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Basic Electronics Bhavin V Kakani

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1 Basic Electronics Bhavin V Kakani
Electronics & Communication Engineering, IT-NU D-Block, Room No. 100, Ext. 421

2 Course Details: Course Code : EC321
Course Title : Basic Electronics Teaching scheme : Lecture – 03 hours Tutorial hours Practical – 02 hours Credit : 04

3 Prof. Rachna Sharma (Course Coordinator)
Course Instructors Prof. Twinkle Bhavsar Prof. Rachna Sharma (Course Coordinator) Prof. Bhavin Kakani

4 Course Objective: “To learn fundamentals and all the aspects of the electronic devices and circuits, starting from semiconductor diodes, transistors to amplifiers, power supplies and design of different types of electronics circuits.”

5 Course Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, student will be able to: 1. Understand the fundamentals of various basic semi-conductor devices and principles of analog electronics 2. Apply the knowledge of basic semi-conductor devices to realize the working of basic electronic circuits 3. Design basic electronic circuits

6 Course Syllabus Semiconductor Diodes: Classification of semiconductors, conductivity of semiconductors, Theory of PN-Junction Diode, Energy band structure, Diode Resistance, Transition Capacitance, Diffusion Capacitance,    Junction Diode Switching Characteristics, Break-down in Junction diode, PN Diode Applications, Zener diode, Varactor Diode, Schottky Diode, LED and Laser Diode. Bipolar Junction Transistor: Construction, Biasing, NPN, PNP transistors, types of configurations, Break-down in transistors, Bias stability, methods of transistor biasing, bias compensation, heat sink Field Effect Transistor: Construction of FET, Operation of JFET, characteristic parameters of JFET, Transfer characteristics of FET, comparison of JFET and BJT, applications of JFET, MOSFET, enhanced MOSFET, depletion MOSFET, comparison of MOSFET with JFET Amplifiers: small signal h-parameters, Classification, Single Stage Amplifier, FET amplifier, classification based on biasing condition, multistage amplifier.

7 Operational Amplifier: Ideal Opamps, Opamp stages, parameters, equivalent circuits, IF-opamp, opamp applications, Bandwidth with feedback, noise, frequency response and compensation Feedback Amplifiers: Basic concepts of feedback, effects of negative feedback, type of negative feedback connections, stability of feedback amplifiers Principle of Oscillator: classification, condition per oscillation, RC Oscillators, Wein-Bridge Oscillators, Crystal Oscillators, wave shaping circuits Power Supplies: Linear mode power supply, switch mode power supply Design of electronics circuit: Design of rectifier, power supply, design of amplifier, oscillator.



10 Text Book/ Reference Book:
Electronics devices & circuits by S. Salivahanan, N. Sureshkumar & A. Valiavaraj-TMH publications. Reference Books: 1.  Electronics principles by Malvino-McGraw Hill 2.  Electronics Devices & Circuits by Bell PHI publications. 3.  Electronics Principle by V K Mehta S Chand Publications 4.  Electronics Devices & Circuits by Boylested E-book: Science Ebook Basic Electronics Online Ebook with simulations and troubleshooting. a publication

11 Course related web links
Hand-outs and  Lecture notes •        Blog •       •       NPTEL Lectures •       •       Virtual lab •    

12 Hobby Projects 1.
1.   2.    3.    4.    5.   

13 Useful Software 1. Multisim software 2. Circuit design tool
3. Ulti-board 4. Eagle 5. Proteus

14 I am an IT Engineer so Why Should I study this subject?

15 A Cancer Cure Team Khaled Barakat
Economist, Physician, Robotic Engineer Electrical Engineer Hu Jintao Hydraulic Engineer

16 Upcoming Engineering branches and Master courses:
Astronautics Engineering Aquaculture Engineering Biomechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Biotechnical Engineering Bioprocessing Engineering Information and Electrical systems Engineering Natural resources Engineering Optomechatronics Engineering Avionics IOT Engineering Rehabilitation Engineering Neural Engineering Nanotechnology Health Technology Clinical Engineering Bioinstrumentation Engineering

Artificial Intelligence Cognitive science Computer Information systems (CIS) Computer graphics Computer Networks Robotics Telecommunication Engineering Quantitative and Computational biology Applied and computational mathematics

18 Chapter 1: Semiconductor Diodes

19 Chapter Objective Aware about the general characteristics of 3 important semiconductor materials: Si, Ge, GaAs. Understand conduction using electron and hole theory Realize n-type and p-type material Develop clear understanding of operation and characteristics of a diode in the different biasing conditions Calculate ac, dc and average ac resistance of a diode from the characteristics Learning special diodes like Zener diode and LEDs. Different applications of the diode

20 Semiconductors Materials that permit flow of electrons are called conductors (e.g., gold, silver, copper, etc.). Materials that block flow of electrons are called insulators (e.g., rubber, glass, Teflon, mica, etc.). Materials whose conductivity falls between those of conductors and insulators are called semiconductors. Semiconductors are “part-time” conductors whose conductivity can be controlled.


22 Semiconductor Material

23 Silicon Atomic density: 5 x 1022 atoms/cm3
Si has four valence electrons. Therefore, it can form covalent bonds with four of its nearest neighbors. When temperature goes up, electrons can become free to move about the Si lattice.

24 Electronic Properties of Si
 Silicon is a semiconductor material. Pure Si has a relatively high electrical resistivity at room temperature.  There are 2 types of mobile charge-carriers in Si: Conduction electrons are negatively charged; Holes are positively charged.  The concentration (#/cm3) of conduction electrons & holes in a semiconductor can be modulated in several ways: by adding special impurity atoms ( dopants ) by applying an electric field by changing the temperature by irradiation

25 Electron-Hole Pair Generation
When a conduction electron is thermally generated, a “hole” is also generated. A hole is associated with a positive charge, and is free to move about the Si lattice as well.

26 Carrier Concentrations in Intrinsic Si
The “band-gap energy” Eg is the amount of energy needed to remove an electron from a covalent bond. The concentration of conduction electrons in intrinsic silicon, ni, depends exponentially on Eg and the absolute temperature (T):

27 Doping (N type) Si can be “doped” with other elements to change its electrical properties. For example, if Si is doped with phosphorus (P), each P atom can contribute a conduction electron, so that the Si lattice has more electrons than holes, i.e. it becomes “N type”: Notation: n = conduction electron concentration

28 Doping (P type) If Si is doped with Boron (B), each B atom can contribute a hole, so that the Si lattice has more holes than electrons, i.e. it becomes “P type”: Notation: p = hole concentration

29 Summary of Charge Carriers

30 Electron and Hole Concentrations
Under thermal equilibrium conditions, the product of the conduction-electron density and the hole density is ALWAYS equal to the square of ni: N-type material P-type material

31 Terminology donor: impurity atom that increases n
acceptor: impurity atom that increases p N-type material: contains more electrons than holes P-type material: contains more holes than electrons majority carrier: the most abundant carrier minority carrier: the least abundant carrier intrinsic semiconductor: n = p = ni extrinsic semiconductor: doped semiconductor

32 Summary The band gap energy is the energy required to free an electron from a covalent bond. Eg for Si at 300K = 1.12eV In a pure Si crystal, conduction electrons and holes are formed in pairs. Holes can be considered as positively charged mobile particles which exist inside a semiconductor. Both holes and electrons can conduct current. Substitutional dopants in Si: Group-V elements (donors) contribute conduction electrons Group-III elements (acceptors) contribute holes Very low ionization energies (<50 meV)

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