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Nedlac Presentation to the Labour Parliamentary Portfolio Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Nedlac Presentation to the Labour Parliamentary Portfolio Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nedlac Presentation to the Labour Parliamentary Portfolio Committee
18 March 2015

2 Content Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
Overview of the Annual Performance Plan Budget Allocations 1

3 Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
Over the next 5 years, Nedlac will strive to achieve its vision: Promote growth, equity and participation through social dialogue 2

4 Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
Strategic outcome-oriented goals: 1. Promote economic growth, social equity and decent work Contribute to the achievement of the objectives and targets of the NDP and NGP, through effective social dialogue 2. Promote and embed a culture of effective social dialogue and engagement Support constituencies to build the necessary capacity to engage, including through research assistance and communications 3

5 Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
3. Promote effective participation in socio-economic policymaking and legislation Ensure compliance with Nedlac’s frameworks, including the Nedlac Constitution and the Nedlac Protocol 4. Enhance governance and organisational effectiveness and efficiency Continue to build an efficient Secretariat, as well as strong governance structures 4

6 Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
In order to achieve these strategic outcome-oriented goals, the strategic plan is structured around three core programmes Purpose is to enhance organisational efficiency and effectiveness Administration Purpose is to consider and engage on policy and legislation in Nedlac chambers, task teams and committees, and to create wider awareness of Nedlac’s work Core Operations Capacity Building Funds Purpose is to capacitate constituencies to engage effectively in Nedlac structures 5

7 Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
The following outcomes will be focused on in respect of each programme: Programme Targeted Outcomes Administration Enhanced governance and oversight by governance structures Provision of efficient back office and administrative support services Strong and compliant financial and risk management Efficient and high-performing Secretariat 6

8 Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
Programme Targeted Outcomes Core Operations Efficient engagement on policy and legislation that is tabled in each of the Nedlac Chambers Effective addressing of notices received in terms of Section 77 of the LRA Wider and more intensive communication of Nedlac’s work and achievements 7

9 Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
Programme Targeted Outcomes Capacity Building Funds Strengthened constituency engagement in Nedlac – through resourcing to undertake research, workshops and other preparatory work Ensuring that constituency capacity building funds are spent in compliance with Nedlac’s finance policies 8

10 Content Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
Overview of the Annual Performance Plan Budget Allocations 9

11 Overview of the APP The APP 2015 – 15 builds on work already undertaken : Financial controls Supply Chain Management Unit established Comprehensive set of finance policies developed and implemented Independent Chairperson for the Audit and Risk Committee appointed Independent internal auditors appointed Finance Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee meet on a quarterly basis Audit Committee Charter concluded Quarterly finance reports are provided to the Exco and Manco Manco receives quarterly reports on procurement 10

12 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Entity Governance
Representation on these structures are aligned with the Nedlac Constitution Nedlac Constitution has been updated to ensure alignment with public sector regulations Risk Management Committee established Risk register developed, managed and maintained Document management system installed IT charter and policies developed Monitored and improved compliance with the Nedlac Protocol 11

13 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Secretariat capacity
Vacant posts filled (interviews conducted for ED post) Coordinators predominantly hold post-graduate qualifications Human Resources and Remunerations Committee established as a standing committee of Manco Performance management system implemented Quarterly stakeholder satisfaction surveys undertaken 12

14 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Programme Sub-Programme
Outputs/Activities Administration Entity Management Summit held as per the Nedlac Act (1) Exco meetings held as per the Nedlac Constitution (4) Stakeholder satisfaction survey on the quality of meeting preparations and logistical arrangements (2) 13

15 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Programme Sub-Programme
Outputs/Activities Administration Corporate Services Efficient voice and data services Server upgraded Virtual back-up system implemented 14

16 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Programme Sub-Programme
Outputs/Activities Administration Finance Administration Unqualified audit opinion obtained from the A-G Finance reports submitted quarterly to governance structures for consideration Quarterly reviews of the risk register 15

17 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Programme Sub-Programme
Outputs/Activities Administration Office Accommodation Maintenance of Nedlac House through regular maintenance inspections General Office Administration Staff satisfaction surveys Document management system maintained 16

18 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Programme Sub-Programme
Outputs/Activities Administration Human Resource Management Quarterly performance appraisals conducted Performance improvement plans developed and implemented Staff Retention Plan developed 17

19 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Programme Sub-Programme
Outputs/Activities Core Operations Chambers and Manco Task Teams One research report developed per Chamber One strategic session convened per Chamber Nedlac Reports concluded on draft legislation within six months of tabling Two Chamber satisfaction surveys on the quality of meeting preparations and logistical arrangements conducted 18

20 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Programme Sub-Programme
Outputs/Activities Core Operations Section 77 Resolution of Section 77 notices in compliance with the Section 77 Protocol Communications and Outreach Press briefings , opinion pieces and news articles issued quarterly Monthly website updates Monthly monitoring of website visits Nedlac 20-year anniversary commemorated through a 20-year publication 19

