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Benefits expected from data providers

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits expected from data providers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits expected from data providers
Marek Ostanek, Director Department of Data Management, UKE

2 Status o mapping in Poland
Infrastructure mapping _done Theoretical max speed of Internet_download Service mapping _done Demand mapping _done Investment _done Quality service _ under develepment

3 Infrastructure mapping in relation to TUV requirements

4 Fixed NUTS3 EU Grid Grid 250*250

5 % of buildings with fixed speed
Initiative NUTS / GRID ID QoS Type Technology Internet Access Provider Time Technology Customer End User Operator Additional indicator Quality criteria Result of combinations Name of Initiative ID 1 Group: All/Unknown All time / Unknown All/Unknown Availability Households Infrastructure Min spatial resolution 2 Group: Wired Working Days LAN Operator (physical) XXX Availability Inhabitants Speed Down Max 3 Group: Wireless Weekends WLAN Availability Area Speed Up Average Group: Mobile Day Peak Mobile Operator (physical) ZZZ Availability Addresses Latency Median Group: NGA Day Non peak Operator (virtual) XXX Availability Roads Jitter Group 1 Single: DSL/ADSL Take-up Packet loss Group 2 Single: CATV Operator (virtual) ZZZ Measurement Only Data Usage Group 3 Single: FTTC/VDSL Measurement Comparison Group 4 Single: FTTH/B Group 5 Single: UMTS/3G Number of measurements Single: LTE/4G Number of Operators (physical) Single: 2G Number of Operators (virtual) Single: WiMAX/WLAN Names of Operators (physical) Single: Satellite Names of Operators (virtual) Theoretical Grid 1km- Many buildings with different speed _DSl , the same problem exists in mobile % of buildings with fixed speed Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes/No Yes Measurements Grid 1km- Many buildings with different measurements speed _DSl , the same problem exists in mobile - many measuremets. What we should present on the map? Only part of grid has network or mobile coverage? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

6 Theoretical VDSL Supplier 1 FTTH Supplier 2 Mobile Supp. 3 Max 2Mb/s
For this grid: Supp.1, 3 b, max 10Mb/s Supp.1, 2 b, max 2Mb/s Supp.2, 5 b, more than100Mb/s Sold 2Mb/s Max 10Mb/s Max 30Mb/s Sold 100Mb/s

7 Service mapping

8 Check your address Enter the address Proprietary name

9 Quality mapping Under development

10 Data sources for the purposes of QoS/QoE mapping
NPK - Measurement Tool under the project on Information System on Broadband Infrastructure and the Broadband Poland portal

11 Data sources for the purposes of QoS/QoE mapping
BEREC Model of QoS evaluation of the ISP in the provision of internet access services (IAS) Applications for the auditors/testers Measurement probes

12 Internet Access Provider Network Internet eXchange Point
Data sources for the purposes of QoS/QoE mapping Model of Client Application Measurement in NPK Internet Network Main Test Server Analytic Reporting System Test Results Data Base Testing Data Reference Test Server Test Application Test Server Test Application Measuremet Measuremet Internet Network Internet Access Provider Network Test Application and End User Equipment Access Network IP Edge Router Internet eXchange Point Termination Network Point Testing Stream

13 MEF 23.1

14 Theoretical VDSL Supplier 1 FTTH Supplier 2 Mobile Supp. 3 Max 2Mb/s
For this grid: Supp.1, 3 b, max 10Mb/s Supp.1, 2 b, max 2Mb/s Supp.2, 5 b, more than100Mb/s Sold 2Mb/s Max 10Mb/s Max 30Mb/s Sold 100Mb/s

15 Benefits expected from data providers Polish perspective
We are changing the low and we are going to: abolish the possibility to block the information secret entrepreneurs on building level, the name of the service provider is no longer a secret, offered rate and the technology also. Comparing the theoretical internet speed or sold service with measurement for fixed address we give the negotiation power to customer. Collecting measurements data from Internet users we will be able to recognize area where quality of service is worse. That way Polish NRA based on professional measurement done by certificated tolls can press supplier to improve quality. Benefit for potential infrastructure investor is that they can find the niche where quality is bad and no one is going to improve this. Then they can start to thing about new business.

16 Questions? What do you expect from this mapping application?
Readable and understandable format of input data        Which of features could provide a value-added for you (first ideas)?  Trends and predictions      Who should get access to the expert version of the platform?  NRA experts, Government experts, Analytics,  Where do you see the main challenge of this project? Data capture from many sources. Obligation for data suppliers( NRA’s) ? Final visualization of collected data, Aggregation algorithms Different kind of data like data from Sam Knows tools or separates measurements of users. Correlation of official measurements like drive test for mobile with singles users measurements. What should be sent do EU portal?

17 Thank you for your attention
Marek Ostanek Office of Electronic Communications Thank you for your attention. I hope you find this presentation interesting. If you have any questions, I would be glad to answer them.

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