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5.1 We will learn about art as a form of protest and civil disobedience. We will analyze a piece of protest art by completing a synthesis spider that.

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Presentation on theme: "5.1 We will learn about art as a form of protest and civil disobedience. We will analyze a piece of protest art by completing a synthesis spider that."— Presentation transcript:

1 5.1 We will learn about art as a form of protest and civil disobedience. We will analyze a piece of protest art by completing a synthesis spider that addresses its theme, details, and how those details help to further its theme. We will learn about the Holocaust through reading and studying Wiesel’s first hand experience.

2 Housekeeping Night | Chapters 2 & 3 Protest Art Protest Art: Final
FW: Chapters 2 & 3 Discussion Protest Art Banksy Protest Art: Final Topic Check Rubric/guidelines/parameters Q & A Night | Chapter 4 REMINDERS: Grades are up to date; review yours for any errors/missing work and come see me. Pursue additional work now posted on the website if you are concerned about your grade. HOMEWORK: Begin working on your Protest Art and synthesis spider.

3 housekeeping Graduation Info./Questions? Finals Schedule
Website: Graduation Info. Rehearsal Friday, 5/26 12:30 PM (1-3 PM) at MVHS No practice = No walk Graduation, Saturday 5/27 2 PM (3 PM) at Taco Bell Arena, Entrance #4 Finals Schedule 5 more classes! You can do this! You’re almost there. Grades and Missing Work Grades are up! Your grade is YOUR responsibility; look over PowerSchools and come see me/turn in missing work ASAP! Additional work to pursue has been posted Preface Assignment due Friday 5/5 An additional assignment will hit this week Grade Concern s Graduation Announcements/Humor Me

4 FW: Chapters 2 & 3 Using evidence from chapters 2-3, choose one of the following questions to respond to. What traits help individuals or societies succeed where others fail? Think about Elie’s second cousin. To what extent are individuals responsible for their own choices and for the actions of the groups to which they belong? Think about Weisel’s father and his leadership position within the Jewish Council of Sighet. Consider Weisel’s friend from Sighet who is assigned to labor at the crematorium. How does membership in a social structure bring responsibility? Think about Madame Schacter. Can art and literature be an effective form of protest? Use Night or “First They Came…” as your support.

5 Banksy and Street art The arc of history bends towards justice. Protest art just speeds things along. Protest art afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted.

6 Banksy The Son of a Migrant from Syria is a 2015 mural by graffiti artist Banksy. The mural was located in the Calais jungle, a nickname for the encampment near Calais, France, where migrants lived as they attempted to enter the United Kingdom. The artwork depicts the late Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs—the son of a Syrian migrant to the United States—as a traveling migrant.

7 Protest: defined Noun: a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something, an organized public demonstration objecting to an official policy or course of action Verb: express an objection to an action or remark, make an emphatic declaration or denial in response to doubt or accusation

8 Major Assignment due the day of your final.
Protest art project Major Assignment due the day of your final. 15% weight Guidelines/Ideas Presentation Synthesis Spider Rubric HOLD ONTO these packets! Questions?

9 Night | Chapter 4 Read Chapter 4 independently
Record any questions, areas of confusion or insights you may have in your W column of your K-W-L chart

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