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Learning Teaching Teaching Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Teaching Teaching Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Teaching Teaching Learning
By: Larry Burd, Ph.D. Department of Pediatrics University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

2 Children with severe learning problems require unique strategies

3 Modifications of instructional approaches require monitoring and long term goals

4 Instructional changes can facilitate or impair learning

5 Says it Imitates Delayed or Does it partial response
Strategy Spontaneous Cue Prompt

6 Teaching Cycle Response required Response Ready for next response

7 Learning Rate Average student Teaching learning Impaired

8 Critical skills for integration into the classroom Score one for each not present By Krantz and McClannahan On task behavior >80% _____ Follows typical directions: oral _____ written _____ Works for delayed reinforcement _____ Shows generative language _____ Generalizes new skills rapidly _____ Infrequent or no afferent behaviors _____ Total _____

9 Says it Imitates Delayed or Does it partial response
Strategy Spontaneous Cue Prompt Slower Learning More difficult teaching More efficient learning Increased ease of teaching

10 Says it Imitates Delayed or
Response Says it Imitates Delayed or Does it contingent partial response Strategy Slow instructional cycle Poor motivation Spontaneous Cue Prompt Poor attention Inconsistent Forgets quickly Noncompliant Poor rewards One reward for several behaviors Attend to negative behaviors

11 Says it Imitates Delayed or Does it partial response
Strategy Spontaneous Cue Prompt Ignore negative behavior Attend to positive behaviors Schedule Increased rate of learning Routine Faster instructional cycle Shaping response Appropriate Reward

12 Teaching Score Learning Score Teaching-Learning Score 1-5

13 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 Says it Imitates Delayed or Does it partial response
Strategy Spontaneous Cue Prompt

14 Says it Imitates Delayed or Does it partial response
Strategy Spontaneous Cue Prompt Slow teaching, labor intensive, behavior management, too much talk for comprehension deficits Slow learning rate, boring, attentionally demanding, high memory requirements, irritates adults, very labor intensive

15 likelihood of successful classroom instruction
High Learning Score Low low likelihood of successful classroom instruction high Low High Teaching Score

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