21 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 Programme Sub-Programme
Outputs/Activities Capacity Building Funds Business, Community and Labour Constituencies Expenditure monitoring through quarterly financial reports to the Finance Committee 20

22 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 2014 – 15 arising matters
Labour Relations: A process has been established, under the leadership of the Deputy President, to address: Wage Inequality Broader labour relations issues This process reports into a specially convened Committee of Principals that is chaired by the Deputy President 21

23 Overview of the APP 2015 -16 2014 – 15 arising matters
Protocol to Strengthen the Relationship between Parliament and Nedlac: Protocol has been drafted to structure a relationship between Nedlac and Parliament Aims are to facilitate: Consideration of Nedlac Reports in the relevant Portfolio Committees Participation of Nedlac constituencies in Portfolio Committees when relevant legislation is being considered Feedback on the progress of relevant engagement processes in Parliament Plan to finalise draft protocol in the new financial year 22

24 Content Overview of Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20
Overview of the Annual Performance Plan Budget Allocations 23

25 MTEF Budget - 2015/16 – 2017/18 Income Estimates INCOME
Grant (Department of Labour) Interest Other income Total income 29 331 000 24

26 MTEF Budget - 2015/16 – 2017/18 Annual increases over the MTEF period:
2015 – 16 budget: increased by 4.9% 2016 – 17: increased by 5.2% 2017 – 18: increased by 5% Interest: derived from funds in the investment account Other income: SETA reimbursements 25

27 MTEF Budget - 2015/16 – 2017/18 Expenditure Estimates
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Budget 2014/2015 Budget 2015/2016 Budget 2016/2017 Budget 2017/2018 Computer equipment 60 000 Furniture and Office equipment 50 000 Software 90 000 Building improvements/security - Sub Total Capital asset expenditure over the MTEF period will be focused on upgrading computers, software upgrades and office furniture procurement 26

28 MTEF Budget - 2015/16 – 2017/18 Expenditure Estimates
PROGRAMME 1 - ADMINISTRATION Budget 2014/2015 Budget 2015/2016 Budget 2016/2017 Budget 2017/2018 1.1 Entity Management 1.2 Corporate Services 1.3 Finance Administration 1.4 Office Accommodation 1.5 General Office Administration 1.6 HR Management Sub Total Corporate services budget reduced in order to reduce expenditure on consultants General Office Administration allocation in included the R13 million budget to renovate Nedlac House 27

29 MTEF Budget - 2015/16 – 2017/18 Expenditure Estimates
PROGRAMME 2 - CORE OPERATIONS Budget 2014/2015 Budget 2015/2016 Budget 2016/2017 Budget 2017/2018 2.1 Chambers – Development 2.2 Chambers - Public Finance 2.3 Chambers - Trade & Industry 2.4 Chambers - Labour Market 2.5 Manco Task Teams 2.6 Section 77 2.7 Communications and Outreach Sub Total Chamber budget have been increased in order to facilitate engagements by these structures Increases are also in line with annual inflationary increases 28

30 MTEF Budget - 2015/16 – 2017/18 Expenditure Estimates
PROGRAMME 3 - CAPACITY BUILDING FUNDS Budget 2014/2015 Budget 2015/2016 Budget 2016/2017 Budget 2017/2018 3.1 Business Constituency 3.2 Community Constituency 3.3 Labour Constituency Sub Total Increases are in line with annual inflationary increases Budget used to undertake constituency specific research, workshops and other capacity building initiatives Budget is spent in compliance with Nedlac’s Finance Policies 29

31 MTEF Budget - 2015/16 – 2017/18 Summary of Expenditure EXPENDITURE
Capital expenditure Programme 1 Programme 2 Programme 3 TOTAL EXPENDITURE Revenue 30

32 Budget – APP 2015 -16 Expenditures Items Allocations ADMINISTRATION
Salaries and Wages Social contributions Staff training and development Study grants Accounting fees Advertising Audit fees Bank charges Building maintenance Capital expenses 31

33 Budget – APP 2015 -16 Expenditures Items Allocations
Cell phone allowances Cleaning Consulting fees Courier Depreciation Electricity, water, rates and taxes General maintenance Insurance Legal fees 32

34 Budget – APP 2015 -16 Expenditures Items Allocations
Network maintenance Photocopy costs Security costs Staff wellness Stationary Telephone Vehicle running costs Total 33

35 Budget – APP 2015 -16 Expenditures Items Allocations CORE OPERATIONS
International meetings Chamber and task team meetings Refreshments Section 77 meetings Labour Relations engagement process Annual Report Printing-publications Public relations Subscriptions Website and internet Travel and accommodation Total 34

Budget – APP Expenditures Items Allocations CAPACITY BUILDING FUNDS Business Constituency Community Constituency Labour Constituency Total 35

37 Conclusion Thank you 36

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