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Part 2.

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1 Part 2

2 Hitler Takes Control In the 1920s the NAZI party (National Socialists Workers Party) Socialists meaning they believed in government control of businesses and more welfare, tried to take power, but failed. When America went into the Great Depression in 1929, the entire world went deeper into depression itself.

3 During this tough time Hitler managed to gain the majority (about 30%) of support in the Reichstag, or the government. He promised Germans that he would make their country the greatest in the world.

4 Political enemies and rebuilding
Shortly after taking over Hitler managed to convince the German people that his political opponents, such as communists, were a danger to Germany and started to build Concentration Camps were people were sent for forced labor or so they couldn’t talk out against Hitler, others were simply executed. In 1935 Hitler announced to the world that he was rearming Germany, which was a violation of the Versailles Treaty, which ended WWI. However, no nation did anything to stop Hitler.

5 Remilitarization of the Rhineland
After WWI, German troops could not be in the Rhineland because France feared another invasion. However, in March 7, 1936 Hitler sent about 3,000 soldiers to be stationed in the Rhineland.

6 All over Germany there were great celebrations.
Hitler announced “we have no territorial demands to make! Germany will never break the peace!” And so no country interfered, and Hitler won another victory.

7 Anschluss (joining) On March 12, 1938 Hitler announced to the world that Germany and Austria were once again united together. This was yet again another violation of the Versailles Treaty, yet no country tried to stop Hitler.

8 German and Austrian police tear down a border blockade.

9 Sudetenland After WWI, Germany lost territory, with Germans still living in the territory. The Country of Czechoslovakia had a lot of ethnic Germans living on its border. Hitler wanted the territory back.

10 The Czechs wanted to fight the Germans, and get help from France and Britain.
But the Czechs had two problems. Slovakia, the other part of the country, was pro-Nazi, and would not fight. Britain and France did not want to go to war.

11 Munich Agreement To work things out, European countries met in Munich, Germany to try and smooth things over peacefully. In the end, Hitler got what he wanted, and on September 30, 1938 Germany gained control of the Sudetenland without a fight. Appeasement, or giving in, was the new term for allowing Hitler to do what he wanted without a fight.

12 http://www. bing. com/videos/search

13 Kill stroke for Czechoslovakia
On March 15, 1939, Hitler threatened to bomb Prague, the Capitol, if the Czech government did not allow German troops to freely take over. Afraid, outnumbered, and alone, the Czechs gave in. Slovakia, friend to Hitler, became their own country. Not France, Britain, or anyone else lifted a finger. Hitler was getting his way.

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