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Automate Custom Solutions Deployment on Office 365 and Azure

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1 Automate Custom Solutions Deployment on Office 365 and Azure
Paolo Pialorsi 14 octobre 2017 #SPSParis

2 Merci pour votre soutien


4 About me Project Manager, Consultant, Trainer
About 50 Microsoft certification exams passed MCSM – Charter SharePoint MVP Office Servers and Services SharePoint PnP Core Team Member Focused on SharePoint and Office 365 since the beginning Author of many books about XML, SOAP, .NET, LINQ, SharePoint, and Office 365 Speaker at main IT conferences

5 Agenda Set the context of automated deployment
Authentication and Authorization Microsoft Graph Microsoft Azure Management API SharePoint PnP Provisioning

6 DEMO Let’s set the context: PnP Partner Pack Setup Wizard

7 Goals of the sample project
Create SPO Site Collections Generate on the fly an X.509 certificate Configure Azure AD Application Configure X.509 certificate for App-Only with SPO Configure custom settings for the Application Configure custom permissions to consume Microsoft Graph and SPO Create an Azure Resource Group Create an Azure Blob Storage account Create an Azure App Service Configure custom settings for the App Service Build, package, and publish an ASP.NET Web Application Build, package, and publish a bunch of Web Jobs

8 Security Authentication and Authorization

9 Requirements Demo application requires to be executed as local admin
To create the X.509 certificate You need Tenant Global Admin account for the Office 365 Valid Azure Subscription backing the Office 365 tenant You need Admin account for target Azure Subscription

10 AuthN & AuthZ Two applications registered in the target tenant
One Azure AD multi-tenant native application The main application, which manages the Azure AD resources One Office 365 application The one that corresponds to the PnP Partner Pack in our scenario ADAL 3.x for AuthN & AuthZ logic

11 Security Infrastructure and Applications Configuration
DEMO Security Infrastructure and Applications Configuration

12 Working with SPO

13 Site Collection creation
We use PnP Core Library and Tenant class From Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.TenantAdministration Based on PnP extension methods SiteExists DeleteSiteCollectionFromRecycleBin CreateSiteCollection We use PnP Provisioning Engine to provision artifacts

14 PnP Provisioning Engine
One of the most useful capabilities provided by PnP Available in different flavors .NET with PnP Core Library PowerShell with PnP cmdlets Typical use cases PowerShell automation Azure Web Jobs Azure Functions Back-end services Etc.

15 PnP Provisioning Engine: main capabilities
XML or Open XML (.PNP) based storage Can eventually be used “just in memory” You can extract a template from a live (model) site You can apply a template to multiple sites Delta handling of templates We add or update, we do not delete/remove Supports both SPO and SP2013/2016

16 Main Features SP2013, SP2016 and SPO Delta templates
XML, JSON formatter Site Columns Content Types Lists/Libraries Instances Features (Site or Web) Custom Actions (Site or Web) Files/Pages (Wiki, WebPart) Taxonomies Composed Look Site Policies Web Settings Regional Settings UI Languages Resource Files Audit Settings Workflows (SPD only) Search Settings Publishing (including Page Layouts) Navigation Settings Modern Pages Client-side Web Parts Client-side Extensions

17 SPO Site Collection creation and Artifacts provisioning
DEMO SPO Site Collection creation and Artifacts provisioning

18 Working with Azure AD

19 Azure AD Application Registration
We register the application with a custom manifest file Including custom permissions for other APIs We create on the fly the shared secret We configure all the URLs POST against Graph beta endpoint Response will be the just created application

20 Azure AD Application registration
DEMO Azure AD Application registration

21 Working with Azure

22 Azure Management API Allows managing resources on Azure REST based API
Using Azure AD and OAuth 2.0 for authorization There are endpoints for almost everything  … You need a target subscription And you can browse for them through API You need to register to manage specific resources Can be done still using the API … There are different versions, depending on the target endpoint

23 Creating a Resource Group
Make a PUT request against subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName} ?api-version= You’ll get back a JSON object Describes the Resource Group You need a service plan, too subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/provi ders/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/{servicePlanName} ?api-version=

24 Creating a Blob Storage Account
Make a PUT request against subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/provi ders/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{storageAccountName.ToLower()} ?api-version= When you create a Storage Account Wait for the account to be ready Make GET request and wait for «Succeded» status Once it’s ready, get the storage keys Make a POST request for subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Micros oft.Storage/storageAccounts/{storageAccountName.ToLower()}/listKeys As usual, you’ll get back the keys in a JSON object

25 Creating the Blob Storage Account
DEMO Creating the Blob Storage Account

26 Creating an Azure App Service (1/2)
Make a PUT request against subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/provi ders/Microsoft.Web/sites/{appServiceName} ?api-version= Application Settings are an untyped array of JSON objects { “Name”: “SettingName”, “Value”: “Value” } To upload X.509 certificate, make a PUT request against subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/provi ders/Microsoft.Web/certificates/{appServiceName}-pfx ?api-version= Provide certificate PFX blob + password

27 Creating an Azure App Service (2/2)
Get a Publishing Profile settings file subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/provi ders/Microsoft.Web/sites/{appServiceName}/publishxml ?api-version= You’ll get back the XML publishing settings file You can parse it for settings

28 Creating the Azure App Service
DEMO Creating the Azure App Service

29 Build, Package, and Deploy Web Site
We used PowerShell from .NET + MSBuild Hidden background running console The Visual Studio version makes the difference Because MSBuild path changes Then we run MSBUILD /p:Configuration=Release /p:OutputPath="$tempPath" /p:VisualStudioVersion="$vsVersion" /p:PublishSettingsFile="$PublishingSettingsPath" /p:DeployOnBuild=true

30 Build, Package, and Deploy Web Jobs
We used PowerShell from .NET + MSBuild Hidden background running console The Visual Studio version makes the difference (as like as before) Because MSBuild path changes Then we create a ZIP file with the build output And we upload the ZIP toward SCM of the App Service _Data/jobs/{jobType.ToString().ToLower()}/{jobName}/ Basic Authentication with publishing profile settings credentials

31 Build, Package, and Deploy on Azure
DEMO Build, Package, and Deploy on Azure

32 Useful Links
engine-and-the-core-library pnp-provisioning-engine

33 Q&A

34 Thank you!

35 Thank you, for your for #SPSParis

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