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Project Chice Making a difference.

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1 Project Chice Making a difference

2 Supported Internships Fully funded via DfE into HEE No cost to the NHS
.Trust involved in 1st year of the programme; The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS FT Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS FT Gateshead NHS FT Tees Esk Wear Valley NHS FT North Tees NHS FT South Tees NHS FT City Hospitals Sunderland NHS FT York NHS FT NEAS NHS FT Sheffield NHS FT NECS Sunderland CCG GP practices All public sector involved

3 HEE Pathway Employment
Stage 3 Supported Apprenticeship 16+ ( delivered in NHS organisation) We are currently working with NHS England and DfE to look at entry 3 apprenticeships Stage 2 Supported Internships 16-24 Area manager to lead – coordinator to support in placements both mentor and intern - job coach for high level need 121 Stage 1 Work Experience16-24 1 work experience coordinator working across schools in an area/ post will be allocated hours depending on intern numbers HEE Pathway Students can enter the pathway at any point and leave at any point. Being on one part of the pathway does not give any guarantee for the next stage. This slides explains the interconnectedness of the three elements of the programme/plus staffing Quick role overview ON the NHs model we don’t link to any college Take from preentry to level 5 We do however subcontract the math and English out we have preferred local authority provision this year 3

4 How do we do it? Funded via DfE through HEE
We start with stage 1 work experience funding provided for 1 day a week at a band 6 Train and develop staff across the organisation Liaise with local schools to identify potential students for work experience Work with schools/ council to develop interns on the supported internship for 2018 Identify staff for 2018 ready to start a new cohort of interns Employment growing population of need in terms of elderly care; money spent on NHS professionals We have a ready made work force 1 million keeping at home Plus social isolation exclusion Increase on carers @NHS_HealthEdEng #TalentForCare

5 What do we do Provide staff awareness Staff mentor training
Match the placement to the young persons interests Provide staff to support programme and meet full salary costs with on costs Mathematican Singer 40-50 Artist like to trteach @NHS_HealthEdEng #TalentForCare

6 Winns!! Any member of staff any job grade can be mentor and be part of the programme Increase awareness of people with LD/ autism Increased training skills across all groups of staff Change in personal attitudes towards colleagues Change in attitudes to understanding patient needs Increase perception of trust as employer of choice Increased opportunity to meet national directives No additional cost to the trust Mathematican Singer 40-50 Artist like to trteach @NHS_HealthEdEng #TalentForCare

7 Winns!! We have trained over 900 staff
Offered over 500 work experience placements Offered over 130 supported internships Have over 70% employment rate Staff confidence Staff enjoyment @NHS_HealthEdEng #TalentForCare

8 Next Steps We are preparing for the 2018 intake by supporting the start of work experience. This would be for half a day a week building organisational development, confidence and competence Enable young people with learning disabilities, disabilities, difficulties or Autism to gain access to work experience.

9 Next Steps Looking again the Internships Changing the internships;
We need to be able to offer a wide base of opportunity to all the young people we work with. Autism spectrum – know for IT skills –how do we harness this talent in a particular programme. Key issues different providers are they qualified to delivery math and English Can we use the same frameworks

10 Next Steps Supported apprenticeships
We are currently working as part of the DfE pacesetters to look at supported apprenticeships. Getting this right – support and frameworks Start at entry 3 – what does this mean for the NHS Key issues different providers are they qualified to delivery math and English Can we use the same frameworks

11 Contact

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