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GEM Student Icebreaker!!!

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Presentation on theme: "GEM Student Icebreaker!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEM Student Icebreaker!!!
Fill out the ice breaker sheet on the table. Complete at least 10 out of 15 questions. Turn it in to a GEM helper at the end of the first coffee break. Get entered in a drawing for a $5 gift certificate for Fuel Coffee!! Procedures… Question time after talks. Fill out student tutiorial judging sheet! Introductions… Jenni Kissinger, cannot be here right now, will be here later… Christine Gabrielese Lin Steve Kaeppler Kshitija Deshpande

2 What is GEM? Nathaniel Frissell Virginia Tech SuperDARN Laboratory
GEM Student Representative

3 What is GEM? GEM: Geospace Environment Modeling
It’s really pretty simple… GEM stands for Geospace Environment Modeling. We are an organization which works on techniques for describing, understanding, and predicting how the sun interacts with the space environment around the Earth. Why? Ultimately, we do this because this is OUR environment, an environment which affects PEOPLE. If we understand our environment, we have the ability to make things better for the people of the Earth. Our work here is just one way that we can have a positive impact on humanity. Now, this explains what we do and why we do it… but how do we go about getting it done? GEM: Geospace Environment Modeling

4 NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS)
Structure NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) Well, every organization needs some funding structure… Next… programs that the NSF/AGS funds…

5 NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS)
Structure NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) GEM CEDAR SHINE Who are our sister organizations? How do we fit together? Next Week: CEDAR: Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions – Santa Fe, NM SHINE: Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment – Wailea Maui, Hawaii GEM is tasked with understanding everything between the sun and the upper atmosphere of the Earth. But this is a large task and needs to be broken down into more managable research areas.

6 Structure NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) GEM
Dayside Inner Magnetosphere & Storms (IMS) Tail Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (MIC) GGCM CEDAR SHINE Research Areas Geospace General Circulation Model (GGCM)

7 Structure NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) GEM
Dayside Dayside FACs and Energy Deposition The Magnetosheath Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures Inner Magnetosphere & Storms (IMS) Near Earth Magnetosphere: plasma, fields, and coupling Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere Interactions Radiation Belts and Wave Modeling Tail Substorm Expansion Onset: The First 10 Minutes Modes of Solar WInd-Magnetosphere Energy Transfer Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (MIC) The Ionospheric Source of Magnetospheric Plasma--Measuring, Modeling and Merging into the GEM GGCM Scientific Magnetic Mapping & Techniques GGCM Metrics and Validation CEDAR SHINE Research Areas Focus Groups (FG) are at the heart of GEM In fact, you will find that the entire schedule of this week is structured around currently active focus groups. Proposed by the community Must include deliverable Exist within a Research Area And will last No more than 5 years We aim to support ~12 active focus groups at any given time. Every year ~2-3 focus groups end Every year ~2-3 new focus groups start Focus Groups (5 Years Max)

8 Geospace General Circulation Model (GGCM) with predictive capability
GEM Characteristics Community Initiated Steering Committee Comprised of community scientists Controls everything except funding Focus: Centered on the Earth’s Magnetosphere Coupling to solar wind Dynamical and structural properties of geospace Coupling to the Earth’s atmosphere Strategy: Series of Campaigns and Focus Groups Both theoretical and observational Focus on particular aspects of the geospace environment Ultimate Goal: Geospace General Circulation Model (GGCM) with predictive capability From this structure, we can see some overarching characteristics of the GEM organization.

9 GEM GEM is a Community Meetings Communications Personal Interactions
Summer Workshop December Mini-Gem Communications GEMstone GEM Messenger GEM Wiki Personal Interactions Collaborations Friendships Sharing of vision GEM is not just an organization or program… it is a community! These are the tools our community uses. GEMstone Newsletter Annual summary of GEM activity Focuses on the June meeting Summarizes activities of focus groups Special issues for closing focus groups GEM’s most detailed historical archive Available at GEMwiki: GEM Messenger Brief Electronic Communications with the message “subscribe gem” Aggregated at GEMwiki One-stop for all latest GEM information GEM Leadership Contact Information Forums for focus groups Forums for students Archive of past newsletters, tutorials, and documents

10 GEM: Everyone Works Together
All of you are students, but remember… Students work with senior scientists, senior scientists work with students. No one is looked down upon. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Sometimes, students know more about something than a senior scientist. This is how things work in the real world… no one person knows everything. The problems we work on are too big for any one person or group. So, we all work together!!

11 GEM: Everyone Works Together
This meeting is YOUR opportunity… Meet senior scientists Show them what you do Learn about career opportunities Informal setting Go out to dinner or lunch with them Look to collaborate

12 GEM is for the Students “Students should be aware that in large measure GEM is for them. Students: GEM is what we want it to be. Let’s tell the organizers what that is.” - David Sibeck David Sibeck GEM Steering Committee Chair

13 GEM is for the Students “Students should be aware that in large measure GEM is for them. Students: GEM is what we want it to be. Let’s tell the organizers what that is.” - David Sibeck David Sibeck GEM Steering Committee Chair

14 GEM is for the Students “Students should be aware that in large measure GEM is for them. Students: GEM is what we want it to be. Let’s tell the organizers what that is.” - David Sibeck David Sibeck GEM Steering Committee Chair

15 Summer Workshop Highlights
Student Tutorial Day Plenary Tutorials Focus Group Workshops Ask Questions Share your ideas Present Poster Sessions Banquets Student Gathering (Tuesday Night!!!) Student tutorial day: 14 of your peers have prepared talks to help orient you to different topics that will be discussed during this meeting. Plenary tutorials Senior specialists will be providing over talks each morning to the entire community. Each year, the students get to invite a speaker… this year it is Harlan Spence of the University of New Hampshire, and he will be speaking on Monday morning. This year, students also have the opportunity to introduce each of the daily tutorial speakers.

16 Summer Workshop Highlights
Big Picture Engage Have fun! Student Tutorial Day Plenary Tutorials Focus Group Workshops/Talks Ask Questions Share your ideas Present Poster Sessions Banquets Student Gathering (Tuesday Night!!!) Don’t be afraid! Engage people in the hallways. Try out new ideas. Ask questions. Provide suggestions. Make new friends. Look for collaborations. Don’t feel like you have to go to every session. Enjoy the nature!

17 Summer Workshop Highlights
GEM Workshop 2009, Snowmass, CO

18 Thank you! Download this and all other student tutorials at the GEMwiki Student Forum: Give me a day to get them all posted!

19 Additional Information
The following slides have additional useful information, but were not included in the original talk.

20 Meetings GEM Summer Workshop Pre AGU Mini-GEM
Annual week-long summer meeting (usually Snowmass, CO) Student tutorial workshop on Sunday Banquet on Wednesday Poster sessions Tuesday and Thursday Daily activities: Morning tutorials 3 focus group session slots 3-4 focus groups at a time Steering committee meets Friday afternoon Pre AGU Mini-GEM Sunday before Fall AGU (December) 2 hour working group meetings for focus groups Steering Committee discusses and votes on proposed focus groups

21 Communications GEM Messenger GEMstone Newsletter
Brief Electronic Communications with the message “subscribe gem” Aggregated at GEMstone Newsletter Annual summary of GEM activity Focuses on the June meeting Summarizes activities of focus groups Special issues for closing focus groups GEM’s most detailed historical archive Available at GEMwiki:

22 GEM Wiki GEMwiki One-stop for all latest GEM information
Forums for focus groups, students

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