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Catalytic zeolite membrane reactors for the selective CO oxidation

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1 Catalytic zeolite membrane reactors for the selective CO oxidation
Paola Bernardo, Catia Algieri, Giuseppe Barbieri, Enrico Drioli Istituto per la Tecnologia delle Membrane (ITM-CNR), Rende CS, Italy CO H2 Clean H2 Pt Zeolites Regular structure (micropores of molecular size) Thermal and chemical stability (up to °C) Properties can be adjusted (varying the Si/Al ratio or by cation-exchange) Catalytic activity This work Na-Y zeolite membranes prepared by Secondary growth Continuous Seeding (tubular supports) Pt-loaded Zeolitic Catalytic Membranes for CO Selox CO selective oxidation (Selox) 2 CO + O2 → 2 CO2 Interesting and economic approach for CO removal from H2–rich gas streams (less than 50 ppm for PEMFCs applications). Pt–supported catalysts Compromise between costs and good functionality. Membrane preparation Seeding A: no DP Seeding B: Cross-flow filtration, DP>0 Key-factor : pH Supported Zeolite Membrane Zeolite film a-Al2O3 support a-Al2O3 pzc = 9 Na-X pzc = 10 pH Electrostatic interaction Permeation tests (room temperature, DP up to 1 bar) Seeding A, no DP Seeding B, DP>0 MRs with a catalytic membrane Zeolitic layer (few microns thick), low pressure drops Selective permeation + Pt catalytic activity Reduced by-pass with respect to fixed bed Flow – through MR N2 - support (dpore = 100 nm) H2 - support (dpore = 100 nm) H2 N2 N2 support (dpore = 60 nm) H2 support (dpore = 60 nm) Selox MR Reaction tests (T = 200°C, Feed = ca. 600 cc (STP)/min) Pt-Y membranes (b and c) prepared by Seeding A 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 2 bar 2.6 bar ○ O2:CO:H = 1 : 1 : [b] ∗ O2:CO:H2:N = 1: 1 : 87 : [b] □ O2:CO:H2:N = 1 : 1 : 61 : [b] △O2:CO:H2:N = 1 : 0.9 : 59.5 : [c] ● O2:CO:H2 N2:CO2 = 1 : 0.9 : 60.2 : 22.7 : [c] l= 2.2 l = 2 4 bar 3 bar , - - N2 = 11% [c] N2 = 23% CO2= 15% [c] N2 = 37% [c] N2 = 37% [d] N2 = 48% [d] Seeding A The Pt–Y catalytic MRs expand the CO conversion-selectivity region, even with lower space-time values [ca. 1 mgPt min/cm3(STP)] than Pt–based TRs (at 200°C), as reported in the open literature [1]. Seeding B PFeed, bar C O N C L U S I O N S Tubular zeolite (FAU) membranes were prepared by a continuous seeding. The cross-flow filtration seeding (Seeding B) resulted in an improved membrane quality. Pt-loaded (by ion-exchange) membranes were used in MRs for the H2 purification by means of CO Selox. Membranes prepared by Seeding A: Improved MR performance by increasing the operating pressure and the N2% in the feed (realistic stream; H2 ca. 60%). The improved membrane quality (Seeding B) resulted in reduced CO amount operating at the same conditions as the membranes prepared by Seeding A. References: [1] P. Bernardo, C. Algieri, G. Barbieri, E. Drioli, Catalytic (Pt–Y) membranes for the purification of H2–rich streams, Catalysis Today (2006), in press. Acknowledgments: Progetto di ricerca “CAMERE RBNE03JCR5 – Nuove membrane catalitiche e reattori catalitici a membrana per reazioni selettive come sistemi avanzati per uno sviluppo sostenibile” funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).

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