcing Produced full suite of EDCSS products Over 9,000 total products Satellite, Radar, Obs, Grib forecasts, CSV, “TV” graphics Daily weather briefing to training audience by PACOM Senior METOC Officer

26 EDCSS Support – TF (cont’d)
TF-09 Support Exercise Support Site available in JFCOM Test Bay 30 (JTEN) EDCSS products made available on Navy Oceanography Portal Primary adopters: White Cell and Training Audience “Manual Adjudication” in JLVC simulations JSAF played correlated ocean representation 26

27 EDCSS Support – AC09 AC-09 Support
WRF modeling to produce desired scenario Produced full suite of EDCSS products to support EUCOM defined scenario Ops Weather Squadron ingested EDCSS products Over 10,000 weather products used to support exercise Flight-level wind and aviation hazard charts, air refueling track forecasts, ship route weather and wave height forecasts, DTRA dispersion model inputs, flight weather briefs… 290,000 synthetic observations AC08 – only a few hundred weather products 27

28 EDCSS Support – AC (cont’d)
AC-09 Support Primary adopters: White Cell and Training Audience “Manual Adjudication” in JLVC simulations “consensus from all levels that products were realistic, consistent, and relevant to the warfighter” (USEUCOM Senior METOC Officer) 28

29 Summary JLVC Federates equipped for environmental injects
Variety of effects (targeting, sensor performance, plumes) EDCSS produces consistent suite of products EDCSS requirements model and distributor assure each consumer receives the right products at the right time COCOM-level events: largely successful for White Cell and Training Audience Adoption by Simulation Control lagging Viewed as loss of control Need further training and testing/documentation – ongoing

30 Thanks !
Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. 1510 Breezeport Way, Suite 600 Suffolk, VA 23435 for more info.

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