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Published byAnnabella Rodgers Modified over 6 years ago
PTESS Implementation Survey on Teacher Evaluation
Year two of implementation of the North Dakota Principal and Teacher Evaluation Guidelines Monitored through state report on model next year and AdvancED site visits
AdvancED 2018 The group of responders shows a cross section of years of experience. No principals with 31+ years
AdvancED 2018 The group of responders shows a cross section of years of experience. No principals with 31+ years
PTEST Implementation Survey on Teacher Evaluation
Conducted in April, 2017 1156 responses on teacher evaluation 898 teachers 81 certified staff 120 principals 24 superintendents 32 others
School Size Students ND
Sch Districts % of Districts Student Population Stud Pop Total fo ND % of Students 40 23% 0-100 9,044 103,840 9% 2,038 2% 38 21% 5,981 6% 45 25% 301-1,000 20,958 20% 14 8% 1,000 + 65,816 63% under 300 118 67% 18,823 17% About 10,000 teachers in the state 7,350 classroom teachers 2,483 other teachers 2,014 licn staff According to DPI Staff Directory
Responses by position and size of school by percent of position
Count of 3. What is the size of your school district? Row Labels 1-300 1000 + Grand Total Certified Staff (Counselor,Librarian, Etc) 21% 23% 13% 44% 100% Other 19% 0% 16% 66% Principal or Assistant Principal 45% 14% 8% 33% Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent 50% 17% Teacher 27% 7% 29% 48% There is a higher percent of principals from small schools than teachers, but this makes sense since there is only one principal in every school, but larger school districts have many more teachers per principal.
Cross Section of Years Experience
The group of responders shows a cross section of years of experience. No principals with 31+ years
27% teachers schools less than 300
50% teachers more than 1000 Teachers come from schools where the students are. More principals from small schools, but there are more principals in small schools.
As the size of the school district gets bigger, there is a shift from Marshall to Marzano and Danielson. Marzano is found in more schools of different sizes.
Was individual goal setting required of teachers?
No Yes
Danielson and Marzano required goal setting more than Marshall Schools
Danielson and Marzano required goal setting more than Marshall Schools. Comments from teacher indicate that goal setting is often a valuable aspect for improvement, especially if they discuss it with their supervisors and get feedback.
The larger the school district the more likely to have goal setting.
Marshall recommends self assessment, in fact that when a summative evaluation report is created the principal and teacher sit side-by-side with their completed reports.
About the same response for principals as teachers, but fewer in Marzano.
Last year the teachers were at 12-17-7, so this is an improvement.
Principals are more positive than teachers High rating of 3 or 4 75% of Danielson 62% of Marshall 62% of Marzano Teachers ratings 51% of Danielson positive, 7% negative 41% of Marshall positive, 13% negative 44% of Marzano positive, 9 % negative
Almost identical to last year!
Principals are more positive 54% Danielson 38% Marshall 54% Marzano Teachers 34% Danielson No 31% 21 % Marshall No 32% 26% Marzano No 27%
Principals higher than teachers by 20%
Formal Observations The number of 0 are up for Danielson and Marzano, same for Marshall from last year. Concern with 17 and 13% for Danielson and Marzano, but may be big school districts that have people on a rotation. Marshall doesn’t promote formal observations, so you wouldn’t expect many of them.
Marshall emphasizes mini-observations and there were
Last year 70% of Marshall had fewer that 7, this year 51%
Danielson had 45% with two formal, and almost 80% with one or two.
Marzano had 35% with two, and 80% with one or two. Marshall had 33% with none, and 58% with two. Marshall pushes for mini-observations.
77% had fewer than 5 mini observations with Marshall, which isn’t following Marshall’s plan.
Teacher Comments Danielson How has it helped you?
As a lifelong learner, I've been reflecting more frequently. As a new teacher I do think that it has helped point out areas of strengths and areas of improvements.
Teacher Comments Danielson How has it helped you?
collaborate goal setting with my team has pushed us to grow together and as individuals Focusing on 2 or 3 specific areas has made adjustments and reflections easier. This has caused the growth or changes to happen more rapidly
Teacher Comments Danielson How has it helped you?
