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“Integrated Care Clinic”: Full Integration of Behavioral Health in a Family Medicine Residency Clinic Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT; Lisa Trump, MS, LAMFT;

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Presentation on theme: "“Integrated Care Clinic”: Full Integration of Behavioral Health in a Family Medicine Residency Clinic Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT; Lisa Trump, MS, LAMFT;"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Integrated Care Clinic”: Full Integration of Behavioral Health in a Family Medicine Residency Clinic Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT; Lisa Trump, MS, LAMFT; Stephanie Trudeau, MS, LAMFT; Andrew Slattengren, DO; Michele Mandrich, MSW; Priscilla O’Neil, RN; Michael Wootten, MD

2 Disclosures Speaker & Faculty Disclosures
The speakers and faculty disclose no relevant financial relationship or interest with a proprietary entity producing health care goods or services. This program does not include any discussion or demonstration of any pharmaceuticals or medical devices that are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or that are considered “off-label.”

3 Objectives 1. Describe how the ICC was strategically planned and carried out in a family medicine residency program. 2. Describe specific components of the Integrated Care Clinic, how components were measured and initial feasibility results. 3. Identify how integration of behavioral health is occurring at other respective clinics, lessons learned from the process, and next steps in transformations.

4 Need for Integrated Care Clinic?
“Integrated Care” a buzz word Limited research on what components to include Warm Handoffs; Hallway Consult; SSRI Need triggers to “get BH in the room” Point-of-Care Interventions Integrated Care Clinic (ICC)

5 Transformation to ICC Need to change overall BH structure Therapy ICC
High No Show Rates Long Waiting Lists Need More Appointment Times ICC Need Coverage Entire Week to Really Make ICC Valuable and Efficient

6 Buy-in from Clinic and Program
Clinic Manager Residency Director Residents Staff Behavioral Health Providers Pharmacy

7 Typical Weekly Schedule
Two behavioral health providers available at any given time, every day across the entire week ICC Therapy

8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AM Clinic Therapy ICC PM Clinic

9 Research Components of ICC and Therapy
We are clinicians and researchers Develop research components into all projects/changes in BH All ICC components have a research component including feasibility and initial effectiveness

10 Therapy Changes

11 Therapy 60 minute Diagnostic Assessments 30 minute Follow-up visits
Provide individual, couples, family therapy Group visits: Prenatal group, Hmong depression group

12 Logistics Creating Templates in Flowcast EPIC templates
BHV (Behavioral Health Visit) BIC (Behavioral Health Integrated Care Clinic) Ability to schedule spontaneously Freeze and Thaw for follow-up appointments

13 Initial Results of Therapy Change
Baseline: 6 months prior to change Total mean=28 billed appointments per month (out of 166 total arrived appointments over 6 months) 7 per therapist per month About 1.5 per half day Follow-up: 6 months after change Total mean=75 billed appointments per month (out of 451 arrived appointments) 19 per therapist per month About 3.75 per half day

14 Initial Results of Therapy Change Cont.
Implementation of 30 minute appointments resulted in a 110% increase in patient arrivals (predicted probability; statistically significant p < 0.001) Arrived No Show Probability Arrival Probability No Show Pre- 166 335 33% 67% Post- 451 180 71% 29%

15 Integrated Care Clinic (ICC)

16 ICC Components—“Triggers”
Warm Hand-offs TCM visits Postpartum Depression Screening and point-of-care interventions Paired visits

17 Warm Handoffs

18 Warm Handoff Initiated by providers Behavioral health needs of patient Immediate Future appointment

19 Warm Handoff Standard Work
MD/DO Provider informs patient of “holistic” care provided at Broadway Family Medicine Provider finds BH in precepting room or overhead pages BH MD/DO introduces BH provider to patient and indicates how BH will help them Can turn into a “point-of-care intervention”; billable White board at cube indicating who is on ICC for each half-day; overhead page important!

