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Concurrent Processes.

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Presentation on theme: "Concurrent Processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concurrent Processes

2 Producer-consumer problem
producer of some resource Printer requests, lex in compiler, etc. Consumer Consumes items produced by producer Printer daemon that prints requests, syntax analyzer in compilers, etc.

3 Bounder buffer problem
Common buffer is accessed by both producer and consumer Make sure that all items are consumed exactly once All items consumed by the consumer are indeed produced by the produced

4 Correctness Each item produced by the producer must be consumed exactly once and in the order placed into the buffer Producer must not overwrite its own items and it should not leave any gaps

5 Shared variables Use a count on number of items in the buffer
Producer increments when placing an item Consumer decrements when removing item Problem with updating shared variable (result can be unpredictable)

6 Updating count (common variable)
(producer) while (count>=n) wait place item in buffer count++ (consumer) while (count=0) wait remove an item from buffer count-- Say count is 5 initially. After producer and consumer both execute, the result can be 4, 5 or 6 depending on relative execution of the two processes!

7 Producer code Produce an item while (in+1 mod n = out) wait;
buffer[in]=item produced; item++ mod n

8 Consumer code While (in=out) wait; item=buffer[out] out++ mod n;
consume removed item;

9 Updating shared variables
Can give any result and result not known and hard to debug.

10 Critical Sections Mutual exclusion No interference
No deadlock and starvation No delay to enter if no process is in critical section No assumption on relative process speeds Process is critical section for a finite time only

11 Solutions to Critical Section
Hardware solutions Software solutions

12 Semaphores Is a synchronization tool
Integer variable whose value can be accessed through atomic operations wait and signal Binary and counting semaphores Implementations

13 Applications Process synchronization (precedence constraints) using semaphores Readers and writers problem Bounded buffers problem Other sutiations

14 Implementing precedence constraints using semaphores
P3 can begin only after p1 terminates p1 p3 p2 p4

15 Code for p1 s12, s13: semaphore init 0;
perform task associated with p1 signal(s12); signal(s13); Code for p2 s24:semaphore init 0; wait(s12); perform task associated with p2 signal(s24);

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