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School Instructional leadership

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1 School Instructional leadership
March 30, 2016 Class 21: Using Resources (People, Time, Money) to Improve Student Learning

2 Questions / insights from last week


4 From: Interaction Institute for Social Change

5 Learning Targets I can analyze the hiring and induction needs of a specific school. I can lead the design of a hiring and induction plan to meet the specific student learning needs of this school. I can strategically communicate this plan to a key constituency.

6 Agenda Hiring and induction overview
Create a hiring and induction plan for Jensen School Courageous Conversations check-in Preview next week’s readings Plus/Delta

7 “Big Three” Strategies for Resource Use

8 Strategic Hiring Clear job description
"This job requires you to lift 50lbs“ Hiring process that reflects (and signals) your values Increasing underrepresented groups What dispositions do you seek? Demonstration lesson + debrief What are you looking for? Checking references Be receptive to disconfirming evidence or feedback

9 Strategic Hiring, Induction, Retention
What strategies stood out from the reading? … other strategies you’ve experienced / heard of? Possible discussion topics: Aligning mentoring w/ other PD Recruiting/supporting teachers of color – and/or teachers of underrepresented groups How can an integrated professional culture and an ongoing, embedded plan for PD serve to induct and retain new teachers?

10 Design Plan for Hiring & Induction
Small groups -- separate group for school developers Identify needs. Design a plan. How will you: Involve people in decisions? Communicate your plan? Role play Divide into 3 locations Present plan to faculty. Address questions/concerns.

11 SLP 2016 Norms We collaborate and build a community of respect.
We value vulnerability and truths over comfort. We trust each other and assume positive intentions. We expect and seek feedback.

12 Jensen Case Groups, F = 3rd name
4th CS Aleesha, Mike R, Alley, Liz, Michael S 402 Marques, Brandon, Justin R, Michael C 5th CS Jim, Lorena, Maria, Rachel A 214 Katie, Ryon, Rachel B, Kristie 513 Chris, Nick, Jeanie, Andy G, 615 Mary, Tremain, Justin M., Jen 709 George, Andrew S, Sam, Matt, Karla FOR ROLE PLAY: Black in 402, Blue in 214, Red in 203

13 Using Resources Strategically

14 Courageous Conversations reflection
Practice initiating & leading CCs about race with adults May include: sharing article at team meeting & leading discussion naming race in a team/committee mtg, following up with discussion planning & leading OLS about race naming & discussing race during PAL 3 work Reflection (same as in the fall: individual reflection submitted to fall partner, partner responds) Ungraded assignment – what/how do you want to learn?

15 Preview Next Week

16 Plus Delta

17 Final Project due in class April 27th
Goals: Consolidate learning Apply what you’ve learned to your next context Get/give peer feedback to strengthen your project Examples of projects: Entry plan Toolkit Design PD plan Plan a presentation Plan DUE April 13th.

18 Small groups + facilitators
Alley Brandon Nick Thaddeus Andy G Rachel H Madeline Tremain George Justin R Aleesha Chris Rachel B Michael C Katie Liz Karla Justin M Mike R Maria Andrew S Matt Maritza Sam Rachel A Jeanie Jim Kristie Lorena Jen Michael S Marques Ryon Mary

19 Retention “…being able to have input into the key decisions in the building that affect a teacher's job” … is “very highly correlated with the decision whether to stay or leave.” R. Ingersoll, NPR interview,

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