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Dr. Seyed Mostafa Azizian

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1 Dr. Seyed Mostafa Azizian
Rabies in IRAN Dr. Seyed Mostafa Azizian oct 5 ,2015

2 Rabies is a viral disease that affect on the C.N.S.
Virus is found in the saliva and brain tissue of affected animal. Virus belongs to lissa virus genus and rhabdovirridae family and is neurotrope. There are several rabies classical virus that each of them confined to a specefic species as a reservoir. Virus is killed rapidly by ultra violet ray and sun light.

3 Disease history Rabies is one of the oldest infectious disease.
Democritus(500- B.C) and Aristothel(322-B.C) described the disease in domestic animals. Celsus (100-A.D) referred the relation between hydrophobia in man and rabies in animals. Iranian scientists included Ave sina, Razi and gorgany investigated on rabies. In 1880,pasteur identified the rabies agent,and in 1895 produced the rabies vaccine

4 Distribution and losses of rabies
Disease is seen in all continent except in antarctic. In certain countries such as IRAN ,the disease is endemic and virus is commonly in wild animal. In the last year,251 animals died from rabies in IRAN. Disease is found commonly in East,West and north of IRAN,just like a crescent.

5 Disease is transmitted by rabidanimal bite,commonly dog.
path of transmission and clinical sings Disease is transmitted by rabidanimal bite,commonly dog. Virus is enterd via membrane,skin scrape and inhalation. Clinical sings include behavior sudden changes and progressive paralysis. There are two forms of disease :furious and dumb.

6 Rabies survey in IRAN This survey ,is a retrospective study in period from Study is based on the reports from veterinary staffs in all provinces in country. Laboratory results approved by pasteur refrence laboratory. In this period,disease was seen in the wide varity of species including,dog,cat,cattle,sheep,goat,wolf, gray fox ,jackal,camel,horse,donky,weasel and short for.

7 Rabies in dog

8 Rabies in dog The most rabies cases in in domestic carnivorous belong to dogs(422 cases). In studied period,north provinces such as west and east azarbijan had the most reports of rabies and the less reports belongs to south provinces like sistan - balochestan and boshehr. In the majority of the provinces , disease had a increasing trend. Comprative survey of rabies cases and vaccination coverage showed little effect on dog rabies due to two reasons,first:presence of stray dogs and second, incomplete coverage vaccination in herd dogs. Other than of dog vaccination,other actions such as,control of stray dogs population and wild life immunization is necessary. Because of rabies in dogs, is generally result of transmission and overflow of virus from wild life to dog,so increasing in rabies wild life lead to increase of disease in dogs.

9 Rabies in dog

10 Rabies in dog

11 Comparission of vaccination coverage and numbers of rabid dogs

12 Rabies in livestock The most rabid cases in livestock in belongs to cattle(618 cases) and the less cases belong to goat(21cases) and sheep(94 cases). Gilan province in north of country had most cases(137) in country in the above period. Point 1:Regardless of free grazing of sheep and goat and exposed to rabid animals , rabid cases in these animals were less than of cattle that commonly confined in a stable.this data could be indicated the role of herd dogs in guarding the sheep and goats. Point 2:heavy snow and severe cold in 2009 in Gilan province was the major agent of rush the wild animals to environs of a city and villages. Generally,each agent causes change in natural habitats of wild animals including(drought ,severe cold and to fence of grazing ,could rush of wild animal towards villages and cities. Except in year 2009 that rabies cases was high,in rabies cases had not a significante change.

13 Rabies in cattle

14 Rabies in cattle

15 Rabies in cattle

16 Rabies in sheep & goat

17 Rabies in sheep & goat

18 Rabies in sheep & goat

19 Rabies in sheep & goat Reduction of rabies cases in sheep and goat from ,probably was ralated to increasing of vaccination of herd dogs, not stray dogs in that interval. The difference between numbers of rabid sheep and goat is related to different population.

20 Rabis in wild life Rabies virus in wild life commonly is found and in circulation in fox,jackal,wolf in the different regions of iran. Data indicated that rabies in jackaland fox in this period has increased. The most rabid cases in wild life in belonged to eastern province and in the next instance western and north provinces. Possibly,gray fox,jackal and wolf are as reservoir for circulation of rabies virus in iran. Until now,there has not performed a systematic study on the wild life resorvoir, so further study in this connection is necessary. The only effective way for immunization in wild life is to place the bait.

21 Rabis in wild life

22 Comparision of rabies in wild life and dog

23 Rabis in wild life

24 Rabis in fox

25 Rabis in fox Data suggested that rabies in fox in this period has increased. The Number of rabid fox in studied interval was 42 cases and Razavi Khorasan province had the highest cases(10) of rabies or nearly 25%. Razavi Khorasan,has commom boarder with Afganestan,Pakistan and Turkmenestan,and from olden times has been a natural habitat of rabid fox. climate Changes such as drought,severe cold,heavy snow and restriction of grazin causes in increasing of rabies. Further study in this connection is neseccary. Fox immunization via placing the bait is the only way of reduction and elimination of disease .

26 Rabis in fox

27 Rabis in fox

28 Rabies in jackal

29 Rabies in jackal Data suggested that rabies in jackal in this period has increased. The Number of rabid jackals in studied interval was 30 and Razavi Khorasan province had the highest cases(10) of rabies or nearly 34%. Disease had a increasing slop since 2010 Razavi Khorasan,has commom boarder Afganestan,Pakistan,Turkmenestan,and from old time was a natural habitat of rabid jackal. climate Changes such as drought,severe cold,heavy snow and restriction of grazin causes fluctuations in increasing of rabies. Further study in this background is neseccary. Jackals immunization via placing the bait is the only way of reduction and elimination of disease .

30 Rabies in jackal

31 Rabies in jackal

32 Rabies in wolf

33 Rabies in jackal Data suggested that rabies in wolf regardless of some reduction in 2010 and 2014 , has increased. The Number of rabid wolf in studied interval was 42 and zangan province had the highest cases(9) of rabies or nearly 23%. Khordestan and eastern Azarbigan provinces had 7 and 6 cases of rabies in above period,respectivly. These three provinces are located in north and west of the country. Wolf immunization via placing the bait is the only way of reduction and elimination of disease .

34 Rabies in jackal

35 Rabies in jackal

36 What actions should perform to prevent and control of rabies
Reduction and elimination of rabies in domestic animals is only by Vaccination in these animals and placing the baitin in wild life. Vaccination in endemic area must cover at least 70 percent of dog population. In countries that disease is endemic,measures should esthablished to reduce the morbidity in suseptible animals(wild life,domestic animals and stray dogs).

37 What actions should perform to prevent and control of rabies
Survey and reporting of suspicious cases in animal. Vaccination program for domestic animals. Rabies control progarm in wild life included vaccination(trap,vaccination and release,oral vaccination). Control of stray dogs population and vaccination. Research on disease dynamic,vaccine and mechanism of effective delivery of vaccine to target population.

38 Tripartate (W.H.O,O.I.E/F.A.O) alliance approach
Effective & safe vaccines for dogs & for humans. Practical guidance to implemante rabies control programmes. Eradicational & awareness modules for community involment. Data collection and surveillance and notification systems,which are critical for evaluating the progress of control and elimination campaigns.

39 Thanks

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