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High Rate Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment

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Presentation on theme: "High Rate Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment"— Presentation transcript:

1 High Rate Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
Dr. Jim A. Field and Dr. Reyes Sierra, University of Arizona

2 What is Anaerobic Biodegradation?

3 Marsh Gas

4 COD Balance Aerobic Biodegradation

5 COD Balance Anaerobic Biodegradation

6 Overview Anaerobic Biodegradation
Polymers (proteins, polysaccharides) h Monomers (sugars, amino acids, peptides) 1 Methanogenic Consortium propionate butyrate 2 H2 + CO2 acetate 3 4 CH4 + CO2 Hydrolytic enzymes Homoacetogenic bacteria Fermentative bacteria Methanogens Syntrophic acetogenic bacteria

7 Methanogenic Reactions

8 Kinetic Parameters Anaerobes

9 CSTR Dilution Rate (1/HRT) Time < Growth Rate
Methanosaete (td =7 d), growth rate = ln(2)/td = 0.1 d-1 so minimum HRT = 10 days

10 Recycle of Active Biomass
Dilution Rate (1/HRT) Time > Growth Rate sludge retention time uncoupled from hydraulic retention time Contact Process

11 Immobilization of Active Biomass
Dilution Rate (1/HRT) Time > Growth Rate sludge retention time uncoupled from hydraulic retention time biogas Anaerobic Filter effluent biofilm Support (pumice) influent

12 Immobilization of Active Biomass

13 History Anaerobic Treatment Technology
Originally: Slurry Digestion Manures, Sludges 60 to 80’s: Agroindustrial Effluents Brewery, Distillery, Food Processing 80 to 90’s: Pulp/Paper Effluents Condensates, (C)TMP, Bleachery 90’s: Chemical/Petrochem. Effluents Terephthalate, phenols 90 to 00’s: Anaerobic Bioremediation PCE, BTEX

14 Upward-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
biogas effluent weir 3 phase separator settler gas cap baffles gas bubble sludge granule sludge influent bed


16 Expanded Granular Sludge Bed
Influent Effluent Recycle Sludge Bed settler gas cap biogas bubble sludge granule Expanded Granular Sludge Bed

17 Anaerobic Sludge Granules
Physical: dense compact biofilms high settleability (30-80 m/h) high mechanical strength Microbial: balanced microbial community syntrophic partners closely associated high methanogenic activity (0.5 to 2.0 g COD/g VSS.d) protection from toxic shock

18 Anaerobic Sludge Granules (close up)

19 Anaerobic Sludge Granules (SEM)
Acetate as Substrate (Methanosaeta) Sucrose as Substrate (mixed culture)

20 Anaerobic Sludge Granules (settling)
granular flocculent dispersed

21 Surveyed High Rate Anaerobic Plants
Number Full Scale High-Rate Anaerobic Bioreactors Cumulative number of high rate anaerobic treatment plants for industrial applications

22 Market-Share Granular Sludge Reactors
hybrid anaer. filt. fluid. bed EGSB+UASB = 72%

23 Who Discovered the UASB?
Gatze Lettinga

24 Design Loads Full Scale
UASB & EGSB reactor n average design load UASB 682 10 kg COD/m3.d EGSB 198 20 kg COD/m3.d Removal Efficiency of Biodegradable COD 85 to >90%

25 Most Important Markets for High Rate Anaerobic Treatment
Breweries and beverage industry Distilleries and fermentation industry Food Industry Pulp and paper These four wastewater types account for 87% market

26 New and Emerging Markets for High Rate Anaerobic Treatment
Chemical and Petrochemical Textile Industry Effluents Landfill Leachates Sulfate reduction coupled to sulfur removal Sulfate reduction coupled metal recovery

27 UASB Technology for Removal and Recovery of Metals

28 Municipal Sludge Digesters
Photo Gallery Municipal Sludge Digesters

29 Municipal Sludge Digesters

30 Centralized Biogas Plant
Lintrup Biogas plant (Denmark) animal manures

31 Anaerobic Lagoon Food/Beverage Processing - Washington

32 Contact Process Food-Processing, Virginia

33 UASB The Netherlands

34 UASB - Internal Circulation
Brewery (Switzerland), 20 m height

35 UASB - Internal Circulation
Kraft Paper Mill Foul Condensates, Alabama

36 EGSB Gist Brocades (yeast, pharmaceuticals) The Netherlands

37 Modular Design UASB Reactors

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