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Tornadoes By Sky D. & Caleb B..

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Presentation on theme: "Tornadoes By Sky D. & Caleb B.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tornadoes By Sky D. & Caleb B.

2 Wind and air mass First to create a tornado is a thunder storm which is created by a mass of unstable air mass  Wind speeds in a tornado can range from 40 to 318 mph The funnel of the tornado is created when two winds are going in different directions

3 Precipitation and temperature
The temperature around a tornado around the tornado is usually warmer  Tornados are also caused by warm and cold air masses Tornados are formed in supercell storms which have hail and down pore  There is no precipitation that a tornados cause

4 Density                           Pressure The low density of rising air masses and the high density of sinking air masses cause thunderstorms Severe thunderstorms have many circulating, density variant pockets of air that are pushed vertically by updrafts This circulation supports tornado formation Tornadoes are partly caused by pressure differences in the atmosphere High pressure air flowing to low pressure air causes the wind

5 Cyclone Direction Fronts
Tornadoes spin cyclonically They spin counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere They spin clockwise in the southern hemisphere Anticyclonic tornadoes are rare and are usually waterspouts Tornadoes usually occur along with thunderstorms Thunderstorms commonly happen at the heads of a cold fronts Tornadoes come from supercells.   Supercells are " rotating thunderstorms with a well-defined radar circulation called a mesocyclone."  -

6 Works Cited Edwards, Roger
Nelson, Stephen tornado.htm W. Bryant, Charles  NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory

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