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Implementing Elementary GLOBE Aerosols

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1 Implementing Elementary GLOBE Aerosols
Lisa Gardiner, UCAR Becca Hathaway, UCAR Lynne Hehr, University of Arkansas Lin Chambers, NASA Langley Sunday July 17th, 2016 Intro Lin – Motivation in sponsoring Elementary GLOBE again, motivation for Aerosols storybook

2 Elementary GLOBE Aerosols Storybook
What color is the sky today? Anita, Simon, and Dennis want to know why the sky isn't always blue. They learn that there's a lot more than air in the atmosphere, which can affect the colors we see in the sky. 

3 NASA Studies Aerosols on the Ground and from Space A new instrument launching soon - SAGE III on ISS

4 Aerosols: Picture Walk

5 Aerosols – Learning Activities
Sky Observers. Students will make observations of the sky, record their findings and share their observation reports with their peers. View webstory, Become an Atmosphere Observer:  Up in the Air. Students will work in groups to make an aerosol sampler, a simple adhesive tool that allows students to collect data and estimate the extent of aerosols present at their school. Why (Not) So Blue? Students will conduct an experiment to see how drops of milk will affect color and visibility in cups of water representing the atmosphere. See the Light. Students will use prisms and glue sticks to explore the properties of light.

6 Activity: Sky Observers
Purpose To engage students in active observation and recording skills. To help students observe sky color, recognize that sky color changes. Facilitators quick preview of activities

7 Activity: Up in the Air Purpose
To introduce students to aerosols and help students understand that there are small particulates in the atmosphere. To engage students in collecting, analyzing, interpreting data, and making predictions. To introduce students to the concept of random sampling.

8 Activity: Why (Not) So Blue
Purpose To help students understand that aerosols in the atmosphere have an effect on sky conditions, including sky color and visibility. To provide students the opportunity to become more familiar with the classification categories for daytime sky color and visibility. Students will make a prediction about how drops of milk will affect color and visibility in cups of water representing the atmosphere. They will observe a series of 5 cups of water, each with increasing amounts of milk, representing aerosols.

9 Activity: See the Light
Purpose To introduce students to properties of light. To demonstrate that white light is made up of seven colors that represent different wavelengths. To illustrate why the sky is blue during the day and red at sunset.

10 Implementation Examples
How have others implemented Elementary GLOBE Aerosols? Will need to complete these slides this week – waiting for workshop feedback…

11 Need Copies of the Aerosols Storybook?
Copies of the Elementary GLOBE storybook, “What’s Up in the Atmosphere? Exploring Colors in the Sky” are now available to GLOBE Teachers and Community upon request. If you are interested in receiving copies of the storybook please fill out this form: including information about how you would like to use the books. Books provided by NASA Langley Research Center

12 Our World: Sunsets and Atmospheres
Watch online at: gov/skycolor/video FYI – This could also serve as the “motivation” piece

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