I have measured things I may not have measured. It has helped me be more self-evaluative. It has also helped me feel less afraid of evaluations.
Teacher Comments Danielson How has it helped you?
It held me accountable for setting and meeting professional goals Yes, absolutely. I love hearing feedback on what I can do to improve. It will make me a better teacher!
Teacher Comments Danielson What should be changed?
Need peer observations. A separate evaluation tool or extension that is also geared toward special education practices Administrators need to be aware of the current best practices and whether or not their teachers are using them. Not just experts on pedagogy, but on rigor in content too.
Teacher Comments Danielson What should be changed?
Better PLCs, time to meet just to talk about how to improve our instruction, brainstorm solutions to current problems with other teachers. There needs to be camaraderie among teachers and there is none at our school. .
Teacher Comments Danielson What should be changed?
Everything I've read about walk-throughs and observations includes the visitors to the classroom always providing some sort of feedback, usually in the form of praise plus a question. I had people in and out of my room all year observing the work we were doing in my class, but I was always left wondering what they saw. What was good? What suggestions do they have? What questions do they have? What did I miss?
Teacher Comments Danielson What should be changed?
Feel like observations should be drop-in as well as scheduled
Teacher Comments Danielson What should be changed?
how do we evaluate or principals and supt? they need to participate is 360 evals. Quite honestly, as it was my first year teaching and getting through the year was stressful enough in itself, the extra work of making and preparing goals was overwhelming.
Teacher Comments Marshall What has helped?
Allowed me to see through another’s eyes what I am doing and what I could be doing better/differently Being more aware of what needs to be done Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What has helped?
As a professional I feel that the Marshall system helps me become a reflective thinker, especially when considering instruction and modes of assessment. It gives me an open line of communication with my administrator and allows us to work together to find what best suites our learners. Our ideas together help drive instruction in my classroom and measures my professional progress accurately and fairly. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What has helped?
Face-to-face feedback has been most beneficial for me at a teacher. I was given specific and direct feedback on how to improve. Completing a self assessment helped me be mindful of what is expected of me. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What has helped?
Goal setting and visiting with another set of eyes that goes into many classrooms is very helpful. good self reflection I appreciate the goal setting. I gives a focus of things to improve upon. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What has helped?
I have not been evaluated in 5 years. I think it creates a lot of unnecessary stress. I do like the idea of the walk-through and quick eval sessions though. When I look at the evaluation tool itself, I find it too much. It hasn’t. She doesn’t observe, then fills out an evaluation that has no merit Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What has helped?
I'm a tough critic on myself. Personal goals are what make me grow. It gives me time to talk/visit with my principal about aspects of the classroom It has made me aware of the differentiated learners in my room. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What has helped?
Marshall eval should have at least 10 mini observations to be effective. I've heard many teachers say they have had one. Last year I had one. This year I've had 2 for sure, and maybe a couple pass-bye check ins during the passing period just to ask "what are you doing in class today". To be effective, it must be used as recommended, otherwise it doesn't fir the Marshal eval model. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What has helped?
The Marshall rubrics are EXCELLENT! They present an extremely well-rounded view of the characteristics of a great teacher. By having us score ourselves on the Marshall rubric at the beginning of the year, it reminds us of what we should be doing throughout the year. I keep my self-assessment and then when I re-assess at the end of the year, I can compare areas that I feel that I've grown in. I also love taking the self-assessment Marshall rubric and comparing it with my principal's rubric. It incites excellent discussion about areas of discrepancies. This process is a great improvement over the "formal" evaluation model, which involved a pre-scheduled eval. day and a discussion that related ONLY to the lesson. In the the Marshall model, we get to discuss all aspects of my teaching, and this has been extremely valuable. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What should be changed?
A new evaluation process for Specialist and Special Ed. Teachers A way to make it for time efficient for administrators. Better understanding of what is on the Marshall model Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What should be changed?
Any sort of evaluation would help. There is absolutly no accountibility in our administration. It is all teacher driven if any sort of professional development plan is to be implemented. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What should be changed?
Actually do the evaluation as it's meant to be done. If an administrator can't get to my room 10 times for 5-10 minutes or 1 time for minutes, they have no right to tell me they have any teaching advice to give that is specific to how I run my classroom. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What should be changed?