20 Initial Results of Warm Handoffs
Frequency of Warm Handoffs in the First 6 Months After Implementing the Change Total complete = 294 (49 per month; about 2.5 per day) Total appointments scheduled = 220 (75%) Total appointments arrived = 132 (60%)

21 Transition of Care Meetings (TCM)

22 TCM Visits Transition of Care Meetings (from hospital to outpatient)
To reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and <30-day post-discharge hospital readmissions Must occur 1 week after discharge Integrated team visit with: MD/DO provider Behavioral health Pharmacy Adjust the visit structure as needed Can result in a Point-of-Care Intervention; billable

23 TCM Standard Work Nurse schedules visit with patient w/in 1 week
Patient told it will be a team visit with multiple providers to give them best care Patient scheduled with all three providers in EPIC; individual notes written by all team members All providers do a chart review prior to visit Gather any resources that may be given to patient Huddle between team providers the day of the visit; 10-15minutes before Create agenda

24 TCM Standard Work Cont. During Visit: Medical provider introduces team
Explains roles of each team member: “Holistic Care” Shared Agenda Setting: “Do we have the right people in the room?” Each provider checks in with the patient Anticipate each other to increase flow of visit; collaborative Physical exam (MD/DO only) Sometimes behavioral health or pharmacy will come back in for additional visit/point-of-care intervention Patient Satisfaction survey given by Nurse or BH

25 Common Diagnoses Seen Diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease/Myocardial Infarction Asthma Anxiety—panic attacks Depression, Suicide Attempt Sometime acute visits E.g., Kidney stone—still ask about stress pre- post- hospitalization

26 Initial Results of TCM Total hospital discharges 353 TCM visits 191
TCM visits with BH 84 (44%)

27 Initial Results of TCM Readmission Rates TCM 16/191 = 8.4%
TCM with BH 6/84 = 7.1%

28 Initial Results of TCM Provider Satisfaction (9mo vs baseline)
During my usual clinic shifts, I am able to have Behavioral Health see a patient during the visit if needed. 67% agree (baseline 54%)

29 Initial Results of TCM Provider Satisfaction (9mo vs baseline)
Having Behavioral Health see a patient during a TCM (Hospital Follow-up) visit improves patient care. 85% agree (baseline 70%)

30 Initial Results of TCM Provider Satisfaction (9mo vs baseline)
I find the recommendations from Behavioral Health helpful in caring for my patients. 90% agree (baseline 83%)

31 Initial Results of TCM Patient Satisfaction
I feel that having providers other than my doctor see me today was helpful N=24 responses – 1 N/A 20 agree 3 somewhat agree

32 Postpartum Depression (PPD)

33 Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression screening of mothers during well-child visits with children 6 months and younger Low rate of mothers coming to their postpartum appointments PHQ-9 score >10 Can turn into Point-of-Care Intervention with behavioral health; billable

34 Postpartum depression Standard Work
Well Child Check 6 months or younger MA’s give mom PHQ-9 PHQ-9 10 or greater Resident follows protocol on pink form Pages BH for point-of-care intervention

35 Postpartum Depression
Provider acts on PPD screen 0-4: Educate on post partum depression 5-9: Support, educate, follow up in one month 10-14: Support patient, point-of-care intervention with BH, consider antidepressant 15-19: Point-of-care intervention with BH, consider antidepressant, consider postpartum care coordination 20 >: Point-of-care intervention with BH, postpartum care coordination, initiate antidepressant, follow closely

36 PPD Data Total WCC 36 49 33 59 Negative Screen 22 31 29 24 45
November December January February March Total WCC 36 49 33 59 Negative Screen 22 31 29 24 45 Positive Screen 10 9 7 8 Warm Hand Off 1 4 2 Therapy

37 Results of PPD Cont. Incidence: Point-of-Care Interventions:
Currently close to a 20% positive PPD rate (> 10 on PHQ-9) Point-of-Care Interventions: 23% of patients that scored >10 had point-of-care interventions completed


39 Obesity prevention messages for children and families at Broadway Delivered to all children ages 2-18 years old 5 = Five or more fruits and vegetables/day 2 = Less than two hours of screen time/day 1 = At least one hour of physical activity/day 0 = No sugar-sweetened beverages/day

40 Standard Work Behavioral health provider goes in to WCC before, after, or with MD/DO provider EPIC—Embed a note within physicians notes Use phone encounters to track follow-up RedCap data capture system for tracking research component

41 Initial Results Number of conversations during well-child visits in the first 6 months: 471 Average number of WCCs per day: 4-5 August and September months: 10-15 Difficult in terms of feasibility

42 Broadway Family Medicine 5-2-1-0 Data
No goal set, n=1; 0.2%   Message N Total = 471 % of Total 5 or More Fruits & Vegetables 100 21% 2 Hours or Less of Screen Time 149 32% 1 Hour or More of Active Play 28 6% 0 Sugary Drinks 193 41%

43 5-2-1-0 Community Measures Report

44 Lessons Learned Just try!! Support from all levels
Communication and presentations

45 What are you doing? Successes Challenges

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