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Why do they Hate US? Westernization Support of Israel

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1 Why do they Hate US? Westernization Support of Israel
Imperialism US overthrew Iranian elected prime minister in 1952 and replaced him w/ a king Cultural Imperialism economic imperialism OIL Iraqi sanctions/embargo ( ) over 1 million dead half of them under 5 yrs Support of Israel $3 billion a year uses $ to fight Palestinians Support Saudi Arabia continued military bases Good vs. Evil

2 Why use terrorism? Guerilla Warfare
Desire to wound a more powerful foe. You may be more powerful, but you can still bleed The higher the target’s profile, the better. American Embassies in Africa (Aug. 1988) World Trade Center (1993 & 2001) Military targets Beirut, Lebanon (1983) 241 Marines killed Pentagon US naval ships (USS COLE in Oct. 2000) About sending a message!!

3 JIHAD – Holy War??! Terrorism: Uses violence to achieve a political or religious end Terrorist: Someone who performs acts of terrorism. State Sponsored v. groups/individuals Jihad: “Striving or Struggling in the Way of God” (Muslims should try to strive to know and do the will of God) Greater Jihad: Struggle with yourself to do what is right. Lesser Jihad: Outward defense of Islam.



6 History of Islamic Fundamentalism
Muslim movement against westernization and secularism that supports a return to the values of the Quran 1928: Muslim Brotherhood Egypt Hassan al-Banna 1952-’79: Iran 1979-’89: Afghanistan ’88: AL-QAEDA founded 1991: Iraq invades Kuwait US forces sent to Saudi Arabia Support of Israel

7 Anti-Israel Islamic Fundamentalist Groups
Goal: the destruction o/t state of Israel Reside in West Bank & Gaza Build schools, clinics, roads, etc Political parties HAMAS: Islamic Resistance Movement Leading political party in Palestinian Authority Islamic Jihad: Sunni Hizbullah: Party of God Southern Lebanon Shiite Muslims

’53: US-CIA w/UK overthrew democratically elected Mu. Mossedegh Shah was SECULAR Against Westernization Social programs failed Opposed to Iran/US alliance Corrupt gov’t SAVAK: Iran’s secret police oppressed opposition

led by Ayatollah Khomeini Theocracy created Shariah law implemented Muslim traditions enforced Nationalized all foreign owned businesses & OIL Iran-Iraq War ’80-’88 Shah of Iran fled to US American Embassy seized 52 Americans taken hostage crisis lasted 444 days

Communist gov’t comes to power in Afghanistan Cold War tensions arise Soviet’s support new gov’t thus invade US supports Afghan rebels supplied STINGER missiles trained Afghan rebels in Pakistan mujahedeen: holy warriors Osama bin-Laden becomes Al-Qaeda Civil war begins btwn opposing Afghan groups Taliban are the victors

11 IRAN-IRAQ WAR (1980-88) CAUSES 1980: Iraq invaded Iran
seized the Shatt al-Arab waterway key access to the Persian Gulf attempt to end Iranian support of Shiite Muslims that live in southern Iraq EFFECTS Over a million killed mined t/ Persian Gulf Tanker Wars economic collapse no winner



14 PERSIAN GULF WAR (1991) CAUSES Iraq in debt due to Iran-Iraq War
Persian Gulf sits atop the world’s largest known oil reserve. EFFECTS US/UN led COALITION DESERT STORM trade embargo against Iraq in place until US invasion ‘03 bombing campaign @ 100,000 Iraqi soldiers killed Iraq sends SCUD missiles against Israel Iraq easily defeated retreating soldiers set fires to Kuwaiti oil wells Continued presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia CAUSES Iraq in debt due to Iran-Iraq War 2 Aug 90: Iraq invaded Kuwait claims Kuwait as province of Iraq access to oil fields greater ACCESS t/t Persian Gulf

15 Iraq’s No Fly Zones

16 “Those that are willing to give up their liberties for temporary
security, deserve neither.” Benjamin Franklin

17 Islamic Fundamentalism: What should we do about it??
Remove all American military forces from the Arabian Peninsula. Remain in Iraq to develop democracy as a model for other Muslim countries. Pressure Muslim countries to close religious schools that preach hatred. Provide foreign aid to Muslim countries in order to reduce unemployment and poverty. Give foreign aid to countries that curb Islamists. Work to achieve security and justice for Israel and Palestine. Capture, try, and (if convicted) execute Osama bin-Laden. Lessen our dependence on MidEast oil. How to deal w/ the Causes?? Effects??




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