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Postdoctoral Research Associate, UBC

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1 Postdoctoral Research Associate, UBC
What are the essential nutrition information needs to optimize the health of families? Tanis Mihalynuk, PhD, RD Postdoctoral Research Associate, UBC Vancouver, Canada

2 Presentation Overview
I. Pretest II. Introduction III. Nutrition & Families: a ‘gold standard’ ? IV. Individualizing nutrition V. The ‘E’ Word VI. Post-test VI. Conclusions and thanks

3 I. Quick Pre-test Fat contains ____ calories per gram
Alcohol contains ____ calories per gram The most atherogenic of the fats is____ T or F Natural multivitamins are superior to synthetic multivitamins T or F The Food Guide Pyramid and Dietary Guidelines are applicable for all ages

4 I. Quick Pre-test (cont’d)
Please list the top 5 nutrition inquiries you get from friends, family and / or patients that you would like to be better equipped to answer If you could answer one question about nutrition and families after this presentation, what would it be?

5 II. Intro: What is health?
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO, 1948)

6 II. What does nutrition have to do with health?
2nd leading cause of mortality in the US, behind tobacco (Mokdad et al, JAMA 2000;291(10): ) Under- & overnutrition and morbidity & mortality Individual and population-based nutrition strategies to optimize health

7 II. What do we mean by families?
Nuclear? Extended? (Conference ‘probes’: genogram, family circle) Age range: most references focus on nutrition information strategies for children when referring to ‘families’ What about adults and elderly?

8 III. Is there a nutrition gold standard for families?
A. Dietary Guidelines? B. Food Guide Pyramid? C. Food Label? D. Other?

9 A. Dietary Guidelines**
Emphasis on foods over nutrients Variety, moderation, energy balance Regular physical activity (combo of anaerobic & aerobic) **Includes key recommendations for specific population groups

10 B. Food Guide Pyramid (FGP)
Updated: ‘One size doesn’t fit all’ ( ) -pay attention to portions! Adapted for different populations: ( )

11 C. The Food Label Great ‘free’ nutrition information tool for quick assessments of nutrient and energy density of foods Teach kids early; make it fun (label / other nutrition information games) ‘Red flags’: high salt, trans fat or saturated fat (hydrog veg oil, palm / coconut oil)

12 D. Other: The diet ‘flavor of the month’
GI, Zone, Sonoma, Atkins, French, etc, etc ‘Sexy’ sells What about kids and diets?

13 D. Other: The “Pleasure Principle”
CHOCOLATE Foods as ‘fillers’ (more than the tummy) Moderation, even in excess

14 IV. Individualizing Nutrition
Food diaries (self-reflection) Genes / Family history Environmental / societal influencers

15 IV. Individualizing (cont’d): To supplement or not….
Special groups Pregnant /lactating Established nutrient deficiencies (genes +/- environment) ‘lifecycle nutrition’, from babes to elderly ‘Added insurance’

16 V. The ‘E-Word’ VI. Post-test / Self-reflection
Exercise: THE Elixir of Life Anaerobic and aerobic Fun for the whole family Start early Prioritize VI. Post-test / Self-reflection

17 VII. Conclusions Consider individuals <> families
Meet the person where he / she is at ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ Don’t forget the ‘E’ word Make healthy eating and living fun…and remember: it’s much more fun with two…or three…or more….

18 Questions & Comments ? Thank you

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