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Orientation for the Resource Learning Center Part 5

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1 Orientation for the Resource Learning Center Part 5


3 Procedures: In the event that a TORNADO or other severe weather warning is issued that requires WMR1 students to take cover, the following procedures should be observed.

4 1 The SIGNAL that indicates it is necessary to seek shelter from sever weather is a series of three (3) short bell rings or horn blasts

5 2 Teachers will STAY CALM, direct your students to proceed to the designated area ( Room 203 evacuates to the junior high boy’s and girl’s restrooms at the end of the hall by the cafeteria. ) Teachers will close your classroom door. If classroom windows are open, leave them open.

6 3 Teachers will in all emergencies that occur: A. Get the students to a safe location (Junior High Restrooms). B. Contact the office using a reliable person, with any emergency information. C. Teachers will take emergency folders with you.

7 4 Students will stand in one of the two junior high restrooms. Students remain in this position and place until the All-Clear is sounded.

8 5 Students do not block doorways and keep path clear in the restroom, to and from the restroom door.


10 Alarm Signal Pulsing alarm (on-off repeating) and strobe lights.

11 1 Student do not panic, remain calm in an emergency situations.

12 2 Students, if you are in the area where the fire starts report the fire to the Principal’s office by pulling down on the fire alarm located in the hallways.

13 3 Teachers, all doors and windows are to be closed. Turn off the room lights.

14 4 Students are to file out the designated exit. Students in room 203 exit through their classroom door. Go toward the cafeteria in the junior high hall until they reach the exit at the double door marked Exit N2.

15 5 Students exit at the double doors marked Exit N2 on the north side toward the north end of the building. Students follow the sidewalk to the east heading for the area inside the track. Students should never run or shove.

16 6 Students exiting Exit N2 on the north side of the building will calmly walk to the grassy area behind the track. Students will assemble in a group to check roll. If there is a lot of smoke student should be low to the ground.

17 7 Teachers are to keep students at a safe distance until the all clear is given.

18 8 Teachers are to take roll by name.
Teachers are to use green or red cards to signal if all students are present or not.

19 9 Designated office staff will check with each teacher to make sure all students are present and then report to their respective administrators.


21 If INside At the first sign of an earthquake, students take cover.
Students take cover under a table, desk, or counter and away from possible falling objects.

22 INside 2. If shelter is not available, students move to an inside wall or corner, turn away from windows, kneel along side wall, bend head close to knees, cover side of head and clasp hands behind neck

23 INside 3. If jackets or books are handy, students hold these over head. for added protection.

24 INside 4. Students remain in the drop and cover position until instructed otherwise by teacher or other supervising staff Down on knees, head down and hands over head

25 INside 5. When so directed by administrative representatives or emergency response personal, evacuate the building using the fire drill evacuation procedures.

26 INside In post-earthquake conditions, teachers gather emergency information and report pertinent data the office personel.

27 If OUTside 1. On the playground or en route to and from the building, move to any open space, away from buildings and overhead power lines

28 OUTside 2. Lie down or crouch low to the ground

29 OUTside 3. Keep looking around to be aware of dangers that may demand movement

30 OUTside 4. When a notice has been given to exit the building, report to the Building Evacuation Assembly Area for your classroom

31 Sentence Rules 1. Sentences have to start with capital letters.
2. Sentences have to end with a punctuation mark. 3. Sentence must have a noun. (Name of a person, place, or thing) 4. Sentences have to have a verb. (Action word, what the noun does.

32 Sentence Example Hershey Kisses is a cat.

33 Paragraph Rules 1. Paragraphs have 5 sentences that follow the sentence rules. 2. The first sentence in a paragraph is the topic sentence. (It tells you what you are going to talk about.) 3. The next three sentences are detail sentences. (They describe the subject in the topic sentence.)

34 Paragraph Rules Continued
4. The detail sentences have to stay on the topic of the topic sentence. 5.The last sentence is the summary sentence. (It tell what you have talked about in your paragraph.) 6. Paragraph topic sentences are always indented.

35 Paragraph Example Hershey Kisses is a cat. His fur is the color of white chocolate. He sleeps all day, He plays all night. Now you know about Hershey Kisses.

36 The Writing Process 1. YOU BRAINSTORM (Think about what you are going to write about and what you know about the topic. 2. YOU WRITE A ROUGH DRAFT (Write down your ideas.) 3. YOU REVISE (Make changes to the content of what you have written.)

37 More Writing Process 4. YOU AND I WILL PROOFREAD (We will find mistakes and then correct them.) 5. YOU WILL PUBLISH. (All rough and revise drafts are made using your lap top. Your final draft, finish product, will be saved to and printed from your lap top.) WE DO THIS FOR ALL SPELLING ASSIGNMENTS.

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