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Presentation on theme: "MACROBENTHIC INVERTEBRATE FAUNA OF KARASU STREAM (SİNOP, TURKEY)"— Presentation transcript:

Eylem AYDEMİR ÇİLa*, Murat ÖZBEKb, Öztekin YARDIMa, Seray YILDIZ b, Ayşe TAŞDEMİRb, Hamidreza RASOULI b, Erkut ÖZCAN b, Pınar YILDIZa, Ethem ERTAŞ a, Uğur ÇARLIa a Department of Hydrobiology, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop University, Sinop - Turkey b Department of Hydrobiology, Faculty of Fisheries, Ege University, İzmir - Turkey Karasu Stream, which has 80 km length, originates from Boybatlı region and passes along Erfelek city in Sinop province and runs off to Black Sea (DSİ, 2006) (Figure 1). The assessment of spatial distributions of aquatic organisms inhabiting Karasu Stream was studied for the first time. The main aim of the present study is to identify the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of the stream and to analyze the obtained data statistically. Methods: Karasu stream where the study was carried out, located at Erfelek City, Sinop province (Northern Turkey). Sampling was made monthly between February 2013 and January 2014 at 10 stations. Samples were collected by Kick-sampling method. Benthic samplings were taken from 1.25 m2 area with a 5-minute duration. The sampled materials were transfered to ml plastic jar and fixed in 4% formolin solution.    The samples were washed under tap water and filtered through 0.5 and 1 mm sieves to remove formaldehyde and sorted the materials based on size. Organisms remaining on 1 mm mesh-size sieve were easily separable from other materials by use of a suitable light and naked eye. The other part of samples that gathered on 0.5 mm mesh-size sieve were sorted by using of stereo-microscope. After that, organisms were transferred into 75% ethyl alcohol (Figure 2). Figure 4. The UPGMA dendogram that showing the similarity of the stations. UPGMA analysis grouped the stations with similarity more than 50% according to the occurred species. As a consequence, stations A1 and A2, which were located at the estuary, were classified in the same group. Although the bottom structure of the Stations A4, A5, A6 and A9 are different, those are classified in the same group because of the similarities in observed faunal components. Satation A7, which has a rocky bottom, was grouped with Station A8. Station A10 (with stony and gravelly bottom) and Station A3 were differ from the other stations, in terms of inhabited species (Figure 4). Figure 1. Study area and the sampling stations Figure 5. Average annual values of the measured parameters ( T (°C), pH and DO (mg/L). Among the measured environmental parameters of water [T (°C), DO (mg/L) and pH], temperature and dissolved oxygen are the most effective factors on biodiversity of stations (Figure 5). Discussion: CCA analysis was done according to the Monthly data. Analysis; Species are assessed associate with temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH. According to this; Diptera, Trichoptera and Ostracoda is in negative correlation with temperature. pH, dissolved oxygen have also negative correlation on Ostracoda. Additionally, dissolved oxygen directly affected Hexapoda and Malacostraca. Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Mollusca are directly affected by temperature (Figure 6). Figure 2. Sampling and laboratory studies Figure 6. CCA biplot showing the relation between the physico-chemical parameters and the determined taxa. Results : As a result, individuals of 176 taxa belonging to 5 Phyla were recorded in this study: Oligochaeta (38 taxa, 1157 individuals), Mollusca (12 taxa, 860 individuals), Chironomidae (48 taxa, 5956 individuals), Ostracoda (7 taxa, 65 individuals), Trichoptera (20 taxa, 151 individuals), Malacostraca (11 taxa, individuals), Hexapoda (27 taxa, 2481 individuals) and other Diptera (13 taxa, 2427 individuals) (Figure 3). According to observed data, Chironomindae has the most diverse species, whereas Malacostraca has the most frequent individuals in our sampling area (Figure 6). Figure 3. Taxa and individual numbers of the determined groups. RESOURCES DSİ, Sinop Erfelek Karasu Projesi Revize Planlama Raporu, SAMSUN THANK YOU We deeply appreciate BAP Coordination Unit of the University of Sinop for their support of our study with SÜF numbered project.


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