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Alzheimer’s Disease: Skill Building

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1 Alzheimer’s Disease: Skill Building
Module 15 Alzheimer’s Disease: Skill Building Geriatric Aide Curriculum NC Division of Health Service Regulation For use in conjunction with: The Eastern North Carolina Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. (2003). Module 2 of Accepting the Challenge: Providing the best care for people with dementia, [Videotape].

2 Skill Building for Dementia Caregivers Objectives
Explain flight, fight or fright reactions. Demonstrate the positive physical approach when working with a person with dementia. Discuss the three ways to communicate: how you speak, what you say, and how you respond.

3 Flight, Fight, Or Fright Flight: person’s first reaction is to run away or get away from the threat Fight: person’s first reaction is to become angry, demonstrate argumentative behavior or even try to hit someone Fright: person’s first reaction is to freeze and not move

4 Positive Physical Approach To People With Dementia
Come from the front Go slowly Get to the side Get low or sit down Offer a hand Use the person’s preferred name Wait for a response

5 Communicating By Talking
Always use positive physical approach Pay attention to three ways to communicate: How you speak What you say How you respond to the person

6 How You Speak To A Person With Dementia
Tone of voice Friendly not bossy or critical Pitch of voice Deep is better Speed of speech Slow and easy, not pressured and fast

7 What You Say To A Person With Dementia
Three basic reasons to talk with someone: Get the person to do something Have a friendly interaction Deal with person’s distress or frustration/anger

8 What You Say To A Person With Dementia
To get the person to do something: Give short, direct message Give simple choices Ask the person to help you Ask if the person will try the task Break down the task into steps

9 What You Say To A Person With Dementia
To have a friendly conversation: Go slow-go with the flow Acknowledge emotions Use words that are familiar to person Know the person as a person

10 What You Say To A Person With Dementia
To have a friendly conversation (continued): Use familiar objects Be prepared to repeat conversation Look interested and friendly Be prepared for emotional outbursts Don’t argue but keep person safe

11 What You Say To A Person With Dementia
To deal with the person’s distress or frustration/anger: Try to figure out what person wants or needs Use empathy, not forced reality or lying

12 What You Say To A Person With Dementia
To deal with the person’s distress or frustration/anger (continued): Once person is responding to you, redirect person’s attention to something that is okay Distract with other things or activities person likes and values

13 How To Respond To A Person With Dementia
Use positive, friendly approval or praise (short, specific and sincere) Offer thanks and appreciation for person’s effort Laugh with person and appreciate attempts at humor and friendliness

14 How To Respond To A Person With Dementia (continued)
Shake hands to start and end an interaction Use touch only if the person wants it

15 If Your Approach Is Not Working
If what you are doing is not working: STOP! BACK OFF – give the person some space and time Decide on what to do differently Try again!

16 The End

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