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The Senses Chapter 29.

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1 The Senses Chapter 29

2 Stimulus to Action Potential
Sensory receptor: specialized cells/neurons that detect stimuli Sensory transduction: signal is converted to electrical potential Receptor potential: graded action potential Sensory adaptation: becoming desensitized to stimulus

3 5 types of stimulus Pain receptors make us aware of injury
Thermoreceptors in the skin detect heat/cold Mechanoreceptors detect of touch, pressure, motion, stretching and sound Chemoreceptors detect specific chemicals – typically via protein receptors Electromagnetism receptors – sense electro- magnetic fields such as earth’s magnetic field and Light (photoreceptors)


5 Types of vision Most vertebrates can detect light
Eye cups are a common simple form Compound eyes of insects are formed of may ommatidia Ommatidia are individual light Detecting/focusing units that form a mosaic image Vertebrate have a single-lens eye


7 The eye


9 Rods and cones Cones enable color vision, but require good lighting
Rods are very sensitive to light and enable grayscale night vision Is the eye shown here from a nocturnal or diurnal?

10 Ears – the hearing half Pinna and auditory canal funnel sound to eardrum Sound is passed via eardrum to bones – hammer, anvil and stirrup Stirrup passes sound to inner ear via the oval window Eustachian tube equalizes pressure with atmosphere via pharynx Hairs within the fluid-filled cochlea transmit vibrations to auditory nerve

11 Ears – the balance half

12 Olfactory and Taste Taste and smell are both perceived by chemoreceptors Taste is detected on taste buds of the lounge – neurotransmitters create an action potential Olfactory (smell) is detected by sensory neurons in the nasal cavity – electrical potential created

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