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Ancient Egypt Text Review

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1 Ancient Egypt Text Review
Name the two regions into which ancient Egypt was divided. Locate the Nile Delta and identify two cities near it. Name the three deserts and two large bodies of water that surround Egypt. Why do you think the Greek historian Herodotus call Egypt “the gift of the Nile”?

2 Make Your Own Pyramid Fold a sheet of paper into a taco. Cut off the excess rectangular tab formed by the fold. Open the folded taco and refold it like a taco the opposite way to create an X-fold pattern. Cut one of the folds to the center of the X, or midpoint and stop. This forms two triangular-shaped flaps. 4) Take notes on the underneath side and draw pictures representing Early Egyptian Life, the Dynasties, and the Kingdoms on the outside. * DO NOT GLUE IT YET!

3 Early Egyptian Life 8,000 BC 7,000 BC 3,000 BC
The first humans live in the Nile river Valley 7,000 BC Agriculture starts in the Nile Region 3,000 BC Small villages are established along the Nile Lived in an area called Kemet with fertile soil

4 Early Egyptian Life Originally two kingdoms developed along the Nile:
Lower Egypt Northern Nile Good farmland Copper mines in Sinai Peninsula Upper Egypt Southern Nile Ruler named Menes Conquered Lower Egypt, which led to unification In 3100 BC Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt unified, forming one kingdom The capital was built at Memphis Menes unified the two Kingdoms

5 Dynasties Approximately 30 dynasties ruled the kingdom from 2,700 BC – 1,090 BC Dynasty- Ruling Family Ancient Egyptian history divided into three parts: Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom

6 Old Kingdom Lasted from 2,700 BC – 2,200 BC
Known as the “Age of the Pyramids” Old Kingdom “Step Pyramid”

7 Middle Kingdom Lasted from 2,050 BC – 1,800 BC
Founded by Mentuhotep II

8 New Kingdom Lasted from 1,570 BC – 1090 BC
Ramses II fought Hititites for control of the Middle East

9 Complete Your Pyramid Now glue one of the flaps under the other, forming the pyramid. Make sure not to glue over your notes that you took! Poke a hole in the top of the pyramid so we will be able to hang it up!

10 12-4 Geography

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