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After 5 minutes, you will “turn and talk” to discuss your answers.

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Presentation on theme: "After 5 minutes, you will “turn and talk” to discuss your answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 After 5 minutes, you will “turn and talk” to discuss your answers.
Warm Up 1. What did Spanish Conquistadors search for in America? 2. Outside of searching for gold and silver, what else did Spain want to accomplish? 3. How did Spaniards affect the lives of the Native Americans living in South America? After 5 minutes, you will “turn and talk” to discuss your answers.

2 Objective- SWBAT understand what life was like under Spanish rule.

3 Through our lesson from last class and the homework, we have come to understand that the Spanish influence began to stretch from South America and all the way up through parts of North America.

4 While Spaniards were seeking gold and wealth, they were also looking to set up settlement What does it mean to set up a settlement? What are some reasons Spain would want to do this? (Turn and talk)

5 Spain set up three kinds of settlements: Pueblos (towns) were centers of trade Missions were religious communities Presidio, which was a type of fort, built closely to the Missions.

6 Social Hierarchy Peninsulares- people born in Spain who became landowners Creole- people born in America whose parents were Spanish Mestizos- people with one Spanish parent and one Native American parent Finally the Native Americans and enslaved Africans.


8 Independent Practice Read the passage “The Plantation System” on page 47, as well as “Effects on Native American Life” on page 48 Write 5-7 sentence paragraph reflecting on the treatment on the Native Americans. Cite at LEAST 3 examples.

9 Group Work 1. Break off into your groups 2. Recall the previous unit on the Native American tribes. 3. Report on what life was like for the Native Americans before the Spanish arrived, and what life was like for the Native Americans after the Spanish arrived.

10 Closure The Spanish people were rapidly expanding their settlements throughout America, and word was spreading across Europe about these discoveries, as we move forward we will be exploring the different European influences that come to America. On a post it note on the way out of class, please answer, “What kind of settlements did the Spanish build in the America’s”

11 Homework Use the following content vocabulary terms to write a short paragraph about Spanish settlements in the America’s Pueblo Mission Presidio Plantation

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