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Governance Growth Strategies Global Expansions. Why Small Planes Need the Better Pilots For Leaders who make Followers produce better outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "Governance Growth Strategies Global Expansions. Why Small Planes Need the Better Pilots For Leaders who make Followers produce better outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Small Planes Need the Better Pilots For Leaders who make Followers produce better outcomes

2 Governance Growth Strategies Global Expansions


4 The only definition of a leader is someone with followers.
Peter Drucker – The Leader of the Future Think of the corporation as a community of people spread over miles of hills, fields and forests. To get everyone moving in a new direction, leaders need to be dispersed across the countryside. Worley & Lawler 2006 article in readings

5 What Leaders Really Do Most small companies are over-managed and under-led Many (young ?) people can play important leadership roles Leaders are everywhere There is a difference between leading and managing

6 Management v. Leadership
Management keeps things orderly – the Rowers Leadership keeps things moving forward – the Steerers Managers plan and budget, control, solve problems Leaders set directions, motivate and inspire

7 Visionary Leadership Be enthusiastic and inspire to action
Help others to perform in a team Challenge the existing process Be a consistent example as leader Celebrate achievement and show emotion

8 Clearly the leader who commands compelling causes has an extraordinary potential influence over followers. James MacGregor Burns

9 What makes a good leader?
Personal experiences : Say 3 positive things about them Say 3 negative things about them

10 Conclusions No one is perfect Everyone has strengths and weaknesses
We can laugh about everyone We can admire everyone But: We CANNOT hide!

11 Leader Formation Leaders nearly always had an opportunity to lead early in their careers Trauma Planning by the individual Connected to established leaders Transition planning by the corporation Opportunity to broaden and grow beyond narrow managerial base Formal changes in Title/Education

12 Leadership and Management Audits
Australian and NZ leaders are strong on: Hard skills – analysis, budgeting, planning, controlling Weaker on: Soft skills – interpersonal skills, communication, evaluating performance and giving feedback, coaching, motivating - leadership.

13 Where are Leaders special?
Which are the most important characteristics of leaders?

14 Leadership realities Cannot exist without others
No followers = no leader Only followers (e.g., a team, a workforce) make leading possible Without communication relationships are impossible Communication is the making and talking of sense How we talk, and perceive, shapes what is possible (e.g. of language you use to set up a team) Aim of the course: Give you ideas and tools to understand advertising better, Help you be more critical about what you see. Forget passive reading, develop a challenging view of advertising Today, as a short introduction, we’ll have a look at advertising’s social consequences. I will summarise the main criticisms directed at advertising. Hopefully you’ll be able to keep them in mind when you look at ads next. Some of the general questions you have to keep in mind if you want to keep a critical look at advertising are the following: ENTER POINTS We’ll try to answer some of these questions in the next few minutes. You need to look at ads and analyse them to be able to design them later on (A writer needs to read)

15 Empowerment Leaders enable others to achieve greatness - and give them full credit for results Information Responsibility Trust Authority Tools

16 Leadership and you: Total person involvement
Using communication skills without honesty makes you manipulative and puts sustainable relationships at risk You lie - you die (as a leader) If (someone believes) you only say things to get things then you are unlikely to inspire trust or retain credibility You are your communication (how else will people know you as a person and as a leader?) Aim of the course: Give you ideas and tools to understand advertising better, Help you be more critical about what you see. Forget passive reading, develop a challenging view of advertising Today, as a short introduction, we’ll have a look at advertising’s social consequences. I will summarise the main criticisms directed at advertising. Hopefully you’ll be able to keep them in mind when you look at ads next. Some of the general questions you have to keep in mind if you want to keep a critical look at advertising are the following: ENTER POINTS We’ll try to answer some of these questions in the next few minutes. You need to look at ads and analyse them to be able to design them later on (A writer needs to read)

17 Leadership can be taught Absolutely!

18 Here is what leaders really do:


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