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RAID Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks

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1 RAID Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
Courtesy of Satya, Fall ’99 Updated by Gregory Kesden for subsequent classes

2 Motivation for Disk Arrays
Typical memory bandwidths  150 MB/sec Typical disk bandwidths  10 MB/sec Result: I/O-bound applications limited by disk bandwidth (not just by disk latency!) Two common disk bandwidth-limited scenarios Scientific applications: one huge I/O-hungry app Servers: many concurrent requests with modest I/O demands

3 Solution: Exploit Parallelism
Stripe the data across an array of disks many alternative striping strategies possible Example: consider a big file striped across N disks stripe width is S bytes hence each stripe unit is S/N bytes sequential read of S bytes at a time S S S s0,0 s0,1 s0,2 • • • s0,N-1 s1,0 s1,1 s1,2 • • • s1,N-1 s2,0 s2,1 s2,2 • • • s2,N-1 • • • • • Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk N-1 S0,0 S0,1 S0,2 • • • S0,N-1 S1,0 S1,1 S1,2 • • • S1,N-1 S2,0 S2,1 S2,2 • • • S2,N-1 • • • • • • • • • • • •

4 Performance Benefit Sk Sequential read or write of large file
application (or I/O buffer cache) reads in multiples of S bytes controller performs parallel access of N disks aggregate bandwidth is N times individual disk bandwidth (assumes that disk is the bottleneck) Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk N-1 • • • x MB/s x MB/s x MB/s x MB/s S k,0 S k,1 S k,2 S k,N-1 Array Controller Nx MB/s Sk

5 N independent requests
N concurrent small read or write requests randomly distributed across N drives (we hope!) common in database and Web server environments Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk N-1 • • • x MB/s x MB/s x MB/s x MB/s req 1 req 0 req 2 req N-1 Array Controller Nx MB/s N independent requests

6 Reliability of Disk Arrays
As number of disks grows, chances of at least one failing increases Reliability of N disks = (reliability of 1 disk) / N suppose each disk has MTTF of 50,000 hours (roughly 6 years before any given disk fails) then some disk in a 70-disk array will fail in (50,000 / 70) hours (roughly once a month!) Large arrays without redundancy too unreliable to be useful “Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks” (RAID)

7 RAID Approaches Many alternative approaches to achieving this redundancy RAID levels 1 through 5 hot sparing allows reconstruction concurrently with accesses Key metrics to evaluate alternatives wasted space due to redundancy likelihood of “hot spots” during heavy loads degradation of performance during repair

8 RAID Level 1 D1 B1 D2 B2 D3 B3 Also known as “mirroring”
To read a block: read from either data disk or backup To write a block: write both data and backup disks failure model determines whether writes can occur in parallel Backups can be located far way: safeguard against site failure

9 RAID Levels 2 & 3 D1 D2 D3 P These are bit-interleaved schemes
• • • These are bit-interleaved schemes In Raid Level 2, P contains memory-style ECC In Rail Level 3, P contains simple parity Rarely used today

10 RAID Level 4 D0,0 D1,0 D2,0 D3,0 D0,1 D1,1 D2,1 D3,1 D0,2 D1,2 D2,2
P0 P1 P2 P3 D0,0  D0,1  D0,2 = P0 Block-interleaved parity Wasted storage is small: one parity block for N data blocks Key problem: parity disk becomes a hot spot write access to parity disk on every write to any block

11 RAID Level 5 D0,0 D1,0 D2,0 P3 D0,1 D1,1 P2 D3,1 D0,2 P1 D2,2 D3,2 P0
Rotated parity Wastage is small: same as in Raid 4 Parity update traffic is distributed across disks

12 RAID 5 Actions    Fault-free Read Fault-free Write Degraded Read
P Fault-free Read D P 1 2 3 4 Fault-free Write D P Degraded Read D P Degraded Write

13 RAID 6 Like RAID-5, but has two rotated parity blocks
Can sustain 2 independent drive failures Similarly no read penalty More work to do to compute parity For writes Upon failures Parity computation isn’t simple Uses a Galois Field Much more computational involved Beyond scope of class Key point: Enables reads with 2 failures with only 2 parity blocks

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