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JUMBO GARLIC Co.,Ltd 1057-1 Bojeong-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea TEL. +82-31-264-7018 FAX +82-31-624-5018 Website :

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Presentation on theme: "JUMBO GARLIC Co.,Ltd 1057-1 Bojeong-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea TEL. +82-31-264-7018 FAX +82-31-624-5018 Website :"— Presentation transcript:

1 JUMBO GARLIC Co.,Ltd Bojeong-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea TEL FAX Website :

2 Table of Contents 1. Company summary 2. Major customers and promotion
3. Product introduction 4. The cultivation process of JUMBO GARLIC 5. Fermentation process of GARLICCO’ products 6. Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting (Newcastle University In England) 7. Effective component of GARLICCO’ 8. Main functions of GARLICCO’ 9. Certificate of Analysis of GARLICCO’

3 1. Company summary JUMBO GARLIC
Career of Managing Director Company name JUMBOBO GARLIC Co.,LTD Managing director Jin – woo Han Date established 17th September, 2012 Capital 1.8 billion korean won Turnover 0.85 billion won in 2013 / Target for 2014 : 2.4 billon won Number of staffs Four ( as at the end of december 2013 ) Main buiness area Manufacturing JUMBO GARLIC KING Black Garlic (Cloves,Splits,Bulbs) KING Black Garlic Jelly Stick Black Garlic Soft capsule, Hard capsule, Tablet Head office Bojeong-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea TEL. FAX T F Home page Search Name JUMBO GARLIC Name Experiences Jin-Woo Han Managing director of SEO IL Petrol Inc (present) Chairman of Korea Petrol Station Association Shareholders Name Share Jin-woo Han 59.14% Wan-jong Kim 14.81% Seong –eun Jang 3.11% Jun –seop Lee 1.56% Seung-bok Im 3.83% Myeong-hui Yu 2.22% Jeong-uk Jin 2.67% Du-an Kim Dong-yeong Jeong 1.11% Dae-seop Lee Eun-hui Yu 5.56% Seung-jong Kim 합계 100.0%

4 2. Major customers and promotion
2-1. LOTTE Duty Free Shops 2-2. LOTTE Department Stores 2-3. CheongHa Touris Shop 2-4. Golf Pro-shop

5 2-5. Product Sponsor for GS Caltex
Women,s Vollyball Team 2-6. Co-sponsoring KLPGA KYJ Women,s Golf Open

6 3. Product Introduction 3-1. Pack type 3-2. POT type ▲ #D1-5
▲ GARLICCO #B2-300 Garlicco Fermented King Garlic 100g pot * 3 Packs ▲ GARLICCO #B4-300 Garlicco Fermented King Garlic 300g POT ▲ GARLICCO #A1-60 (Garlicco Fermented King Garlic (Extra Large) 60 Packs ▲ GARLICCO #A2-30 Garlicco Fermented King Garlic ( Large) 30 Packs ▲ #D1-5 Garlicco Fermented King Garlic 5 Packs ▲ GARLICCO #B3-500 (Garlicco Fermented King Garlic 500g POT

7 3-4. Health Functional 3-3. Jelly Stick ▲ POWER 365 POWER Alpha
600mg X 30Soft Capsules ▲ GARLICCO Jelly StickⅠ Garlicco Jelly Stick 6 stick (10g per Stick) ▲ POWER 365 Vitamin E 30 capsules (600㎎ * 30 Capsules) POWER α HardCapsule 500mg G-O POWER Alpha Vitamin complex Hard capsules (500㎎ * 30 Capsules) ▲ GARLICCO Jelly StickⅡ Garlicco Jelly Stick 30 Stick (10g per Stick) POWER UP TABLETs 1000mg G-Z ααPOWER UP Zinc Tablets (1,000㎎ * 60 Tablets) ▲ GARLICCO Ⅲ Garlicco Jelly Stick 36 Stick, 10g per stick (6 STICK *6 Packs)

8 3-5. Health Functional (Set products)
▲ POWER 365 Vitamin E 30 Capsules (600㎎ * 30 Capsules * 2 ) POWER Alpha Vitamin complex Hard Capsules (500㎎ * 30 Capsules * 2) POWER UP Zinc Tablets (1,000㎎ * 60 * 2)

9 4. The cultivation process of JUMBO GARLIC
GARLICCO’ Fermented King Black Garlic the product of eco-friendly farming using compost and without using agricultural chemicals

10 5. Fermentation process of GARLICCO’ products
Fermentation process step by step Step 1. Jumbo Garlic Step 2. 7 days Step 3. 14 days Step4. 21 days Step 5. Aging Fermentation 21days + Aging = 111 Days Most excellent Anti- oxidation & anticancer function Recovery from fatigue, nutrition and vigorousness,stamina Reducing LDL cholesterol and neutral fat Containing high content of minerals that controls physiological function Generating free amino acid that activates physiological function The result of measuring BPPH radical scavenging shows 1.24mg/ml for JUMBO black garlic and mg/ml for jumbo raw garlic, indicating times higher Antioxidant capacity of JUMBO Black Garlic than jumbo raw garlic.

11 6. Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting

12 7. Effective component of GARLICCO’

13 8. Main functions of GARLICCO’
▲ Suppressing ▲ Anti-aging ▲ Improving physical Garlic lower blood pressure and cholesterol level in the blood Garlic suppresses generation of active oxygen and lipid Hyper-oxidation Vitamin B1 is limitlessly absorbed And stored in the body when germanium Combines with vitamin B1, which is used When the body feels tired or fatigue ▲ Reinforcement of vigor anti-aging ▲ Improving Hypertension ▲ Improving dibetes Blood is purified when allicin combines with lipid, whereby cells are activated and blood circulation is promoted,,, Garlic suppresses generation Of active oxygen and lipid Hyper-oxidation Garlic lowers blood pressure And blood cholesterol level ▲ Anticancer action ▲ Atopic, allergic diseases ▲ Making intestine clean Allicin stimulates mucous Membrane of stomach, whereby secretion of gastric juice is promoted And cleanliness of large intestine is improved Orgamic germanium and selenium Contribute in suppressing and Preventing cancer Ingredient of garlic suppresses Isolation of enzyme at the time Of allergic reaction ▲ Detoxification ▲ Relief of nerve system ▲ Sterilization and antimicrobial Strong detoxifying action of cysteine And ethionine contained in garlic strengthens the liver and intestines,alliin Allicin, thioether.hydrogen,sulfide and Its inducers discharge heavy metals Allicin acts on the nerves and soothes agitation of nerve cells, whereby stress and insomnia are relieved Allicin has more powerful sterilizing Capacity than penicillin and terramycin, so garlic is used both for dose and external use

14 9. Certificate of Analysis of GARLICCO’

15 Thank you!

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