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Storyboard and Script for High School Online Spanish Course Offering

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1 Storyboard and Script for High School Online Spanish Course Offering
Belinda Harrington Advanced Design Seminar: Portfolio Project Fall 2016

2 Learning Environment Google Classroom
Culturally Authentic Virtual Environment: Kitely Students will begin in Google Classroom where there will be links to recommended viewer, and hypergrid information to access island. Within Kitely, there will be links directing students back to Google Classroom embedded as needed in various locations on the island.

3 Overview of Summative Learning Objectives and Tasks for Students for Clothing and Shopping Unit
Listening Proficiency Task: Student will demonstrate understanding of spoken Spanish by completing a shopping request left via a voic Environment and Process: Voice message will be posted on Google Classroom for playback. Virtual item will be located in Kitely. Student will need to locate correct item and add to inventory and document with a screen shot to submit on Google Classroom for grading Speaking Proficiency Task: Student will be able to complete a shopping transaction in the target language with a store clerk. Environment and Process: Student will receive task on Google Classroom to go to a specified location in Kitely. Teacher will play the role of store clerk and record the conversation. Student will be assessed using FLACS Checkpoint A Speaking Rubric. Reading Proficiency Task: Student will demonstrate ability to read and identify main message in advertisements and announcements written for native speakers. Environment and Process: Signs will be posted next to and inside of clothing store indicating hours, current promotions or sales on Kitely. Student will be asked multiple choice questions about the content of the signs. Writing Proficiency Task: Student will write a note in target language to let host parent know of a plan to go shopping. Environment and Process: Student will receive and submit the assignment on Google Classroom. The student will be assessed using the FLACS Checkpoint A Writing Rubric.

4 Plan for Introduction of Vocabulary and Language Practice
Vocabulary lists and grammar resources for the unit will be posted on Google Classroom for students. The objectives of what students will be expected to be able to do at the end of the unit to demonstrate proficiency will be posted as well. Students will be expected to use the resources to assess each other and themselves on their progress in addition to teacher feedback.

5 Use of Kitely for authentic language practice
Old Square in Old Havana, Cuba Use of plaza in Kitely A plaza will be created in Kitely based on actual plazas in Spanish speaking countries. This provides an initial focus of where students are expected to congregate on the island. Among the buildings in the plaza will be a clothing store similar to what is pictured below.

6 Plan for language practice and acquisition
Online resources for language practice and vocabulary acquisition will be used, such as A variety of formative assessment tasks will be used on Kitely related to clothing and shopping. This will include scavenger hunts, scripted and unscripted dialogues, and roleplay scenarios. The use of the inventory feature in Kitely will allow students to acquire and wear various outfits to demonstrate proficiency.

7 FLACS Checkpoint A Writing Rubric
Student are evaluated on their ability to accomplish the assigned task, variety of vocabulary, control of structure and conventions of the target language, and word count. Rubric: 

8 FLACS Checkpoint A Speaking Rubric
CHECKPOINT A PART 1: SPEAKING – 30 points** Student must perform a total of three tasks, one in each of three categories consistent with the four communication functions specified in the State syllabus: (A) socializing or expressing feelings (B) providing/obtaining information, (C) getting others to adopt a course of action (persuasion). For each task, student must have five utterances or interactions with the teacher. Each utterance is worth 0 points (no credit), 1 point (minimal proficiency) or 2 points (proficient/beyond).

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