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Health System Financing in Odisha

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1 Health System Financing in Odisha
Date: 20th September 2016 Dr Sarit Kumar Rout Kirti Sundar Sahu IIPH-B

2 State Health Accounts Odisha 2013-14

3 Introduction Creation of health account (HA) is important to :
understand financial flows related to the consumption of health care goods and services Monitor pattern of health expenditure  for improving health system performance The state health system has undergone rapid changes after the introduction of NHM in 2005 With additional resources from the union government the states are introducing new innovative programs to address the healthcare challenges. There is hardly any robust mechanism to capture the resource flow, spending pattern, what type of goods an services are produced and who benefits from it.

4 Why SHA? To improve health system financing in the state by producing evidence on resource allocation, spending and distribution of resources on health care goods and services. To create and strengthen data base on various components of health expenditure – Government, NGOs, private firms and autonomous bodies. To provide inputs for designing effective and efficient health financing systems in the context of changing disease-profile in the state

5 Methodology The health accounts for Odisha have been estimated using the System of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011, a framework developed by the OECD, European Union(EU) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). According to SHA 2011 health expenditure is defined as resources used for “current consumption” excluding Expenditure incurred for capital formation which are futuristic in nature Medical education, training and research ( the consumption of which does not accrue to the current year)

6 Data sources for health financing in Odisha
Public Private Department of health and family welfare (treasury) Including OSTF Medical reimbursement from all departments of GoO (Detail demand for grants-DDG) MAMATA- WCD dept. (Detail demand for grants-DDG) National health mission Urban local bodies (ULBs) Insurance: RSBY BKKY (Detail demand for grants-DDG) CGHS ESIC Railways ( Detailed demands for grants (DDGs) volume-2 and the health directorate of Indian Railway) AIIMS Bhubaneswar OOP National Sample Survey (Morbidity and Health Care Survey: NSS 71st round, January-June 2014; Consumer Expenditure Survey ( ) for medical devices and family planning Firms/Enterprises NGO/NPISH

7 Methodology After collection of data the health expenditure was classified as Health care financing schemes (HF), financing arrangements through which health services are paid for and obtained by people.( eg. state govt. fin scheme) Revenues of health care financing schemes (FS), Refers to how resource are raised for health financing schemes Health care functions (HC) Type of health care the expenditure is used for– curative, preventive, administrative Health care Providers (HP) Who provides the services- Hospitals, pharmacies, providers of preventive care. Factors of provision (FP) How the health care resources are distributed across salary, medical goods, non medical goods

8 Results SHA 2013-14 Indicators INR in crores As share of GSDP
*Population 4.31(2013) # GSDP Odisha- CSO,MOSPI Results SHA Indicators INR in crores As share of GSDP Per capita* (INR ) Current Public Expenditure (I) (% share) 2635 0.95 613 Private Expenditure (II) (% share) 9580 3.46 2228 Current expenditure on health (A=I+II) 12215 4.41 2841 Total Public Expenditure (Current + Capital) 3099 1.12 721 Total Health Expenditure (Current+ Capital) 12679 4.58 2949


10 India NHA 2013-14 Indicators INR in crores As share of GDP
Current Public Expenditure (I) 97866 0.86 Private Expenditure (II) 307917 2.73 Current expenditure on health (A=I+II) 421194 3.74 Total Public Expenditure (Current + Capital) 129778 1.15 Total Health Expenditure (Current+ Capital) 453106 4.02 The share of Private expenditure in the total health expenditure of India was 71.3%, compared to 76 % in Odisha.

11 Who pays for the health care financing schemes?
Total Expenditure (In crore INR)  Share Per capita (In INR) Government scheme Central Government 937 7.7 218 State Government 1542 12.6 359 Local bodies 6 0.0 1 Tax Financed Insurance Scheme (RSBY) 32 0.3 7 Social health insurance (ESIC+CGHS) 119 1.0 28 Private  scheme VHI 33 8 Firms 128 30 NGO/NPISH 96 0.8 22 Households 9322 76.3 2168 12215 100.0 2841

12 Who pays for the health care financing schemes?

13 Where money is spent?

14 Who provides health care?

15 Public health expenditure in Odisha trend, pattern and classification

16 Public spending on health as share of GSDP

17 Health Exp. as a Share of Total government Exp.

18 Where money is spent? Total curative=61.2%, preventive =

19 Factors of Provision for State Department of Health

20 Major Highlights of Out of Pocket Expenditure in Odisha

21 Out-of-pocket Expenditure in Odisha

22 Average per episode cost (Rs
Average per episode cost (Rs.) of Outpatient treatment (15 days recall) in public and private sector in Odisha

23 Average per hospitalization case medical expenditure (Rs
Average per hospitalization case medical expenditure (Rs.) and non-medical expenditure (Rs.) for public and private facilities in Odisha and India Total-INR 14470

24 Composition of OOP for hospitalization(%of total spending)

25 SC/PHC/CHC Public hospital Private hospital
Average total expenditure (Rs.) per childbirth in Odisha and all India TOTAL INR 6091 PER CHILDBIRTH SC/PHC/CHC Public hospital Private hospital

26 Composition of OOP for institutional delivery(%of total spending)

27 Conclusion Stepping up Public investment on Health Care is essential (around 24% of the total health expenditure) Within public expenditure, medicine and patient transport are two major areas that need attention The share of expenditure on drugs in total OOP currently stands at 58%. Other Specific areas which need attention are diagnostics, immunizations services and preventive care Currently 1% of the total public health expenditure is incurred on diagnostics, 3% on immunization and 8% on preventive.

28 Conclusion Expenditure on child birth in public hospital is also high (Rs 5024) of which 38% is on medicine and 14% on transportation Designing Innovative Financial Protection Scheme for the Poor is essential only 21% are covered under any health insurance schemes. Steps should be taken to Institutionalize health accounts in Odisha for evidence based policy making.

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