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Procedures, Simple Expressions

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1 Procedures, Simple Expressions
Visual Programming week # 04 Animation: ImageSprite, Clock Procedures, Simple Expressions

2 Outline 1. Tutorial # 04: Mash Mole 2. ImageSprite, Clock 3. 3.
Procedures 4. Animation 5. Homework # 03 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 2

3 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash”
TASK: Build game “MoleMash”: a mole pops up at random positions on a playing field, and the player scores points by hitting the mole before it jumps away. The PROBLEM (requirements): display a Mole picture and make it move randomly user can try to touch/click on the Mole 2 labels showing 2 counts:  Hit count: if user hit the count increases  Miss count: if user miss the count increases have a button to reset 2 counters to 0 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 3

4 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash”
INSTRUCTIONS to Build: Download files hit.mp3, miss.mp3 and mole.png at 1) Create a new project called “t4_MoleMash” 2) In DESIGN window: add Canvas, set Width=300, Height=300 under Animation: get “Image Sprite” and drag it ONTO Canvas. Set Interval=500 4 labels in “HIT=1 MISS=3” 1 button for RESET 1 sound for noise VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 4

5 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash” The DESIGN window should look like this: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 5

6 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash” & PROCEDURE
In BLOCK EDITOR window: 1) Create an Event Handler for when the RESET button is TOUCHED: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 6

7 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash” & PROCEDURE
2) Create a PROCEDURE called MoveMole: Under “Built-in”, and “Procedure”: get FIRST BLOCK and change name to MoveMole To CALL/USE this procedure: go BACK to under “Built-in”, and “Procedure”: there appear the THIRD BLOCK VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 7

8 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash” & PROCEDURE
Click on “MATH”, then get 2 “Random Integer” blocks and change to get this: Under “Built-in”, “Screen1” and “MyCanvas”, click on “MOLE to get the “Call MOLE.MOVE to” block Then, we have these blocks: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

9 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash” & & PROCEDURE
Then, Plug them to get this: Now we have a PROCEDURE called MoveMole: and can CALL/USE this procedure: go BACK to under “Built-in”, and “Procedure”: there appear the THIRD BLOCK VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 9

10 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash” & PROCEDURE
In BLOCK EDITOR window: 3) Create an Event Handler for the START of the game: Under “MyBlocks”, “Screen1”, get “Screen1.Initialize”: Under “MyBlocks”, “MyDefinition”, get “call MoveMole”: 4) Create an Event Handler for the MOVING the MOLE every second: Under “MyBlocks”, “MoleTimer”, get “MoleTimer.Mole” Then , CALL procedure MoveMole (repeat above) VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 10

11 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash”
5) Create an Event Handler for when the CANVAS is TOUCHED: Get “MyCanvas.Touched” Under “Built-In”, “Control”, get “If-Then” VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 11

12 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash”
3) Create an Event Handler for when the CANVAS is TOUCHED: Conditional Statement (ask a question) IF-ELSE: Under “MyBlocks”, “MyDefinition”, get “value touchedSprite” and plug it to “test” Under “MyBlocks”, “HitCountLabel”, get “then-do” “HitCountLabel.Text” and plug it to VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 12

13 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash”
WHEN the user touch hits the Molle Image: We want to do: HitCount = HitCount + 1 Left Click and choose “MATH”, then “+” Under “MyBlocks”, “HitCountLabel” & get HitCountLabel.Text and a number “1”: Plug them together we’ll have: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

14 Tutorial # 04: “Mole Mash”
The BLOCK EDITOR window look like this: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

15 Homework # 03: “Catch Me !” The PROBLEM(requirements):
Your APP must have a GUI as shown in this picture:  have an image that moves around randomly  user can click on the canvas (height=250). If it hits the image then increase the hit count and play a HIT sound. If it misses the image then increase the miss count and play a MISS sound. In both cases recalculate the hit% and display it: Hit%=100*hit/(hit+miss). the hit% hit+miss  has a textbox so that the user can type a text in  a button to print that text on the canvas and also speak the text  have a button to let user to wipe the canvas and also clear the textbox You can use the media files at: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 15

16 Homework # 03: “Catch Me !” In DESIGN window add these components:
VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

17 Homework # 03: “Catch Me !” In Block EDITOR window ADD these blocks and connections: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

18 Homework # 03: “Catch Me !” Change font SIZE and COLOR in Block EDITOR window : VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

19 References These slides contain materials from many sources including the following: “App Inventor: Create Your Own Android Apps” by David Wolber, Hal Abelson, Ellen Spertus, Liz Looney, Publisher: O'Reilly App Inventor for Android: Build Your Own Apps - No Experience Required, Jason Tyle VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham 18

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