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Done by:Maisa AlMasoud

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Presentation on theme: "Done by:Maisa AlMasoud"— Presentation transcript:

1 Done by:Maisa AlMasoud

2 What is a Phobia ? A phobia is an intense and irrational fear from attitudes and activities or certain objects or people.

3 Types of phobia: Acrophobia Claustrophobia Aquaphobia Ailurophobia

4 Acrophobia: (fear of heights)

5 Claustrophobia:(fear of cloused place)

6 Aquaphobia: (fear of water)

7 Ailurophobia:(fear of cats )

8 Symptoms of phobia: When exposed to a scary position, it appears the following symptoms: Fainting Nausea Sweating Rapid heartbeat Twitter parties

9 Treatment: This some of treatment methods:
There are a number of treatment methods. This some of treatment methods: Psychotherapy Medication Relaxation Spiritual treatment

10 Thank you for listening...

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