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Project Custom Designed Integrated Circuits
The purpose of the project is: To use VHDL to do a circuit design that is suitable to implement in a FPGA. To use structured design methods. To use simulations to verify the design. (Test benches). To synthesize the VHDL code. To test the designed circuit (FPGA) in a microcontroller environment. joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project The students can choose between these alternatives: UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) interfaced to a PIC16F84 microcontroller (later to MIPS). VGA controller interfaced to PIC16F628 (later to MIPS) If you are not a student from Em3 you can make your own choice of a project The interface between the microcontroller and the project circuit is specified. The program in the microcontroller is specified and implemented. joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project, Test hard ware FPGA XCS10 OSC MAX232 PIC16F84 DSUB9 JTAG IO-port REG + - DSUB15 joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project, Test hardware Hyperterminal >? FPGA XCS10 OSC MAX232 PIC16F84 DSUB9 JTAG IO-port REG + - DSUB15 VGA-monitor I2C slave joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project Design steps: Design the selected circuit. Design a test bench. Verify the design. Demonstrate the test bench simulations for the supervisor. Synthesize the circuit and implement it in the test hardware. Test the design. Demonstrate the implemented design for the supervisor. Write a project report and hand it over to the supervisor. joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project Assignment reports: Demonstrate the test bench simulations for the supervisor. Every student must be prepared to demonstrate and explain the simulations and to describe the circuit design and the test bench. Demonstrate the implemented design for the supervisor. Write a project report and hand it over to the supervisor. Passed exam for the project Gate Gate Gate joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project UART --************************************************************* -- Project: uart -- clk: input clock 4 MHz. The same clock is used for FPGA and microcontroller. -- reset: internal signal in FPGA -- wr: write signal from micro. -- rd: read signal from the micro. dbus direction from FPGA to micro when ’1’. Statusreg or datareg on dbus when rd=’1’. -- a0-a1: register selection address lines -- dbus: bidirectonal data bus. (D0 to D7 in schematics) entity uart is port(clk, reset, wr, rd, a0, a1: in std_logic; dbus: inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); end; joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project --************************************************************* -- Project: uart -- duplex: full -- Bitrate: bits/s. Fix baudrate generator 4 MHz to 9600. -- Data bits: 8 -- Parity: even -- Stop bits: 2 -- Receiver: Oversampling 16 times -- Clock: 4 Mhz -- Address 0: Data register -- Address 1: Statusregister -- Address X: address 2-7 not used. -- Buffers: Only single buffers => write directly to transmit -- shift register and read directly from receive shift register. joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project start d0 lsb d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 msb par stop stop Micro FSM Receive Status Transmit joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project statusreg(0) (a0=’1’,a1=’0’) Receiver ready reset when data is read from receive-register statusreg(1) (a0=’1’,a1=’0’) Transmitter ready reset when data is put into transmit-register statusreg(2) (a0=’1’,a1=’0’) Parity error reset when correct parity received Receivereg (a0-a1=’0’) 8 bit data register Transmitreg (a0-a1=’0’) joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project clk data wr joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project clk (micro and UART) WR synchronized WR
data is latched in transmitter joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project clk (micro and UART) RD dbus<=receivereg when rd=’1’ and a0=’0’ else statusreg when rd=’1’ and a0=’1’ else (others=>’Z’); joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Pattern and style in Project
Design methodology for project Don’t build too small or too big entities. (In the project ca 3-5) Max 4 levels in hierarchy. Structural VHDL is not so easy to understand. Use state machines (required). Make models with ASM (Algorithmic State Machine) Use variables only for temporary storage e.g. in algorithms. Never use variables for e.g. registers. Use patterns. Look for design examples. A state machine template is an example of a pattern that can improve the design and the readability. joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project VGA Controller
HSYNC x y VSYNC Cursor-sprite 8*8 Cursorpos (xc, yc) joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
Project VGA Controller
HSync Timing control clk VSync reset Blanking X(9 downto 0) Y(8 downto 0) Xbs(2 downto 0) Sprite control Background sprite PIC16F628 Ybs(2 downto 0) 6 DA 3 VGA C interface Xcs(2 downto 0) Cursor sprite Ycs(2 downto 0) joal 2005 HT:1 Custom Designed Integrated Circuits Em3
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