Face - to - face discussion of mini observations Goal setting and a follow-up on the goals set I think it would help to have a mid-year check in. I think we should be using more technology (i.e. recording lessons, etc.) Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What should be changed?
More collaboration time. more info on the Marshal The evaluation is very subjective. The principal also did not even remember what they had given me on the first evaluation. So, they didn't realize that the scores dropped or have a reason why. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall What should be changed?
The rubric leaves a lot to interpretation and I disagree with some of the criteria that makes a teacher effective. I don't think that permitting a student to take a test as many times as necessary is best practice. There should be goals set and they should continue across years Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall Other Comments?
getting my principal into my classroom more often I thought we were suppose to get observed up to 10 times. Perhaps further explanation from someone outside the school would be helpful or more information from someone outside our school in some form. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marshall Other Comments?
Why aren't teachers given the opportunity to evaluate administrators with a similar evaluation model? Continual growth is impossible. I will always strive to do better, but I don't see how continual growth is possible forever. That's a ridiculous expectation.. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What has helped?
aware of the good things I was doing Being more thoughtful of my goals, as well as how I am trying to improve my classroom and teaching. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What has helped?
By gaining feedback I see what I need to improve on. Feedback through iObservation was helpful. Helps keep me focused on the primary objective each day and helped in dealing with "gray areas". Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What has helped?
I am doing more self evaluation on my lessons and am more aware of having the students do more self assessment also. This makes them take more ownership of their learning. I am more aware of student engagement and the strategies I use to engage my students Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What has helped?
I am doing more self evaluation on my lessons and am more aware of having the students do more self assessment also. This makes them take more ownership of their learning. I am more aware of student engagement and the strategies I use to engage my students Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What has helped?
I get more out of when my principal evaluates me. He is honest and professional and I respect his constructive criticism . I like having the Marzano model to follow to clearly know classroom expectations I thought the growth plans were helpful. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What has helped?
It helps me self reflect and not become complacent. It's nit picky. Evaluator is looking at meaningless details, almost as if they are trying to find something wrong. I know we're supposed to be open for feedback, but in the big picture of what we do, the nit picky faults are insulting. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What should be changed?
It's nit picky. Evaluator is looking at meaningless details, almost as if they are trying to find something wrong. I know we're supposed to be open for feedback, but in the big picture of what we do, the nit picky faults are insulting. Actually, it steered me in a direction that I felt was not student centered instruction Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What should be changed?
A clear expectation of each domain Applying to PE area Face-to-face visits Focus on less domains each year. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What should be changed?
I believe a grade shouldn't be given I don't feel taking teachers away from their students to 'evaluate' peers is productive. This is what administrators are trained to do. Let us teach our students. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What should be changed?
I like IMMEDIATE feedback after an observation - it would be nice if the results were available right away. I think a different method of evaluation would be more effective. This process is too long and unattainable. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What should be changed?
More examples of "innovative" performance Train evaluators on how to implement these models effectively, and also train them that nothing should be black or white in an evaluation. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What should be changed?
Go back to the old way of doing evaluations where the administrator came in, observed you teaching a whole lesson and the reflection was a written comment piece instead of it being a grading scale as to how many of the key components were touched on in a twenty minute period of time. The evaluation should look at the teacher over a period of time just like we look at our students. A twenty minute observation once or twice a year shouldn't define a teachers ability to teach effectively. Teachers need to feel supported all year long. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What should be changed?
Actual informative feedback. Marazano is ineffective as a teacher evaluation format. Having the principal report on the classroom activities and then discuss with the teacher is much more effective. Number scales are not beneficial to anyone. Principals who frequent the classrooms know what is occurring and should know what is or is not occurring in a classroom. Teachers should not be informed in advance of a visit. The visit is then contrived. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Teacher Comments Marzano What should be changed?
Formal administrative observations always seem to pose an awkward scenario in general, I don't wish to speak for everyone, but I don't think many would disagree. I feel like the unannounced, more frequent, but more brief visits illustrate a truer snapshot of the teaching and learning taking place in a class. It would be great to see those visits, noted and compiled, then examined in a professional growth portfolio. Personal is important. Can be both, if the terms are yours.
Implications from the Survey?
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