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Tweet or short statement

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1 Tweet or short statement
Workshop conclusions Tweet or short statement

2 Carbon Footprint in railways
Solutions are on the table today to save carbon and save money simultaneously when building new rail infrastructure“ Infrastructure construction, Carbon mitigation: Only solutions

3 Noise & the common assessment method
We have a common noise prediction method, but an un-common process to deal with the data produced Rail roughness is a dominant parameter for rolling noise. But this parameter is dynamic. It may change by about 1 dB per month. How should that be taken into account in a noise map that is produced once every 5 years. For implementation of the Common noise assessment method, still a lot of work has to be done. A better link with the Inspire directive shall be sought.  

4 Sustainable Tourism Rail tourist-oriented products are naturally linked to local communities and fragile areas. They are in a privilege position to contribute to sustainable tourism. People has already the perception that trains are sustainable transports. Let's take advantage of this image and get our customers involved in sustainable challenges.

5 Digital communication and energy efficiency
'Measure it to manage it‘ 'Pertinent and timely data - into usable information' 'Requires standardisation / harmonisation for cross border operation' 'Energy route map, metering, billing, DAS, C-DAS, TMS, ATO  strategic approach, but no excuse for 'not hitting the low hanging fruit' now. 'Increased data transfer and cyber security risks'.

6 Climate change adaptation
Adaptation: vital for resilient operations, Making it happen will bring more to our stations!  Join the RailAdapt project -

7 Sustainability reporting
UIC sits in a 'perfect storm' for green investing: decarbonizing mobility, steady cash flow, long term track record and negative interest rates.  Reporting with GRI and the UIC Guidelines is critical to establish credibility to substantiate the degree of decarbonization and provide further confidence in purposeful management.  Environment and social Profit Loss accounting presents a new and exciting possibility for the UIC Guidelines. 

8 Energy efficiency projects
"Efficiency Projects are visable today as basement for the railway success of tommorrow"

9 Recyclability of rolling stock
#excellent breakthrough for global adoption to enhance recyclability of rolling stock is discussed at UIC sustainabalility conference. The key is to build recycling awareness for the public and the stakeholders.

10 Emissions and air quality
Reporting on diesel traction fleet emissions is operational and the international reduction commitments look reachable. Evolution of regulations will increase pressure to reduce emissions. Clear communication to promote rail may be necessary as other modes improve their environmental performance. Solutions are available: smart operation (responsible behaviour), innovative rolling stock (efficient technologies). With the strong improvement of emissions from engines, particles are now mainly emitted by wheels and brakes, this is a new issue, especially for underground stations.

11 Door to door solutions The concept of mobility is rapidly changing: from "property" to "use". sharing systems, seamless drive,car pooling, city logistics, integrated mobility and so on. the railway companies do not miss the opportunity of becoming leaders in this new market. It can lead to competitive advantages in terms of business and sustainability. In a few words, it is a new "mission" for railways.

12 Environmental management for maintenance
Sustainable maintenance is profitable and reduces business risks

13 Sustainable and smart stations
Smart stations and Infrastructures are on the rise globally with good examples and balanced approach for all three dimensions of sustainability.

14 Biodiversity There was once a seminar on wildlife of rail, which toured four different countries without fail. We talked about green infrastructure, offsets, collisions and genetic diversity no less It´s sdg 15 only toghether we can nail.

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