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What is The chemical evolution of guns ?

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1 What is The chemical evolution of guns ?
By : Gracey

2 Introduction This was all started when China created gunpowder
They created gunpowder by blending charcoal, potassium nitrate and sulfur into a powder also known as huo yao Then they soon shipped it to other countries around the world

3 The Chinese fire lancer
The first gun created was the Chinese Fire Lancer which was made by accident How did it work ? The Chinese Fire Lancer was made of bamboo which used gunpowder - The gunpowder was commonly mixed with water or wine then pushed through a screen to create a bullets

4 How does gunpowder work ?
What makes gunpowder reactive ? Potassium nitrate decomposes at high temperature to provide oxygen for the reaction which means that the powder does not need to be exposed to air to burn The charcoal acts as a fuel The sulfur can also act as a fuel but provides more energy

5 Is there different types of gun powder ?
There is multiple different types of gunpowder such as; ball powder, flattened ball powder, flake powder and stick powder. What do these powders do ? These powders don’t actually really do anything The different powders are just made to fit different types of guns better

6 Do different gun powders create different reactions ?
The different types gun powders do not change the reaction. If the different types of gun powder don’t change the reaction what does ? The Density : this will decrease the chance of a double charge The Burn Rate : this will have a extreme affect the pressure generated

7 What makes a gun powerful ?
There is multiple different things that attributes to the power of a gun. The ammunition chambered is what the power attributes to The force generated and the acceleration of the bullet The heavier the bullet the greater the speed

8 The body of the gun

9 How do the parts of the gun work ?
Barrel : what the bullet travels through Trigger : when pulled it moves the striker Recoil Assembly : absorbs the shock of the gun firing The Striker : the thing that hit the bullets The Cartridge : (the bullet) which holds the gun powder

10 Where can we get from here with guns ?
There is always a way to improve and I think there will be dramatic changes made. To think that we started off with a gun made of bamboo and we needed to be really close top actually cause damage to the enemy and then hundreds of years pass and now we have tanks, massive rifles and we can even hide in a bush and hit a target miles away, cause extreme damage truly amazing. And I have no idea where we can get from here but all I know is that there will be dramatic changes made.

11 Conclusion After finishing my research, I'm truly surprised with the results, going into this project I thought there was going to be a massive chemical evolution. But in reality, there was no real chemical evolution of guns in fact the evolution of guns is actually just the evolution of parts added to the gun to make it more powerful. And basically in time there was slowly changes made to make the earlier models better.

12 Bibliography gun.htm

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